Pesos are a type of dinero. This is the kind of dinero they use when they're in real life and can cross municipality and state lines and stuff. You can use it to buy Chiclets and wallets and bribe the police in Mexico. However, you can usually use your dollarydoos to buy garden ornaments and heroin because that one English speaking country that starts and ends with A has import stores and drug dealers. If you're in London, they'll accept the pound sterling for Mexican.
It is suspected that you can turn money into pesos when you're doing Money Laundering. In addition to the peso, we think they may also use the Monero as a type of dinero when they're doing crimes electronically.
Its exchange rate probably isn't very interesting because there's an USMCA in existence.
They'd have written a better article in a shorter time. I saw a Mexican make a roof in 15 seconds. He made me lose my job! |
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