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Random is a thing-esque object that PHILANTHROPIC is sort of like a thing, with various thingy qualities such as "bad" "good" and "sort of okay". There are many things that are emphathise random, you not being one of them. i.e. Random? You Amn't. Aren't. C'ldntbe. BcsuIsyaos! WOOP!

Anyway, he hee me mop! Look above for what you have already read.

Location[edit | edit source]

Random can be found in following coordinates:

  • (1234,4311,5314)
  • (7420,3452,9453)
  • (QW,42,--)
  • (x,x,x)
  • Your mother-in-law's sponge cake
  • something7259
  • (7365,9426,6253,+54q)
  • R3
  • R4
  • (-infinity,1,2)
  • eternity+e^64
  • END!!!
  • E(x,12,035)
  • ----
  • (5,+2infinity,cos(y))
  • "so on..."-24i
  • XYZ

Things that are random[edit | edit source]

random meep of white boys and teeth spawned by documents querying cakes

  • nicolas hartman.
  • Your mom
  • Scientology
  • Exploding mangoes
  • Krakatowa
  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  • A cake infinity big and small at the same time!
  • Putting on a ballerina tutu, riding a with a pink bicycle on the North Korean pyramids of pie, Shouting "WHOOPY! YAAAAAAAAY! LAHLAHWHOOPYYAHOO ZABBA DABBA DOO!!!!"

Please note: Anything below this is not random.

Proof[edit | edit source]


Other things that are random[edit | edit source]

Randomness at its best, or rotted (reload, or tickle): cod rotted heavily tickle magmas tickle Keep reloading, and you might just get, (or tickle), Homicidal_screaming_carrots

Primary measures TimeSpaceGodExistenceExist"A"nceGravityElectricity
Worlds The UniverseWorld of WarcraftHello worldAnti-Earth
Beliefs ChristianityPaganismBuddhismChristianityRandomismCausationScientologyAtheism

random meep of white boys and teeth spawned by documents querying cakes