- Don't think we've had a featured article on a country yet, but this is certainly front-page worthy I reckon. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 13:49, 1 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
- For. --The Bard of Illogicopedia
20:26, 1 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
- Ups --I forgot 23:54, 1 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
- Good article, eh? ~ ReadMeSoon!? The Desperate Book 00:07, 2 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
- Oh boy gewd one. CamelToe 23:38, 6 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
- For. I'm sawry to say but I love everything this article is a-boot but gtg I gotta go play hawkey (hockey). --T3
- For. the whole stereotypical canadians thing has been done to death but there's more than enough cool and funny stuff to compensate for it :)
MMF!→talk←/→admin(:D) 18:13, 18 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)