Talk:Zimbat Buddhism
For purposes of no reason whatsoever, I disclose the signposts, such as they are, in my reengineering efforts thus far. I was a church-going Roman Catholic growing up, with 12 years of parochial education. I attended a Jesuit high school, and one of my interests was world religions. I attended my first Protestant service in Air Force boot camp. Stationed in Okinawa for a little over 3 years, I developed a deep interest in the major Eastern religions, which I pursued in college studies. I read about Jainism, Buddhism and Hindu belief systems.
Early in my stay, a friend introduced me to Zen Buddhism at a temple. For a time, I practiced and considered myself a Buddhist. Nothing formal, no lifestyle changes that made me any weirder than I already was.
I took a course on Judaism, philosophy and psychology courses, anthropology courses... I was introduced to the Baha'i Faith by a friend, from whom I learned just a bit. I combed libraries for books on magickal practices, wicca, shamanism, paganism and a few cults thrown in for good measure. Shortly after leaving the service I was introduced to Eckankar, which I researched and quickly set aside. Through a series of accidents in life, I met some really nice local folks who happened to be Bahai's. During this time, I read a lot about Islam, as well as some reading of the Koran and the Hadiths. They were really active in their faith, and declared our faith as Bahai's. We remained so for something like 10 years, then decided to leave the faith.
Since the late 90s, I have been something of a spiritual independent. Still reading, still learning. I have an aunt who's a pastoral counselor, so there's a little of this urge in the family. To these ends, I have obtained a bachelor's degree in nescience, and a master's in spiritual reengineering. I am an ordained minister in two "faiths", and self-ordained as a Zimizmizt minister and a Zim Buddhist roshi. Within this tangle are threads of both sincerity and humor. My meanderings have no formal backing, nor to they fall into any isms, except for the one izm.
So, that's that, and This Is This is an excellent Weather Report album. Cheers. (kaizum me)
04:49, 4 Jeremy 2016 (UTC)
- Is one of these "faiths" Pastafarianism? IRL I'm going to get ordained as a Pastafarian minister quite soon (I hope). XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 04:33, 23 Jumbly 2018 (UTC)
Walnuts?[edit source]
Why, under Zimizmizt doctrine, does the presence of walnuts automatically make a location to be considered Hell? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 22:49, 8 Ergust 2018 (UTC)