Tandem unicycle

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Like a Klein bottle, this is a thing that shouldn't be, but is.

Tandem unicycles began as a black program developed jointly by DARPA and Global Country of World Peace, a non-profit organization that promotes Transcendental Meditation, education, and the construction of "buildings for peace"in the world’s major cities[1]. In August 1983, DoD became aware of an Iranian-backed vegan terrorist group so secret, they didn't even have a name. An innocuous Persian sponge importer, Al Farsi, operated a smuggling operation out of his chain of one restaurant, Bob's Burgers. He had a clean room set up in the back room of each restaurant because he and his fellow vegans couldn't stomach the smell of meat. When going to and from their vehicles, they'd hold,their breaths.

At 2249, the dog wanted to go outside. She fooled me, being a Bodhisatva.we compromised on 4 egg rolls. Well, not actual egg rolls. That's what we call Milk Bone brand marrow bites, because they look like the swilly mini-egg rolls. One time she farted and it sounded like some piece of machinery sadly in need of calibration.

The spokes are shiny, pretty rose gold in a brushed finish. Most users love pie. I myself love pie. In fact, the Iranian loons mentioned above also love pie, provided it does not contain animal fats or byproducts. Gene gets up at 0100 hours for a cheese plate every day. On this particular day, Zeke wore a,jock strap on his face to disguise his identity and committed nurple assault on Gene.

Monica showed up at the game this time. She was cold and dead inside. Even the semi-erotic robotics didn't get a rise out of her. She sat there, hunched over her cell phone, presumably plotting horrific vegan tragedies in a chat room devoted to such matters. It was then that CIA operative Nelman Ricardo Mayonnaise caught on to the caper. The next morning, still dark outside, DARPA formed a task force headed up by the fabled triumvirate of Moltar, Zorak and Space Ghost.

  1. Wikipedia