Savanna Crescent Dyke
“Seriously, I do not ever want to visit the savanna crescent dyke, why would you go there?”

The savanna crescent dyke is a dyke in the savanna shaped like a crescent. It is a baren wasteland although there are some plants and animals that can survive the harsh conditions. Nobody is entirely sure where the savanna crescent dyke is located. It is thought to exist between Kansas, the Moon, and the center of the Earth. The savanna crescent dyke does not observe daylight savings time.
Until recent history, person exploration of the savanna crescent dyke has been impossible. We tried sending the space shuttle there once, but everyone was killed. Marco Polo also was killed here. Recently, NASA has been sending personless probes into the savanna crescent dyke to send back pictures and take samples. For reasons yet understood, after about 20 minutes of time on the ground in the savanna crescent dyke, our probes have all seemed to develope self awareness. They send repeated messages back to mission control claiming "Johnny 5 Alive!" then the go offline.
Local Wildlife[edit | edit source]
The savanna crescent dyke is an area inhabited by the Hexicorn, the bunny shark, and the Flaming Satan Goat.
Famous Persons[edit | edit source]
Mr. Loyd G. Vargramptus Senior III. The Great, The Fifth also hails from the savanna crescent dyke. So does Ikitikihikibiki, and Oily Steve.
Fun Facts[edit | edit source]
The national anthem is titled Your bacon best be sick.
The national sport of the savanna crescent dyke is Hold your breath and F.
The exact population of the savanna crescent dyke at any given moment in time is impossible to predict. This is mostly due to the fact that Bunny Shark's are constantly giving birth and dying while the Hexicorn population is constantly exploding (killing God only knows how many other creatures) and reincarnating. It's thought that there must be a stable population, but because the savanna crescent dyke is littered with so many corpses, it's impossible to tell.
Everyone worships the God Dulatu.