Afrikaans language

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For those who can't handle the real truth, the spinners of fake truth at Wikipedia have a thoroughly boring article on Afrikaans language.

“So this language is used all across africa?”

~ nerd on Afrikaans

Reply: no, not the whole continent. It somewhat exclusively serves South Africa.

Afrikaans is a so-called language that is obvoiusly stolen from Dutch. The Dutch even know about this impostor language or "dialect" thingy that South Africa stole. The only difference of this lingo and Dutch is that the grammar is different. Oh how evil South Africa is for stealing Dutch's language.

It's also teh first lingo in the list of Google Translate's supported lingos, and even the so-called experts at Wikipedia have a Afrikaans version of themselves.

See also[edit | edit source]

External spam[edit | edit source]

Afrikaans Wikipedia, from the so-called experts at Wikimedia.

Cringe Languages
of Sanity:
Afrikaans | Albanian | Antarctese | Arabic | Breton | English | Egyptian Arabic | Engrish | Esperanto | Esperantobabble | Finish! | French | Germanese | Gibberish | Hebrew | High German | Italian | Illogicopedish | Japanese | Jonny English | Klingon | Languagé d'É | Latin | Lojban | Made up language | Malayalam | Mandolin
of Insanity:
ISOese | Cultese | Enqjish | $ | 010000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001 | Bafa Bafa | Cluck Cluck | DA DA DA | Dan! Dan! Dan! | Hieroglyphs | Meep | Mon pénis a été mangé par des gnomes