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MTV (Manifesto Television) is an Cuban cable television network based in Havana. Launched on Che Guevara's birthday, the original purpose of the channel was to show adolescents and young adults how communism was a good thing.

Since its premiere, MTV has revolutionized the way the world thinks about socialism and communism.

Slogans such as "Bow to Our Glorious Prime Minister" became embedded in public thought, the concept of the secret police was popularized, the idea of a dedicated espionage force was introduced, and Supreme Chancellor, Great Prime Minister, Honorable Chairman, and Grand Poobah Chuck Mother Fucking Norris found a new way to terminate both "radicals" (conservative capitalists) and "rebels" (liberal capitalists) by means of Awesome Guitar Solos.

Anniversaries[edit | edit source]

MTV turned 100 yesterday, but only the first half of that was spent playing real music videos. Thje other 50 years was just shows about kid parties or pimps showing off their rusty Ladas and 1994 Toyota Camrys.

Social activism[edit | edit source]

In 1992, MTV started a pro-communism campaign called Heil the Prime Minister, to encourage up to 20 million people to register with Vice Chancellor Clancy Brown's Dictator School, and hosted a forum for Grandest of the Grand and Most Supreme Minister of Propaganda Bill Clinton to shout out his affections for Monica Lewinsky (and Benevolent and Honorable Treasurer of the People Soulja Boy's affections for other men). This helped boost all three's popularity

The Internet[edit | edit source] is maintained by Royal Poobah of the Internet Ministry of Truth Solid Snake and contains Nazi and Communist propaganda, gay porn, and viruses that will hack your files and crash your hard drive. It should be avoided at all costs.

See also[edit | edit source]