Random Insanity II
Hello ~desu. my ~desu. name ~desu is ~desu Suiseiseki ~desu and ~desu I ~desu would ~desu like ~desu to ~desu showyouthelatestvolumeofrandominsanityithinkyouwillfinditquiteinterestingreally.
You know, some people refuse to acknowledge just how thoroughly MC Rodan can git down. I find that quite sadding, don't you? I mean, look at those poor trout. They have to eat tarantula-filled guitars just to survive in this dog-eat-corn world.
And I have this stain on my pants that was made by Michael J. Fox holding orange juice, and everyone laughs when they see my pants, and even Cillit Bang won't get the stain out.
I need a shoe! A shoe for my head. Head shoe? Blue Cheese? Tem sheec!
Onions[edit | edit source]
My name is Snookums. No, it's Suiseiseki. No, it's Wikipe-tan. No, it's Suiseipe-tankums.
Who likes Wikipe-tan?
Put your hand down, Pedobear. How did you get in here? Suiseiseki banned you.
/mode +b %Pedobear*!*@* by Suiseiseki
NO NO NO that's all wrong you have to ban his hostmask not his nick.
/mode +b %*bear*!*@*.mindspring.net by Flameviper
[INFO] Pedobear has joined #weaboo
You little crap!
/mode +b %*!*@* by Wikipe-tan
[INFO] You are banned from this channel
What the.
THE BRITISH ARE COMING![edit | edit source]
Prepare the cuteness-destroyers!
Oh, wait!
ADEQUATE CREDENTIALS PRESENTED?! cable cable cable cable cable cable!![edit | edit source]
that's some real cool stuff over there Private Pyle. I mean, in the event of a random ceiling-cod attack, this modern engineering marvel will keep us alive for what, another 5 feet? And I mean, when people are being slapped around with large trouts, inches matter.
Also, you could use it to beat your television after seeing that stupid commercial with the girl and the text messaging.
OMGWTFBBQ who changed the front page to goatse?!
Suiseiseki again[edit | edit source]
(Encyclopedia Dramatica sucks carrot sticks)
! I can't fack get my fack name right! Like right fack now! I CAN'T WILLIKERS
RIGHT DESU!!!!!1111111111
aghahafdfvgafdhsDASKCQHKJSZHACIAZDCHIKSUAZHLKSUVCHUKSDHKLSUDHVCksADHVKASDGBKUSVHisdhfisudshoduhfsdsdaz saoiajsdhjshniushioauhpiauhfpoaisdjoisdajf;iosdjaoisdjfoijo;dljaifj;adsojasfsacdsafijfaafhasduhkjsdhkjsdahckhasdkvcjndknvckjsdnvsdafvfsdav akjhankhscskjchkalshaklsjdhaksdjnakfjndkjbakjsdbnkjsdhnfdhjgkjehaflkhulkuhfdkuihdsfkauhdflkahugkuvhvkvhuvbdvjnfkajrfkefbhkiabewkhfuweiawhauiehfiawhc
Suiseiseki loses it completely[edit | edit source]