Talk:Republic of the Lord Opossum
It’s early morning, and apparently I haven’t smoked enough kif. This article caused me to add a pic (note to author: feel free to remove it. I have this thing about ?pedia articles needing pics, usually), make 2 new categories, link every and only instance of ring and question my lucidity... again. I love this article because it’s dark and brooding, makes me think of existentialism and Friedrich Nietzsche, a syphilitic Arthur Schopenhauer talking to his horse late in life, of moors that might be Moorish, had the Moors ventured northward in conquest... Moorish Moors, Of Muir which sounds a bit like Moor and moor, Of making sure I’m wearing clean underwear in case I’m taken to a hospital by an ambulance, of stock market bubbles and baubles and boobs (oh, no, not that sort of boobs, but morons, idiots and imbeciles who earn the moniker by resembling an extinct and purportedly abysmally stupid bird), Of cabbages and my queen, to whom I have dedicated my very being. It’s deeply disturbing, some might say sinister (not me, because I have sinister footwear. I wear sneakers and the occasional python boot.), and yet the patterns yield nonsense. It clutches at the edges of a profound mythology, desperate to move the dear reader to query, to ask, “could there be something here?”.
The ring thing is also deeply disturbing. It’s a disjointed kaizum, bong bong bonging it’s way through the myth, not too much, not too little. At one point I thought of the Liberty Bell, but I also thought of church bells, fire alarms and tubular bells. Don’t read too much into that, but not too little either. (kaizum me)
13:00, 24 Octodest 2017 (UTC)