- Against - A terrible article. It's terribleness, while certainly not grounds for deletion, is nevertheless reason to keep it off the main page.
13:54, 13 Novelniver 2013 (UTC)
- Care to explain how it's terrible? I don't yet have a good feel for what's good and what isn't here. ❦ Flyingcat (meow?)fr: 19:58, 13 Novelniver 2013 (UTC)
- I actually don't like it. ❦ Flyingcat (meow?)fr: 00:57, 10 Farbleum 2014 (UTC)
- Gosh darn standards. people. Standards.--
|Fonchezzz| Quacking| 15:48, 23 Aym 2014 (UTC)
- Massive against. Yanno, I've seen some terrible shit on Illogicopedia in my day, and hell, I've even made some of it, but back then, you would hide or forget about your shitty articles, not try to highlight them on the front page. --T3 18:00, 2 Jumbly 2014 (UTC)