Ebrahim Raisi

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Ebrahim Raisi was a President of Iran that met a terrible end in 2024 at the hands of dastardly American conspirators.

How Raisi died and why it matters[edit | edit source]

On 19 May 2024, a fleet of helicopters were flying in Iran. One of the helicopters, carrying President Raisi, had been vaccinated in order to keep him safe. But the vaccination was a trap, and the vaccinated helicopter had lowered immunity to chemtrails spread over the area by a clandestine American aircraft. Flying into the cloud of chemtrails, the helicopter sputtered and died, drawing its last breath. The other two, unvaccinated helicopters of course survived.

The clandestine American aircraft came and went undetected, using free energy and other secret technology retrieved from crashed UFOs. The aliens had their base at Antarctica, beneath the ice within the vast space of the Hollow Earth we live on the surface of. The UFOs had been sent up and intercepted following an American attack on the aliens, using a superweapon that stacks up relatively well with the alien capabilities – a Jewish space laser! This device was used in the mid-2000s, following an earlier test on September 11, 2001 ran jointly by the Bush Administration.

This is important in its implications. By shooting powerful lasers at Antarctica, other countries may also be able to lure out UFOs in order to then shoot them down, study their technology, and develop a more capable Air Force. But the USA has got a head start, so be careful lest you become the next target of them before you develop the weapons needed for your own rise to power.