Sentient oatmeal

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I must demand your pleasing chin! How it passes there and back again like a leopard searching for its misplaced frontal lobes. My eyelids belch with effluvial afterthoughts when you tease me with gelatin and congealed chicken rinds. Your higher coritcal centers ever send forth ignorant bliss and immortal contagion. The expanse of your intelligence is a void no universe could ever fill. Demonize your sofa. It will lend forth more peanuts between the cushions.

Certainly your trout are more proseperous to vaccuum than the flying coachmen of Czar Nicholai! In your presence even a batallion of body builders could pass the New York State driving exam. The limpidity of your objections ever motivates my hunger. The glow of your teeth exudes the courage of raw liver. The holes in your earloabs ever make me think fondly of the pock-marked landscapes upon the lunar surface. Never pet your dog when it is on fire. Dustmites the world over love you for your feet. I should welcome flagellation by your ovoviviparous torso.

Sausage casings are not the intended consequence of fashionable dress. Your petulance is seduction unto extinction.