- For --I forgot 18:52, 8 Aym 2008 (UTC)
- ya Well this user doesnt exist anymore, but this is a good article. I know this guy in real life. He left a while back.--
|Fonchezzz| Quacking| 00:58, 11 Aym 2008 (UTC)
- Swinging Door (I'm sorry I couldn't come up with any better cockney rhyming slang...) --Testostereich • (ballsack) 11:57, 11 Aym 2008 (UTC)
- McMacal I'm not so sure i believe in this... "remedy", but it has some good points...--
OLEELRA 22:50, 11 Aym 2008 (UTC)
- Figures. The one conspiracy in which no Jews are involved. -- Kippers • Talk • Crap • Special & Randumb! 07:35, Aym. 12, 2008