Random Craziness

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random etch-a-sketch of bunnies and rocks spawned by cartilages explaining bananas

random US Navy aircraft carrier of boats and marzipans spawned by boats devouring magmas

random knickknack of sticks and igneous protrusions spawned by leashes moving books

random eeble of electrons and gas tanks spawned by Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises wobbling classified documents

random businessman of bat'leths and kittens spawned by operating theaters eating shoop da whoops

random glycerin of plagues and home theater systems spawned by igneous protrusions evaporating corsets

random chromosome of crania and beach balls spawned by scrolls altering featherbeds

purple shoe 

random lipmusic of balloons and t-shirts spawned by crania forcing nuclear reactors

random engraving of ovens and mice spawned by reindeer analysing sacrifices

random giant humming bee that can be a real dick and hums when you're having a conversation with someone of search engines and skulls spawned by Euroipods oopsying virii

random Pyrex of air conditioners and classified documents spawned by lawn mowers mumbling oopsies

random Evil Illuminati Adolf Hitler Clone Society of ovens and operating theaters spawned by Doinks mangling tubes

random businessman of home theater systems and maraschinos spawned by salad forks running mice

random snowflake of bikinis and oysters spawned by brooms vandalising tubes

random beagle of Euroipods and documents spawned by gas tanks nattering cobs

random Subaru of mammary glands and toasters spawned by brooms designing scrolls

random minefield of Euroipods and mi'ins spawned by toasters wagging featherbeds

random ban of crania and homicidal screaming carrots spawned by mice oopsinating petroglyphs

random ricer of ginger fortified cakes and pastries spawned by oopsies changing homologies

random xylem of oysters and rifles spawned by Doinks reverting cartilages

random queen of cockroaches and bat'leths spawned by papers running bat'leths

random Hyakugojyuuichi!! of mammary glands and operating systems spawned by NOT CAPS LOCKS extinguishing anvils

random terrorist FREEDOM FIGHTER of marzipans and fissile uranium samples spawned by lawn mowers desysopping Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises

random codswallop of leashes and tomatoes spawned by politicians evading cows

random fnurdle of t-shirts and cows spawned by oysters a-sploding corsets

random diet pill of classified documents and scrolls spawned by Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises moaning crania

random contraband of miscellanious dead things and search engines spawned by telephones editing bunnies

random pencil of boats and Doinks spawned by documents unprotecting politicians

random espresso of air conditioners and Doinks spawned by featherbeds warning pastries

random pen of shoop da whoops and encyclopediae spawned by homotopies cheesifying violoncelli

random muffinface of t-shirts and cats spawned by documents wikifying mugs

random Pac-Man of books and dinguses spawned by plagues explaining houseplants

random lithium of sugar cookies and rifles spawned by sugar cookies screaming nuclear reactors

random zebra of t-shirts and tires spawned by cats hacking up air conditioners

random Goblin Glider of maraschinos and blenders spawned by boats grizzle-ising tofus

random pool table of dog houses and Euroipods spawned by cartilages screaming rainbows

random belt of mice and houseplants spawned by miscellanious dead things enflaming beach balls

random noseblower of pillows and anvils spawned by encyclopediae jiggling igneous protrusions

random boar of rakes and mugs spawned by electrons raving Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises

random mycobacterium of bikinis and skulls spawned by tanks impressing rakes

random osteoporosis of papers and sparkle sprayers spawned by violi consuming centrifuges

random nitrogen of teeth and houseplants spawned by homologies burying Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises

Fnurdle random tennis racket of bat'leths and homologies spawned by pens oversighting needles

random mouse of Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises and oysters spawned by tofus mangling documents

random library of telephones and mugs spawned by classified documents evaporating memos

random cookie cutter of t-shirts and bananas spawned by cartilages creating tuxedoes

random orc of sugar cookies and politicians spawned by sticks wonkifying miscellanious dead things

random hairball of operating theaters and plagues spawned by Ryans zombifying tubes

random gun of scrolls and Euroipods spawned by homologies stumbling mugs

random Kodak of sacrifices and boats spawned by hub caps nickelising white boys

random stampede of air conditioners and bat'leths spawned by macaroons meowing air conditioners

random telephone of pillows and mugs spawned by macaroons squishifying ricers

random high-powered laser rifle of igneous protrusions and needles spawned by oopsies consuming anvils

random Mitsubishi of lithiums and cartilages spawned by cats tripping pens

random luggage of gas tanks and airplanes spawned by violi carrotifying homotopies

random pool ball of teeth and cockroaches spawned by tubes mauling rakes

random flatulence of cows and rakes spawned by boats meowing houseplants

random glycerin of toasters and t-shirts spawned by rocks ranting bunnies

random amplifier of mugs and Ryans spawned by dongs nickelising fissile uranium samples

random Juffo-Wup of pastries and featherbeds spawned by violi throwing pillows

random salad fork of corsets and bunnies spawned by miscellanious dead things impressing cartilages

random terrorist of books and ovens spawned by skulls vandalising computers

random centrifuge of cockroaches and igneous protrusions spawned by cakes churning computers

random vector field of shoop da whoops and books spawned by homicidal screaming carrots fishifying sticks

random possibility of violoncelli and operating systems spawned by sparkle sprayers forcing plagues

random glucose of t-shirts and mice spawned by t-shirts justifying operating theaters

random bevel of pens and classified documents spawned by rocks sputtering mammary glands

random pizzle of ricers and boats spawned by cartilages tricking macaroons

random fealty of reindeer and cakes spawned by white boys fluffalising airplanes

random coffee of Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises and gas tanks spawned by hub caps snarling cadavers

random watermelon of dog houses and maraschinos spawned by lubricants oopsying bunnies

random attack page of tuxedoes and pillows spawned by leashes eating diesel engines

random neurotoxin of beach balls and jellybeans spawned by mice snarling cockroaches

random clavicle of operating theaters and balloons spawned by rainbows processing virii

pancake chicken 

random padlock of dog houses and operating systems spawned by rakes thanking shortcakes

random pool of computers and blenders spawned by documents launching pillows

random hybrid engine of hub caps and bikinis spawned by needles mauling politicians

random hairball of sacrifices and shoop da whoops spawned by hot dogs amending memos

random barn of gas tanks and tires spawned by white boys mangling homotopies

random milk of violi and diet pills spawned by nunchucks enflaming mugs

random pantleg of cats and ricers spawned by computers jiggling nuclear reactors

random dolly of lubricants and dongs spawned by centrifuges processing bat'leths

random server of pens and beach balls spawned by diet pills condensing tomatoes

random sysadmin of sparkle sprayers and diet pills spawned by tubes wonkifying home theater systems

random attack page of featherbeds and cakes spawned by tanks cheesifying memos

random DVD of bat'leths and anvils spawned by magmas oopsying telephones

random mongoose of encyclopediae and pens spawned by fissile uranium samples muffling balloons

random clock of tuxedoes and search engines spawned by toasters meeping mammary glands

random 20-hit combo of bunnies and cakes spawned by hot dogs giggling Euroipods

random tooth of nuclear reactors and rakes spawned by violoncelli muffling etchings

random memo of homotopies and Euroipods spawned by tubes burying nuclear reactors

random aviator of tuxedoes and dinguses spawned by houseplants analyzing Doinks

random love of Ryans and balloons spawned by oysters snapping crania

random lithium of telephones and dongs spawned by brooms moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfying magmas

random arcsine of toasters and airplanes spawned by fissile uranium samples nickelising glycerins

random belt of electrons and operating theaters spawned by rakes revising classified documents

random entropy of violoncelli and dinguses spawned by operating systems infecting electrons

random muskrat of gas tanks and cadavers spawned by operating theaters throwing ricers

random lucky bastard of jellybeans and t-shirts spawned by teeth gnarling mammary glands

random pillow of maraschinos and ginger fortified cakes spawned by operating systems hacking up mi'ins

random deleted page of tomatoes and t-shirts spawned by dongs screaming marzipans

random padlock of leashes and kittens spawned by jellybeans restoring salad forks

random steak knife of sparkle sprayers and search engines spawned by Euroipods changing hybrid engines

random gasoline of pens and rocks spawned by oysters shattering ovens

random philosopher of featherbeds and petroglyphs spawned by crania interviewing tomatoes

random espresso of memos and white boys spawned by jellybeans consuming dinguses

random Suzuki of hub caps and boats spawned by hybrid engines Ryanizing air conditioners

random stormcloud of tofus and anvils spawned by hybrid engines moving ovens

random Toyota of airplanes and cows spawned by mugs lumpifying rifles

random flan of rakes and needles spawned by glycerins muffling operating systems

random cat of pens and bunnies spawned by tanks sputtering boats

random beans of magmas and classified documents spawned by rainbows Ryanising rainbows

random iPod of beach balls and oysters spawned by DNA sequences desysopping papers

random bank robbery of kittens and virii spawned by crania nattering balloons

random dongle of marzipans and DNA sequences spawned by homicidal screaming carrots desysopping virii

random pool table of computers and nuclear reactors spawned by tuxedoes wagging Doinks

random clitoris of nunchucks and pillows spawned by NOT CAPS LOCKS revising jellybeans

random octopus of maraschinos and rifles spawned by corsets phillipating electrons

random lumber of rainbows and fissile uranium samples spawned by plagues undeleting operating systems

random earlobe of bananas and skulls spawned by leashes throwing rainbows

random huffed page of hub caps and corsets spawned by cartilages preaching Ryans

random quetzal of memos and houseplants spawned by cobs churning electrons

random beagle of homologies and centrifuges spawned by magmas running anvils

random centrifuge of memos and cakes spawned by tomatoes dongling toasters

random fib of white boys and encyclopediae spawned by nuclear reactors unwinding Doinks

random minefield of documents and cockroaches spawned by petroglyphs mauling virii

random codswallop of homicidal screaming carrots and centrifuges spawned by magmas evading tubes

random angel of bikinis and magmas spawned by cats warning fissile uranium samples

random gork of operating theaters and corsets spawned by houseplants wikifying operating theaters

random brand of rocks and shortcakes spawned by glycerins editing electrons

random xweetok of nunchucks and cockroaches spawned by memos preaching skulls

random administrator of memos and bananas spawned by macaroons eating boats


random calculator of scrolls and boats spawned by Ryans grating magmas

random octohedron of cartilages and virii spawned by reindeer carrotifying featherbeds

random arccosine of sacrifices and Ryans spawned by scrolls nosing salad forks

random rainbow-powered windmill of houseplants and rocks spawned by petroglyphs enflaming DNA sequences

random zyborg of violi and anvils spawned by classified documents vandalising balloons

random riverbank of cartilages and documents spawned by t-shirts attacking nunchucks

random bevel of Ryans and mammary glands spawned by rainbows quacking glycerins

random bevel of Ryans and mammary glands spawned by rainbows quacking glycerins

random toothpick of electrons and scrolls spawned by centrifuges suppressing teeth

random crocodile of pens and houseplants spawned by miscellanious dead things tricking skulls

random caterer of scrolls and salad forks spawned by white boys desysopping tuxedoes

random bathtub of dongs and ginger fortified cakes spawned by Euroipods thanking classified documents

random shark of etchings and t-shirts spawned by oopsies a-sploding igneous protrusions

random ripple of Euroipods and DNA sequences spawned by bikinis quashing staplers

random bumbleberry jam of tires and lithiums spawned by homicidal screaming carrots shrieking jellybeans

random Subaru of cats and homologies spawned by shoop da whoops wikifying t-shirts

random homology of papers and nunchucks spawned by operating systems razzle-dazzling NOT CAPS LOCKS

random bunny of cows and Euroipods spawned by cartilages devouring macaroons

random cubicle of tomatoes and mugs spawned by blenders squishing fissile uranium samples

random liger of mugs and DNA sequences spawned by books inhaling papers

random engraving of gas tanks and politicians spawned by DNA sequences burninating dongs

random random string of characters and typeage spawned by someone snorting crack of air conditioners and corsets spawned by Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises designing hybrid engines

random vomit of politicians and white boys spawned by rocks infecting crania

random swimming pool of tubes and ovens spawned by Doinks raving shoop da whoops

random tofu of skulls and igneous protrusions spawned by sugar cookies thanking dinguses

random broom of lithiums and homotopies spawned by leashes restoring classified documents

random gork of glycerins and operating systems spawned by balloons wiggling skulls

random blocking policy of crania and cadavers spawned by houseplants ranting glycerins

random bestiality of crania and hot dogs spawned by boats carrotifying houseplants

random flan of shoop da whoops and maraschinos spawned by telephones enflaming tomatoes

random turkey sandwich of DNA sequences and fissile uranium samples spawned by plagues consuming fissile uranium samples

random chromosome of ovens and petroglyphs spawned by kittens carrotifying cadavers

random lasagna of corsets and mi'ins spawned by tomatoes imposing rainbows

random loser of skulls and mammary glands spawned by diesel engines blocking pillows

random bevel of Ryans and mammary glands spawned by rainbows quacking glycerins

random bevel of Ryans and mammary glands spawned by rainbows quacking glycerins

random bevel of Ryans and mammary glands spawned by rainbows quacking glycerins

random bevel of Ryans and mammary glands spawned by rainbows quacking glycerins

random advert of mugs and boats spawned by oopsies jiggling Doinks

random stool sample of oopsies and hub caps spawned by dongs evaporating cockroaches

random DVD of lubricants and pens spawned by home theater systems forgiving tires

random fluorescent light of operating systems and anvils spawned by pillows moving pillows

random General Tso's kitten of bikinis and oysters spawned by lubricants Ryanising ginger fortified cakes

random lumberjack of leashes and tofus spawned by toasters burying bathtubs

random l33t h4x0r of etchings and fissile uranium samples spawned by tanks evading skulls

random nuclear reactor of rakes and homologies spawned by Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises muffling gas tanks

random cheese of NOT CAPS LOCKS and cats spawned by telephones lumpifying leashes

random giant humming bee that can be a real dick and hums when you're having a conversation with someone of air conditioners and bathtubs spawned by Doinks tickling staplers

random sweet and sour chicken of marzipans and bat'leths spawned by corsets wobbling miscellanious dead things

random idiot of mice and homologies spawned by rainbows nosing violoncelli

random monoclonal antibody of documents and crania spawned by beach balls nattering rakes

random whereabouts of skulls and sugar cookies spawned by documents unwatching pillows

random lunch of white boys and papers spawned by reindeer modifying classified documents

random apple of operating systems and mi'ins spawned by ginger fortified cakes quibbling bikinis

random tube of reindeer and brooms spawned by mugs disabling operating theaters

random hideout of operating theaters and shoop da whoops spawned by diesel engines enjoying tomatoes

random anger of oopsies and Doinks spawned by operating theaters infecting search engines

random ripple of bikinis and reindeer spawned by Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises shrieking bathtubs

random riverbank of cartilages and Ryans spawned by lithiums erasing lubricants

random sockpuppet of brooms and salad forks spawned by air conditioners analyzing t-shirts

random sun of operating systems and ricers spawned by rakes nickelising sacrifices

random houseplant of blenders and encyclopediae spawned by skulls condensing cartilages

random steak dinner of rakes and tofus spawned by skulls lumpifying staplers

random Minolta of needles and rakes spawned by mi'ins snapping documents

random possibility of ovens and tubes spawned by white boys impressing brooms

random Nintendo of tuxedoes and tofus spawned by miscellanious dead things purging bikinis

(sanity break) 

random book of tuxedoes and cats spawned by pens unwatching hybrid engines

random centrifuge of mi'ins and mice spawned by operating theaters vandalising anvils

random tennis racket of reindeer and hub caps spawned by lawn mowers phillipating boats

random rake of fissile uranium samples and Ryans spawned by pastries Ryanising computers

random Hitler of leashes and blenders spawned by rainbows burying computers

random spoon of toasters and violi spawned by Euroipods hacking up plagues

random abba of sparkle sprayers and cats spawned by DNA sequences throwing violoncelli

random clever trick of igneous protrusions and plagues spawned by rocks unwinding houseplants

random sacrifice of bananas and mugs spawned by cartilages touching brooms

random xenomorph of leashes and ricers spawned by hot dogs puking plagues

random kitten of homologies and home theater systems spawned by rainbows altering beach balls

random sugar cookie which may or may not contain crack of mice and hot dogs spawned by sparkle sprayers explaining violoncelli

random answer of rifles and teeth spawned by cobs unprotecting cows

random skull of leashes and sticks spawned by bikinis slapping homicidal screaming carrots

random aisha of pastries and cockroaches spawned by skulls stumbling books

random muffinface of toasters and cobs spawned by bunnies vandalizing maraschinos

random cutlass of brooms and scrolls spawned by Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises grizzle-ising petroglyphs

random council of national reconstruction of crania and jellybeans spawned by beach balls gnarling oysters

random teabag of mi'ins and ricers spawned by pastries nattering fissile uranium samples

random Taahgaarxian of search engines and shoop da whoops spawned by hub caps oversighting brooms

random hitman of oopsies and featherbeds spawned by papers nosifying houseplants

random ampere of NOT CAPS LOCKS and homotopies spawned by tomatoes blocking staplers

random cabinet of ginger fortified cakes and etchings spawned by tanks grating Ryans

random fluorescent light of telephones and sugar cookies spawned by tofus unwatching gas tanks

random guide to appealing blocks of search engines and balloons spawned by oopsies fluffling lawn mowers

random space of hybrid engines and salad forks spawned by scrolls restoring computers

random mountain of maraschinos and tanks spawned by white boys nattering electrons

random nexus of encyclopediae and tires spawned by air conditioners blocking staplers

random noun of tanks and needles spawned by marzipans decommissioning magmas

random cinderblock of lithiums and skulls spawned by scrolls raving homologies

random centrifuge of reindeer and airplanes spawned by nuclear reactors puking homologies

random cartoon of bikinis and etchings spawned by toasters inhaling boats

random journalist of documents and papers spawned by corsets nosifying rifles

random fluff and stuff of gas tanks and centrifuges spawned by scrolls fluffalising papers

random nostalgia of tanks and rifles spawned by rifles wiggling hub caps

random chiffon of tanks and cockroaches spawned by cockroaches decommissioning bunnies

random claptrap of violi and books spawned by diesel engines wobbling etchings

random thong of bat'leths and bunnies spawned by miscellanious dead things snarling shoop da whoops

random stripper of air conditioners and anvils spawned by mi'ins carrotifying books

random forest of leashes and search engines spawned by miscellanious dead things fishifying homotopies

random glucose of oopsies and violi spawned by featherbeds running bathtubs

random madman of tires and pillows spawned by tofus nosing bunnies

random DJ of sticks and brooms spawned by virii throwing glycerins

random Zelda of oysters and sticks spawned by violoncelli quibbling houseplants

random engraving of dinguses and lubricants spawned by rifles jiggling plagues

random flap of jellybeans and toasters spawned by cadavers meowing t-shirts

random ovary of cows and lawn mowers spawned by oopsies attacking airplanes

random Subaru of Doinks and Ryans spawned by shortcakes erasing cakes

random forest of lubricants and tanks spawned by sacrifices quibbling jellybeans

random sysadmin of virii and Ryans spawned by tomatoes purging fissile uranium samples

random hobgoblin of rainbows and hybrid engines spawned by maraschinos fluttering violoncelli

random sugar cookie which may or may not contain crack of dongs and pillows spawned by igneous protrusions snapping centrifuges

random candy of hybrid engines and air conditioners spawned by cockroaches deadening plagues

random cake of nuclear reactors and staplers spawned by bikinis a-sploding diesel engines

Homeland Security 

random verb of home theater systems and toasters spawned by DNA sequences tricking dinguses

random US Navy F/A 18 Super Hornet of NOT CAPS LOCKS and operating systems spawned by dog houses snarling virii

random council of national reconstruction of needles and hub caps spawned by dog houses quacking ricers

random deleted page of classified documents and cockroaches spawned by crania churning pens

random furnace of search engines and rakes spawned by cadavers wikifying papers

random cow of tires and tofus spawned by tires fluffalising virii

random slightly-below-average man of memos and classified documents spawned by cobs quashing papers

random lobster of cakes and salad forks spawned by dongs querying kittens

random possibility of sparkle sprayers and cats spawned by nunchucks guttering dinguses

random milk of rainbows and bikinis spawned by cakes analysing white boys

random server of mammary glands and mice spawned by glycerins snapping cadavers

random faceplant of t-shirts and etchings spawned by t-shirts wiggling Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises

random suicide bomber of tanks and politicians spawned by shortcakes attacking mi'ins

random answer of sacrifices and balloons spawned by ricers meeting computers

random plastic of sacrifices and bananas spawned by mi'ins banning oopsies

random titty of mugs and dongs spawned by lawn mowers puking maraschinos

random bum of virii and oysters spawned by virii a-sploding cobs

random leaking roof of oopsies and air conditioners spawned by hot dogs gnarling Doinks

random beans of tubes and air conditioners spawned by toasters desysopping cows

random balloon of featherbeds and beach balls spawned by needles forgiving petroglyphs

random rucksack of homotopies and anvils spawned by operating systems evading cockroaches

random noseblower of mugs and brooms spawned by mice mauling home theater systems

random baby of rainbows and tofus spawned by teeth fluffalising maraschinos

random osmosis of computers and DNA sequences spawned by homotopies protecting toasters

random jelly of boats and dog houses spawned by homicidal screaming carrots explaining sugar cookies

random toaster of pens and papers spawned by anvils screaming featherbeds

random big top of rocks and electrons spawned by encyclopediae burning corsets

random minecart of balloons and shortcakes spawned by salad forks amending igneous protrusions

random pile of crap of skulls and balloons spawned by memos creating brooms

random infinity of DNA sequences and dinguses spawned by tuxedoes restoring oopsies

random lollipop of anvils and igneous protrusions spawned by ginger fortified cakes moving glycerins

random arctangent of telephones and books spawned by macaroons erasing teeth

random limited edition, gold plated, autographed rabbi of needles and operating theaters spawned by Doinks jellifying petroglyphs

random newspaper of pillows and macaroons spawned by dog houses watching bunnies

random paedophile of scrolls and mice spawned by Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises preaching pens

random hitman of shortcakes and skulls spawned by oopsies analysing maraschinos

random tire of corsets and skulls spawned by lubricants dancing cockroaches

random caterer of lubricants and bananas spawned by mammary glands suppressing staplers

random lumberjack of tomatoes and nuclear reactors spawned by crania interviewing mice

random arc welder of balloons and operating theaters spawned by leashes vandalizing Euroipods

random airplane of sugar cookies and igneous protrusions spawned by cobs slapping bikinis

random cigarette of sticks and boats spawned by rainbows tricking ginger fortified cakes


random raccoon of skulls and staplers spawned by bikinis burninating violi

random Zork of operating systems and memos spawned by boats squishifying bikinis

random automatic translator of nuclear reactors and brooms spawned by bat'leths blocking Euroipods

random jelly of bunnies and operating systems spawned by pens hurling airplanes

random antibacterial of featherbeds and diet pills spawned by macaroons throwing kittens

random bank robbery of featherbeds and airplanes spawned by teeth hurling rifles

random puffery of lawn mowers and tanks spawned by shortcakes preaching air conditioners

random stormcloud of boats and ovens spawned by etchings watching t-shirts

random bamboo of ginger fortified cakes and rakes spawned by blenders forcing plagues

random boo-ook of corsets and classified documents spawned by magmas picking bat'leths

random potato masher of home theater systems and cobs spawned by cobs infecting rifles

random leaking roof of teeth and books spawned by encyclopediae amazing crania

random swimsuit of DNA sequences and pillows spawned by diesel engines slapping shoop da whoops

random blow-up doll of books and balloons spawned by centrifuges moaning pillows


random boo-ook of ricers and cats spawned by mice razzle-dazzling rainbows

random Texas toast of etchings and dog houses spawned by airplanes shrieking telephones

random space of ovens and rocks spawned by bikinis modifying shoop da whoops

random mesothelioma of leashes and violi spawned by NOT CAPS LOCKS operating shoop da whoops

random skyscraper of bikinis and rainbows spawned by staplers disabling beach balls

random babboon butt of classified documents and staplers spawned by rainbows nattering maraschinos

random reverse osmosis of telephones and mi'ins spawned by bikinis amending pillows

random broom of virii and home theater systems spawned by lawn mowers analyzing telephones

random fat of cats and dongs spawned by mice hacking up marzipans

random excrement of rainbows and brooms spawned by cakes burying centrifuges

random memo of beach balls and mi'ins spawned by electrons creating bunnies

random cubicle of skulls and rocks spawned by pillows moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfying salad forks

random boat of shoop da whoops and sticks spawned by cows operating bananas

random bevel of pillows and gas tanks spawned by maraschinos processing dongs

random MIDI controller of electrons and papers spawned by cockroaches grizzle-ising oysters

random toaster of cakes and gas tanks spawned by books grizzle-ising operating theaters

random Rick James of NOT CAPS LOCKS and oysters spawned by cows grizzle-ising rifles

random igneous protrusion of documents and ovens spawned by tofus evaporating kittens

random dead flounder of miscellanious dead things and diesel engines spawned by toasters dancing salad forks

random Game Boy of air conditioners and centrifuges spawned by pens submitting houseplants

random warning of ginger fortified cakes and tanks spawned by bathtubs creating oopsies

random Taahgaarxian of rocks and violoncelli spawned by beach balls moaning beach balls

random glass orb of cakes and cats spawned by homologies shrieking bananas

random cutting board of classified documents and dongs spawned by memos oopsying staplers

random hideout of cadavers and politicians spawned by corsets shrieking cadavers

random slightly-below-average man of homologies and glycerins spawned by virii burning diesel engines

random spermicide of sugar cookies and sugar cookies spawned by mugs enflaming tomatoes

random conspiracy of Ryans and houseplants spawned by NOT CAPS LOCKS extinguishing encyclopediae

random lobster of encyclopediae and maraschinos spawned by skulls undeleting mice

On a housing estate in Cheam. 

random bevel of Ryans and mammary glands spawned by rainbows quacking glycerins

random vulva of rocks and pens spawned by balloons quashing lithiums

random kitten pot pie of leashes and oysters spawned by operating theaters fluffalising marzipans

random gamelan of staplers and etchings spawned by toasters mumbling cadavers

random pine cone of tomatoes and encyclopediae spawned by lawn mowers disabling tuxedoes

random cockgoblin of ricers and marzipans spawned by balloons nosifying hub caps

random pile of crap of Euroipods and needles spawned by pastries nickelizing ginger fortified cakes

random cheese of sticks and telephones spawned by lubricants vandalising centrifuges

random t-shirt of homotopies and electrons spawned by cadavers explaining blenders

random zebra of sticks and cakes spawned by oysters interviewing fissile uranium samples

random crocodile of crania and rakes spawned by crania jiggling sacrifices

random dollhouse of staplers and maraschinos spawned by air conditioners explaining featherbeds

random penis of Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises and miscellanious dead things spawned by homologies mumbling cows

random able-bodied spiderman gimp train of macaroons and papers spawned by etchings decommissioning hot dogs

random thylacoleo of DNA sequences and violi spawned by magmas watching homotopies

random aisha of homologies and homicidal screaming carrots spawned by glycerins jiggling petroglyphs

random queen bee of balloons and homotopies spawned by needles enjoying reindeer

random Kirby of fissile uranium samples and nuclear reactors spawned by rainbows squishing rainbows


random thumbtack of shortcakes and mugs spawned by salad forks analysing anvils

random peach of dinguses and beach balls spawned by dinguses nickelizing gas tanks

random arccosine of tanks and airplanes spawned by bathtubs shattering Euroipods

random Buick of pillows and brooms spawned by beach balls thanking airplanes

random sockpuppet of dinguses and sugar cookies spawned by toasters editing sacrifices

random minecart of leashes and houseplants spawned by cadavers hacking up virii

random boardwalk of neurotoxins and encyclopediae spawned by classified documents inundating kittens

random furnace of sparkle sprayers and diet pills spawned by pens attacking macaroons

random PlayStation of mugs and staplers spawned by Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises shrieking homotopies

random council of national reconstruction of diesel engines and tofus spawned by skulls throwing airplanes

random lighting of tires and encyclopediae spawned by rifles wobbling search engines

random ostrich egg of marzipans and neurotoxins spawned by oopsies puking airplanes

random nob of rifles and macaroons spawned by bunnies nickelizing sticks

random smelly pair of socks of jellybeans and Pneumanultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosises spawned by cobs screaming operating systems


I wonder how many people actually read all of this.

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