Crazy Chainsaw Guy

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Crazy Chainsaw Guy is the current President of Argentina. He is known for his use of chainsaws.

Life[edit | edit source]

Crazy Chainsaw Guy was born in Argentina in 1970, when God decided that there were not not enough crazy-haired right-wing populists in the world (see Boris Johnson or Donald Trump). Mr Chainsaw Guy pursued many interests in his long and illustrious career, such as amateur football, Rock music, economics and politics. He has sideburns that are almost as illustrious as his career

Policies[edit | edit source]

Chainsaw Guy made the decision to cut benefits in a country with a 36% poverty rate. Unsurprisingly, the poverty rate balooned to 171%. His pro-inflation policies (PRO-inflation policies? Is this right?) caused inflation rates to balloon to 1000000000000000000000000000000%. He also decided to use the US Dollar without consent, and to ban woke nonsense. In 2025 famous right-wing populists Elon Musk and Donald Trump brought a plagiarism lawsuit against him

Use of Chainsaws[edit | edit source]

Mr Chainsaw Guy often uses chainsaws to represent his slashing of everything that makes life bearable in Argentina. He loves the weapon so much he named himself after it. His use of the tree-cutting tool is almost certainly illegal

Language[edit | edit source]

Crazy Chainsaw Guy claimed the top prize in the leaders category of the World Swearing Championships, beating out prolific swearers Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. He is known for insulting friends, foes, random people in the street and everyone in between for no reason whatsoever.

You ****ing, ****able ****** - Crazy Chainsaw Guy