- Nom and for. I think we're due for a mathematical-based feature, and this one by I forgot is one-derful. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 11:56, 15 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- "one-derful" - I'd vote against just for that god-awful punnery Testostereich • (ballsack) 12:07, 15 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- Hindleyite I am dissapoint--Ben Blade 17:17, 15 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- also, FOR Testostereich • (ballsack) 12:07, 15 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- 4--SeppyDon't 15:25, 15 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- To the feature-mobile! --T3 21:18, 15 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- wheeyyyyy though i still do like technology. you backstabbers —rms talk 02:24, 16 Arply 2010 (UTC)