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This was written by an American (Amurican) Us flag.gif

Lang-? This user can speak Illogic at an unknown level.
Green check mark.jpg This user has beaten IllogiGames:Don't Stay in the Kitchen!
Green check mark.jpg This user has beaten IllogiGames:The Rain of Dead Cats!
Green check mark.jpg This user has beaten IllogiGames:Grand Theft Auto Illogicopedia!
Green check mark.jpg This user has beaten IllogiGames: The Murder Mystery!
Escapegame.jpg This user has escaped from the room!
Green check mark.jpg This user has beaten IllogiGame:Beat the Dog to the Window
Uncyc doodle.png For those obsessed with facts and reality, Fenris2010/morestuff also has a user page on Uncyclopedia.
Wikipedia Eats Itself.PNG
This user has been banned from Wikipedia 1 times.
Hikerpictogram.png This user participates in cross-country activites.
Runnerpictogram.png This user runs for recreation, even though ?pedia is fun.

I am a 10,000,000-year-old bear that also has an a neurotoxin on Wikipedia and a neurotoxin on Uncyclopedia. That's all you need to know. Unless you want to shatter. violoncelli. And cars! Aren't they wonderful?