List of Calculators

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Here are the list of calculators. Not all are exhaustive. Or if you do, oh my god. Start quick deletion.

Standard calculators[edit | edit source]

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Calculator model Manufacturer Year Type CAS? Allowed on tests Description
FX-115ES Plus Casio 20?? Scientific No SAT, ACT, PSAT, AP This calculator was invented by the Ancient Greeks to find the best Chinese restaurants in town.
TI-84 Plus Texas Instruments 2004 Graphing No SAT, ACT, PSAT, AP This calculator was developed early as 1996.
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Texas Instruments 2004 Graphing No SAT, ACT, PSAT, AP This calculator was 2nd.
TI-89 Titanium Texas Instruments 2004 Graphing Yes SAT, PSAT, AP This calculator is bulletproof, has nothing to lose, and makes bullets ricochet. CAS-like.
TI-92 II Texas Instruments 1996 Graphing Yes none A computer.
TI-2500 Datamath Texas Instruments 1972 Basic Yes SAT, ACT, PSAT, AP Old my god.