IllogiMusic:A Ditty on Colonel Sanders

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To the Tune of The Chicken in Black by Johnny Cash

So, the Illogicopedia got this guy

Who has the body and the posture of a skinny French fry.

And he called himself ColbertNation,

He wrote monstrosities like James Bond and JFK

And that even one day, he would do nothing

In fact, one day, he asked to be an admin

Even though he was laughed out of the place,

He managed to win IOTM and become a lousy Phantom.

He went off to join Uncyc one day

And I guess everyone there thought he was gay.

He wrote some crap,

And he lost every day!

He managed to write some crappy news,

And soon after that he got the blues.

Some guy surely told him off,

And he ran off and hasn't been seen there ever since.

Soon after that stunt,

He came back to Illogic and wasted!

He then had his user name changed to Colonel Sanders.

You may wonder why,

But I really don't know.

Soon after that, he wrote some more crap

Like this, this, and that oh yeah

And surely the colonel feels no remorse

Surely, something can be said about his sanity,

Going about, doing crap like whining about WAE

And he's surely crazy.

And in his extremely twisted mind

He seems to be in love with a Brooke like a ball of twine.

And not even them guys on Pawn Stars can at all compare

Well, he's still here

Writing horoscopes and crap as he forgot how to steer.

And surely, he's an absolutely great mental case

And now, he's over too at RationalWiki

With a bit of wandalism

And now he's going crazy

And he's getting a bit lazy!

Doing stupid crap and,

He wrote this little ditty!

That will never win a Grammy,

Or even a chocolate chip cookie'

Now friends you now know

That CS is a crazy bat lo,

And surely a complete idiot.

And if you wanna talk to him, I warn you,

Don't pay him no mind.

He was too lazy to finish the song,

And you probably thought he was crazy all along.

So, thus proves the song is pointless,

And he's cooking toast on his NES.

Well, I don't know no flax...

Or how I can consume any Cracker Jacks...

You oughta catch that Sanders moron show...

Colonel in Red! hmmmmmmmm!

Soon after that stunt,

He came back to Illogic and wasted!

He then had his user name changed to Colonel Sanders.

You may wonder why,

But I really don't know.

Soon after that, he wrote some more crap

Like this, this, and that oh yeah

And surely the colonel feels no remorse

That's how stupid he is!