Illogicopedia:Qublishing Enforcement Department

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Yes check.svg This page documents what purports to be Illogicopedia policy, as applied by the powers that be.

Ignore at your own risk, but be aware that, according to Admin laws, the Werewolves are open to bribery,
at least when the Police aren't looking. Quick, scatter!

Illogicopedia not only has a spooky werewolf intervention system operating at all times to keep the site nice and fresh (cough, cough), but also... eh, where did those old vampires go? Our old bureaucracy is gone! Fortunately, there's more to Illogia's schemes and operations; werewolves have extended the waning bureaucracy by creating the Qublishing Enforcement Department (QED).

The QED is the spy center and heavy hand of censorship in our little online world, descending in an iron-clad way on the heads and keyboard-adjacent fingers of the more persistent of our vandals and radical sandalists. The QED operates the abuse filter, and ignores even the ChatGPT-written pleas of our most eloquent vandals, those who plead for the inclusion of their spam, and the ability to read how our filters targeting them work, and who send thoughtful death threats to the werewolves and other ?pedians. By rejecting even the finest AI-produced complaint letters, the werewolves at the QED institution demonstrate their divisive and dictatorial natures.

See also