User:A user who couldn't decide on a username

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The execution of A user who couldn't decide on a user name!!!


Score: 5
  1. THIS FUCKER GOTTA GO MAN!!! - Some dude 14:38, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)
  2. End him. - Admin dude 14:38, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)
  3. This guy is a trobule makr, and doesn't even have the dectny to clean up his misspelings!! -Another dude 14:38, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)
  4. He is like, really annoying. - some girl 14:38, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)
  1. Yeah, fuck this bitch, also, fuck the bitch who broke the chain -cool nigga 14:38, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)
  2. As previously mentioned, fuck, this, dude. -(A) *user who# couldn't decide o^n a username (or signature) (talk) 22:04, 18 Arche 2021 (UTC)

I've grown quite fond of this so called "FUCKER" and "trobule makr" and I will not allow this injustice to fly me by!

Score: -1

I think he is quite the fellow. We shouldn't ban him -Nobody but Nobody 14:38, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)

pages by this madman

Going to Brazil UR MOM Captain Censor So I was like