The Sexy Saxophonist

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The Sexy Saxophonist is a legendary being. He has black Macklemore hair and is a fan of The Stones. He possesses a unique ability: to look sexy as he moistens his saxophone reed.

WHY DO PEOPLE HATE THE WORD MOIST?!?![edit | edit source]

Because of the space rabbit. Why do pencils eat thy foot?

What's his name?[edit | edit source]

Due to being a real person that doesn't even know he's referenced on Illogicopedia, The Sexy Saxophonist shall never reveal his full identity. But, his sexiness is apparent anyways. He's so dino... duck... deciduous... darn... dam... oh, what is it?! Oh yeah, damn. sexy that he looks like that one time when the dragon came... now that was sexy.

It ain't supposed to sound clean dirty, folks.[edit | edit source]

If you interpreted that in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, it's like that one time when I got that Strawberry Alarm Clock song one time when I got that Strawberry Alarm Clock song one time when I got that Strawberry Alarm Clock song one time.

Just in case The Sexy Saxophonist is reading this article...[edit | edit source]

Eat glue. It's delicious! I tried it once. I got soooo high off of it that I slammed my head into Alpha Centauri.

See Also[edit | edit source]