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“Like licking a gerbil, . . . Everyone knows”

All gerbils are known to be made of the element Gerbyllium (ger-bill-ium). Gerbyllium is the element contained within the outer skin-and-fur shell of gerbils. It is also commonly combined with water to form a substance that is used as a narcotic. A particular isotope of Gerbyllium, Gerbyllium-438, is highly radioactive and results in radioactive gerbils, or radio-gerbils.
Gerbyllium-438[edit | edit source]
Gerybyllium-438 has a half-life of -5 hours, which means it doubles itself every 5 hours. Gerbyllium-438 is often thought to be a future source of radiation for the fusion reactor.
As a Narcotic[edit | edit source]
Gerbyllium is commonly combined with water to produce Dihydrogen Tetragerbyllium and Oxygen. This compound is often used as an extremely addictive narcotic that can be deadly. When injected, Dihydrogen Tetragerbyllium causes nano-gerbites to eat away at brain cells. This has been known to cause an orgasm in some females and its, and drunkenness in males.
George W. Bush is the only known person to have injected himself with pure non-diluted Gerbyllium. As a result, he also has the highest nano-gerbite count and the lowest brain cell count of anyone.
Discovery of Gerbyllium[edit | edit source]
Gerbyllium was discovered by Chemist Michael Way in 2006, when he accidentally ran over a gerbil and cooked it for dinner.
Properties[edit | edit source]
Gerbyllium is plasma at room temperature, except when contained in a form of a gerbil, where it is a solid.
Normal Gerbyllium-434 has 265 protons, 169 neutrons, and 265 electrons. Radioactive Gerbyllium-438 has 265 protons, 173 neutrons, and 265 electrons.
Obtaining Gerbyllium[edit | edit source]
The process of obtaining gerbyllium is very complicated. First, the innards of the gerbil must be extracted from the outer shell. Then, the innards must be compacted until they become liquid. Finally, the innards are refined by being passed through the human digestive system. The whole process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 days. Of course, as you would expect, the development of this process has caused a deep antipathy from Gerbilist countries, and regular protests are made to the UN about what they see as deliberate provocation by industrialised countries. They still buy the fucking gerbyllium off us though.
Conventional Uses[edit | edit source]
Gerbyllium-438 is a major source of power, due to its spontaneous multiplication. It is often used to fuel fusion bombs, and methods are being researched to use it in the soon-to-come nuclear fusion reactor.
The USSIR uses Gerbyllium-438 in their nuclear missiles.
When exposed to Sulfur, pure Gerbyllium will explode violently, making it a good substitute to dynamite or TNT.
Other products that contain Gerbyllium include toothpaste, plastic, computer monitors, and more.
Rumour has it that Gerbyllium will feature in the design of the next generation Intel Gerbyllium i9.5 "Shitty Ass" CPU's.
Environmental Concerns[edit | edit source]
Environmentalists continue to remind scientists that Gerbyllium-438 has been proven to be extremely harmful to the environment. It has been known to kill many plants and animals that have been exposed. Due to global cooling, much Gerbyllium-438 has begun to combine with water vapor in the atmosphere to form Dihydrogen Tetragerbyllium that is trapped near the surface of the Earth. Side effects to humans from exposure to this substance have been acting like penguins, over-picking their noses, and attempting to gnaw off other peoples' legs.
Exposure to Gerbyllium-438[edit | edit source]

Typical symptoms of over-exposure to Gerbyllium-438 may include, but are not limited to: Anal Cancer, Hepatitis Z West African Plunger Disease, Typhoo syndrome, and Fat Boy Syndrome (pictured).
Most of these can be cured by cheese.