The ?pedia Recipe

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The ?pedia Recipe is the official recipe of your momOr is it?[citation needed]

On Novelniver 69, 420 BRUH (Big Real User Himol time system), Dr. DUuH created the recipe.

WHAT U NEED[edit | edit source]

heres what u need:

how to prepare[edit | edit source]

the stove needs to be set to 3 degrees for about 500 years.

first put the 6 teaspoons of mmm. you don't need much

next, umm what come next?

Donavon: Half a teaspoon of--


Donavon: exactly!

Now for the swensed milk.

“I love swensed milk.”

then the pregnant sugar, more swensed milk, and a stick of buttcrack.

sAAAs.[citation needed]

then now, let me show you how to insert my dickles.

You put a dickles on top of the swensed milk.

then the 350 eggs. mix it together with my hands, now let me just break off my hands (WOOPS)[huh?]

now let me just break off the dickles.[huh?]

Now, my eyeballs :)

And voila! Bon appetite! after 500 years, it's done![look it up yourself]

EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! lol :) (plays The Cup Song)

Bruh.[edit | edit source]

“Our pan is icin' hot.TM

This was a Blast from the Ass!

See also[edit | edit source]

Planned article[edit | edit source]

a stubby article but that's ok.[look it up yourself]