Forum:Is this scientology?
Quote: Arise_into_god_glory@gmail
This scientifc mystery is what is called the spiritual realm or 4th dimension. Everything is created in that dimension before it evolves to this 3rd dimension of tangibility. The Lord lead me to look up Quantum Physics and wow, it explained alot to me on how faith works and how He uses the unseen realm(the spookie action as its called) before things becomes come seen. Materail objectslive and are created in this realm, spirits, good and bad, thoughts words take action there and more stuff. Its like a birthing canal dimension. I tell you we forget its God the creator of all who knows the info first but man mind is very great and intellectual cause He made us in the image of him(not apes).
Genesis 11:6
And the LORD said,.... and this is only the beginning of what they will do. now nothing they have imagined they can do wont be impossible for them.
1 Corinthians 2:7 (NKJV)
7 But we speak the wisdom of God
what the fuck
is this scientology or just lunacy
I think I went mad just reading this --(ƒî)» 05:25, 7 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
- Who is the madder, the cheesemaker or the one who puts it on his salad? ~
05:45, 7 Yoon 2011
It's an idea called quantum chromodymanics, which is the study of how to anticipate the arrival of a crossbow bolt from Madagascar. The Lord told me about it in a dream. Not very disGruntled - Exchange ideas 18:34, 8 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
- The Lord works in mysterious ways... dreams and entrails alike. ~
01:54, 9 Yoon 2011
Hmm this actually isn't so crazy as it might sound. Not saying I agree with it, but many theologians have seriously suggested that God's existence may be in a higher dimension, and this guy seems to have just taken that idea and added some vague notion of humanism to it. He seems to think if you add "Quantum" as an adjective in any sentence that makes you automatically sound smarter, so he has a problem with Quantum Stupidity but other than that it's alot like the whole idea behind Flatland which is a really great book that everyone should read. Please note: I am not saying I agree with the guy, just that he's not spouting total nonsense. I think it's actually rather more mainstream than Scientology - I think you guys are somewhat underestimating the extreme craziness of Scientology. --Nerd42 03:22, 9 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
- You mean the extreme craziness of humans, right? Not that they'd ever admit it, but they're all BONKERS! *flaps her arms significantly* ~
05:21, 9 Yoon 2011
- Naw, that's not sc
ientology. I will be serious here, because Hubbard's ideas, writings, and technology have been mocked and deridden by the establishment religions, psychiatry, and by the establishment itself. What Hubbard did was westernize the eastern functional data and put them into a series of techniques. These techniques work on how the mind works to record decisions into the muscle and brain pattern systems (I fall down when I'm six weeks old, my body makes a decision about moving, about hard objects, about "should I move quickly or slow down from now on and for the rest of my life", etc.), on expanding the envelope of what the mind can imagine/perceive, on how we work hate into our mind (see overt motivator), and hundreds of other drills to free the mind. Much of Hubbard's work, and his axioms of Scientology, are westernized translations of the yoga sutras. Read "The Phoenix Lectures, "The Creation of Human Ability" and others from your local libra...ah, maybe your local library doesn't have these. Shouldn't that tell you something about suppressing information. It's much easier to mock this data than to study it, but studying it is well worth the time imnho. Scientology as an organization costs way too much unless you have the money, and charges way too much for giving drills to people.This post is longenough.Aleister 00:59 13-6-'11- p.s. Whoops, I broke some of the rules above. So then there's the funny part, Xenu, which is all most people focus on. True tact: Hubbard did loads of LSD as an old man (he was apparantly a pothead in the 1950s when his good stuff was perculating) and sprewed out lots of nonsense before he died. Proving once again the formula: Old genius on acid = wacky theories.
- PPS That's exactly how Illogicopedia was founded. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 13:19, 13 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
- p.s. Whoops, I broke some of the rules above. So then there's the funny part, Xenu, which is all most people focus on. True tact: Hubbard did loads of LSD as an old man (he was apparantly a pothead in the 1950s when his good stuff was perculating) and sprewed out lots of nonsense before he died. Proving once again the formula: Old genius on acid = wacky theories.
- Naw, that's not sc