Illogicopedia talk:Illogicast

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Welcome to the media room for Illogicopedia's podcast.
Send your material to Nerd42 or Hindleyite and it could appear on the next episode.

I believe we should have the official ?pedia ramble, which is 3 minutes of someone saying words etc.

you can do it if you want then, ask hindleyite for the passwords--Seppy 16:15, 9 March 2007 (EST)

I cant do it, my voice is ugly. I nominate Fluffy, as his price for becomming an admin...hehehehe

I don't have any (working) microphone. Had I had one, though, I'd give a demonstration of my excellent zombie voice-acting. --Fluffalizer 16:51, 9 March 2007 (EST)
Revisiting this, we should have some sort of rant, but epic, like in network, where the news reporter goes insane.-- 16:17, 9 Arply 2009 (UTC)

Good News-ish[edit source]

Once I get Microsoft Sam to my computer (having problems...) I'm going to start the (wait for it...) The OMG Scary Alien's podcast! You hate it, right? --T3

Chyeah, I was thinking of reviving the Podcast, actually. Depends whether I can be bothered... maybe we could work together and create, like, something longer than fifteen minutes. -- Hindleyite 11:55, 27 Arche 2009 (UTC)
I could use a novelty voice from my Mac and a text-to-speech command. Just throwin' that out there. 21655 11:59, 28 Arche 2009 (UTC)
We could have like a whole talk show with eg. The OMG Scary Alien, Slightly Below Average Man, Cactus Man (Greatest evur), and the spirit of Flub Nugget or something like that. We could have guest appearances from other characters voiced by whomever and maybe some writers oh crap this is gonna be good! BTW: I'm going to start recording T.O.M.G.S.A's part for el primero episodio. In case you didn't know, that's "the first episode" in Spanish. One of the few things that my Spanish teacher from England actually taught me... --T3
Send me all parts of your podcast to! --T3

Huge update, like[edit source]

Okay, this is going to be awesome. Me and Darkgenome got together today and recorded a whole load for the podcast. In all, we got over 1/2 hour of stuff - that translates to over 20 minutes of usable material, which I am currently editing together. T3, how is your show coming along? If it's really long (more than 15 mins) we could pool our material and have enough stuff for the second episode already. Can you send me any of your material? Cheers. -- Hindleyite 21:22, 6 Arply 2009 (UTC)

Okay this is going to be semi-awesome simply because it is a follow up to something ridiculously awesome. I am in the process of making The OMG Scary Alien's first podcast. It's pretty much him talking about the news and other things and giving his talk. But Hindleyite, for that interview, e-mail me the questions and I'll send you the responses. This is the coolest thing to hit the world since sliced bread. (Then again sliced bread is overrated) --T3
Haha, this is trippy :P -- 16:17, 9 Arply 2009 (UTC)

Hellooo?[edit source]

I guess the May 15th deadline was missed by a bit. Or is this on purpose, like the Pickle?  :)

Just warning you: if I've got nothing better to do I might just do a highly unofficial podcast featuring all the best matieral on the site written mostly by this one guy. Not saying who.

Hmmm. Gosh it's a nice day out. See youse. --The Bard of Illogicopedia TinyQuill.gif 14:35, 6 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)

I'm officially not gonna be in the next podcast. I'll be in the one after that though. I'm sorry to be a hypocrite but OTHER PEOPLE PARTICIPATE! GAHH!!! --T3 14:42, 6 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)

The podcast needs templates and categories[edit source]

I'm not sure what's the best way to do this, but there should be a template that says, "This article was read on the IllogiCast" with the date of the episode it was read on and appropriate categories and links. What would be the best way to approach that? Should each episode have it's own category or should there be just one? --Nerd42 14:10, 23 Yoon 2011 (UTC)