User talk:Ellemerr
Greetings, Ellemerr! Um... have a welcome template:
So anyway, this is a pseudo-official greeting from a user who may or may not be an admin/sysop/werewolf, so here come the obligatory links to pages to help you out and tell you "Don't be teh vandal kthx":
The rules, such as "ROFL KILL THE BABIESN'T PLZN'T (notn't)" are here. People breaking the rules will have a koala thrown at them, and may also possibly receive a Chinese burn. So, that's all for now... Please be nice, make great articles and help contribute to our community in any way possible: e.g. template making, voting for articles or users, et cetera.
That should have some useful links, too, actually. I dunno; the other thing does still hold if all else fails. Anyway, welcome to Illogicopedia. ~ 21:10, 25 Ditzimber 2010
- Okay, I think I might be getting the hang of this here, now... Well, I've learnt how to do weird stuff with the colons, which is something, at least. Thank you for the weird thing full of links - I think. ("I've never been a brick before", as the Madness sais. It surely is weird, but I guess I expected that in any case.) Now I have another source of procrastination; isn't it glorious?! I have three or four roleplays I should reply to, and I even know what to reply with in one of them. Don't tell them I'm here, please. Oh, oh, can you teach me to make small text, since I obviously don't know how to and I'm (as always) too lazy to try and just figure it out on my own self? ^^ --Ellemerr 22:37, 25 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
- Weird things, weird things... just start worrying when you catch yourself starting to sign things as if it was a wiki on non-wiki things. At least, I do that. Usually catch myself, though. I think. For small text, kick the forum habits - this is just like the other place again. Regular html - <small> instead of [small], etc, etc. The usual rules hold, of course.
- And the more sources of procrastination, the somewhat... less not good? I guess. Can be more choosy that way... or can simply still forget about all of them when you actually do get a pinch of spare time. That's what I do. I'd say I've forgotten what to do when I have nothing that needs doing, but frankly, I've never known. Go figure. Meh, see you around, so to speak. ~
04:45, 26 Ditzimber 2010
- The html code, of course, I should have known - but you might know what those forums have done to me. Curse and bless them. It will take a good deal of effort to kick the habit completely, especially since I'll probably still spend more time there than here. Except in christmas, of course. Christmas always makes me too lazy to make anything proper, and thus I come here to spend some of the surplus words that would normally have gone to other things... --Ellemerr 19:24, 26 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
- I know what wikis have done to me... if it's anything similar, which it probably is, you have my sympathies. Hells, it took me over a month to kick the shift+space to make ' things habit I got from all that playing GW on wine. (I had to hold the shift key and press space after hitting the key with that game, or the ' wouldn't type. Don't ask why.)
- Poor neglected other things... that reminds me, though, I need to finish a painting... ghuh. ~
23:08, 26 Ditzimber 2010
- The html code, of course, I should have known - but you might know what those forums have done to me. Curse and bless them. It will take a good deal of effort to kick the habit completely, especially since I'll probably still spend more time there than here. Except in christmas, of course. Christmas always makes me too lazy to make anything proper, and thus I come here to spend some of the surplus words that would normally have gone to other things... --Ellemerr 19:24, 26 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Indeed[edit source]
Welcome to Illogicopedia. I'm Colonel Sanders, who you may have met. Listen, I like what you're doing here. Stay around, unlike your Uncyclobuddies who write stuff and leave. And PLEASE don't write profane and nasty IllogiNews or articles or whatever (like another editor who came here from Uncle Pete whose name I won't mention) and vote for WAE. And Feature, definitely Feature. I'm starting a new project, if you would like to join. I'll notify when it's running if you do. Good editing with you, Ellemeer (any reference to Elmer Fudd?).--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 23:59, 25 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
- I think you may be confusing me with someone I most probably am not. I'm not sure. People do confuse me an awful lot, and I confuse people perhaps even more, at least at times (and only occationally on purpose). I don't think I've ever met you, not even at an Internet masquerade where nothing is what it seems. I might have seen what you pass off as a name when I stalked the one who sometimes is my mask's sibling. You might have seen my name around hirs quarters, either here or there. I know I have.
- This is my first in-depth meeting with any sort of wiki or pedia, though, and really have absolutely no idea what I'm doing here, but I guess it's nice that you like it (whatever "it" is)? If by "stay around" you mean pop by when I'm bored and fling randomness and/or muskoxes at people (mainly my dearest Athyria), I can probably do that. Unless I forget, of course. When it comes to actual pedia stuff-doing, I might see about that eventually... Unless I forget or lazyness gets the better of me. *shifty eyes* I highly doubt I'll write anything profane or nasty, at least not intentionally. If you tell me what this project-thing of yours is and if it's not a lot of hard work and if you bother me enough, we may see about that. Don't keep your hopes too high; they'll fall and break their hips.
- I am no reference to Elmer Fudd. I don't think I'm a reference at all, really. It's just a mask, anyway. *shrug* If it simplifies things for you, I can be Merry instead. Not as a Tolkien reference, mind; just Merry as in Merry Christmas or whatever celebration you might deign to undertake. It's short for both Ellemerr and Merry the Mad, and it mirrors my inner blargl. Oh yes, I'm a very merry person. Promise. *shifty eyes* Is Sanders a reference to Simpsons? It contains one of two Sanders I know, but the other one is from a local kiddy TV show, and although possible I think the other option is more likely. I don't really know my Simpsons references very well - I don't watch it of my own accord, but I have two younger siblings and a couple of friends that like it. But I thought I'd ask anyway.
- Well, I could rave all night, but... I've got some sweet nightmares waiting for me. I'd say "see you", but am quite pleased with that not being the case (I'm quite fond of my computerized mask - it's nothing personal), and on another note, if you want me to listen to something, words on a screen might not be the way to go. Goodbye for now. --Ellemerr 01:25, 26 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
- Your monologues are always intriguing. Sorry, I assumed you for an Uncyclopedian user since you seemed to know Athyria quite well. My apologies. And that's why I mentioned the profane crap; Uncyc is notorious for it and some users tried to bring it here. And not Elmer Fudd? Just as well. And I'm not aware of a Sanders on the Simpsons. I believe his name was Smithers. Oh, and the username Colonel Sanders is a reference to this guy. And the project is here as well. I do hope you come in to sling randomness. Always a pleasure. Nice to meet someone more rambly than me. Hope to see more of you later.--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 01:58, 26 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
- Ah, CS, mon, the Ellemerr and I've known each other a good while longer than I've been on Uncyclopedia. Granted, that's not saying much, but... eh. It's nice that she came here, though, innit? A lovely place for Madness. A lovely place...
- And you might notice some similarities between us, since I did steal some of my current tendencies from her. Just a few. Juust... a few. *shifty eyes* Anyway, before you start wondering. If you do. It' not that we're not completely dissimilar. ~
05:27, 26 Ditzimber 2010
- Mr. chicken guy, it was a fairly reasonable mistake - people have confused us in stranger ways before. To quite hilarious results, occationally. The project scared me off at the mentioning of science, which is one of the few things in this world that I leave as much as possible of to others - I don't feel comfortable making fun of it, either. Maybe I'll dare another peek some other time, but for now I can only wish you the best of luck. I can sling randomness (or something that might resemble randomness in the eyes of certain people) other places, though. You just had the dubious pleasure of inviting me, intentionally or not, to your talkpage. *shifty eyes*
- As Athyria borrow some parts of my masks, so do I borrow some of hirs. She was the first of us to use the signature shifty eyes, for instance. Nowadays, we mix ourselves up in the Madness rather gloriously, and then pull pieces back out, making paths for some rather terrific confusion. But we're still not fundamentally similiar. --Ellemerr 14:34, 26 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
- Really? I thought I stole the shifty eyes off you. o_O ~
23:04, 26 Ditzimber 2010
- Nono, I know I stole the shifty eyes. I must have!
- ... Is it possible we stole them from the Angler, or someone? Did she ever shift her eyes? I always though I stole them from you! Who else could it be? --Ellemerr 23:57, 26 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
- Eh, it may have been the Angler... or one of the others involved. Would help explain why we're confusing it now, at least. Hmm... the records are kind of lacking, unfortunately. ~
16:04, 27 Ditzimber 2010
- Well, what is life without a bit of confusion, eh? I don't think it matters much where we got them from anymore. They're here. They show no sign of leaving anytime soon. Like the madness that spread on Elfwood... wait, my brain is picking up some odd signals. I remember... a discussion. From Elfwood. Between the two of us. I said... Uhm, something along the lines of you having infected me with... something. You said you'd gotten it (whatever it was >.<) from someone else, who had probably been infected by someone else again. It might have been the eyes. It might have been something else entirely. Which means it's not really helpful at all. *shifty eyes* Eh, as I said... what's life without a bit of confusion? --Ellemerr 16:45, 27 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
- Life without confusion may not be life at all. It might have been the eyes and something else entirely, really... or neither. Could have been nothing at all... but then again, nothing is something in of itself. Innit? ~
21:35, 27 Ditzimber 2010
- Eh, it may have been the Angler... or one of the others involved. Would help explain why we're confusing it now, at least. Hmm... the records are kind of lacking, unfortunately. ~
- Really? I thought I stole the shifty eyes off you. o_O ~
- Your monologues are always intriguing. Sorry, I assumed you for an Uncyclopedian user since you seemed to know Athyria quite well. My apologies. And that's why I mentioned the profane crap; Uncyc is notorious for it and some users tried to bring it here. And not Elmer Fudd? Just as well. And I'm not aware of a Sanders on the Simpsons. I believe his name was Smithers. Oh, and the username Colonel Sanders is a reference to this guy. And the project is here as well. I do hope you come in to sling randomness. Always a pleasure. Nice to meet someone more rambly than me. Hope to see more of you later.--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 01:58, 26 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Greetings[edit source]
Indeed you are hungry. Here is a box of popcorn chicken on the house.--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 15:27, 27 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
- I'm hungry? In christmas? Here? Is that possible? O_o I just ate tortelini! Unless my stomach has developed a black hole, I really shouldn't be hungry...
- I guess you're the expert, though. So, uh, thank you. *eyes the popcorn suspiciously* Say, you don't think I could use these with a little hand-canon...? *shifty eyes* --Ellemerr 16:45, 27 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
- Perhaps...--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 21:42, 27 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Banana[edit source]
Can you explain the site's banana logo? HeavenO!--Conservatism
Right[edit source]
On the off chance you have this thing set up to send email notifications when folks leave messages here, I'm leaving a message here. Actually sending you an email, of course, would have made far too much sense, and as msn crashed, I couldn't just forward the link that way... unless the link did get through? It crashed when I tried, see.
Anyhow, the line about the muskox is so going in the madness. I hope you don't mind; it's just so perfect. Likewise, I stuck the muskox version that you sent me here so we wouldn't lose it, as I seriously thought I'd deleted it as well, but apparently my packrattism is stronger than my deletionism and thus it survived, just not where I expected it to be.
So so so I guess my point is, the muskox is now here, and sans some sort of massive server/database failure (which, admittedly, does happen sometimes), it should be pretty safe. And it can be worked on. I wouldn't know what I could add, but you're definitely going somewhere with it, and I would like to see where. Yes.
We like muskoxen.
Yes. ~ 03:57, 1 Aym 2011
- The off chance didn't work. Which kind of annoys me. Now I'll have to actually make this thing notify me... unless I forget. Because it would be far too much work to do it now. Of course. However, the link on msn did get through. And miraculously enough, that brought me here. Somehow. I'm really not sure how. After I reconfigured my computer and lost all my opera tags I promptly forgot this place. Not that I came her a lot the past few months anyway, of course. >.>
- And what line? There are lots of lines in there! *goes to look for it in the Madness* Oh! You mean that line? *looks at it for a bit* Mm. It's pretty nice, as lines go. *nods* The things that come out of my fingers without me even noticing... And thanks for finding those big, scary animals for me. I guess I should save them to where I thought for sure they were, so that they don't go on a rampage again. After all, that's half the purpose of exposing them to the world, right? At least the part of the world that hails the banana, I guess. >.>
- Now I just have to figure out where I'm going, you say?
- Right. No problem, then. Right. Good. Uhm.
- We're doomed. >.< ~ Ellemerr • Daydreams & Nightmares • 23:42, 6 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- Alas. Oh well. You know, it's checking one box thingy in your preferences... one box. Thingy. Thing. And... d'oh.
- Isn't the point for them to go on a rampage at some point or another? Or was that what you meant? Except that wasn't what you said. Was it?
- Yeah. We're doomed, alright, but what else is new? ~
00:30, 8 Aym 2011
- Yeah. We're doomed, alright, but what else is new? ~
- Ah, this book is new! *holds it up* Well, reasonably so, anyway. Old contents, though. And, hm... Yes, this brooch is new. Haven't even used it yet. There's probably other new things here somewhere, too, hidden in the amassing mess. *eyes it suspiciously*
- The point... if there is one... might be to keep the muskox from leaving the island and taking over the world. Unless it's not. Honestly, I'm leaning towards the whole "there's not really a plan but let's pretend there is one anyway to confuse people, myself included". I'm not sure what I meant, and I've forgotten what I've said. Though since I haven't really said but written it, I guess I could go back and read it. But that would be too simple, wouldn't it? Or maybe I'm just lazy...
- On a somewhat more serious note, I tried to go and check the box, only to find that it was checked already and that the problem was that my mail wasn't validated. Or somesuch. So I tried fixing that, but the email the button promised me never came. So now I don't know what to do. There's a faint chance I'll end up eating waffles. *shifty eyes* ~ Ellemerr • Daydreams & Nightmares • 20:14, 8 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- I forgot what I was saying. Something about smells. Why do you have a mess? And why am I saying this now, here, when other lines of communication are open? Anyhow, that is a damned good plan. Damned good. Everything else is rather moot.
- On the subject of waffles, however, I was being rather insistent about the things on Uncyclopedia and a couple of guys started writing waffle-related policy pages. One of them got stuffed somewhere strange, but the other says not to eat waffles, in a very improper tone. It's rather disconcerting. ~
18:50, 9 Aym 2011
- Pfft, he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about. For starters, waffles are heart-shaped, so what he's dealing with there are obvious fakes. Also, you shouldn't have syrup on them, but sour cream and lingonberry-jam. If he still doesn't approve he's probably either some sort of alien, or just really, really boring. I'd be cautious in dealing with him either way, if I were you.
- I have a mess because... I'm lazy? It likes me? A disoriented bunch of bumblebees dropped it on my desk? Pick your preference. Doesn't really change anything. It's here now. And I think I've lost several thingsmagogs in it. >.> As for the plan, it is not only damned good, but it's working, too! I wish I could say as much for my exam plans... *shifty eyes* ~ Ellemerr • Daydreams & Nightmares • 16:35, 10 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- I put in an against on the VFH nomination (for featuring on the mainpage) for a similar reason, but without using so much reason. Anyhow, I bet I have a bigger mess. It's basically my life. Do I win? *shifty eyes* At least exams are over, but that doesn't solve my problems of everything else... ah, well. We're all doomed. Did I mention that? ~
09:25, 11 Aym 2011
- I put in an against on the VFH nomination (for featuring on the mainpage) for a similar reason, but without using so much reason. Anyhow, I bet I have a bigger mess. It's basically my life. Do I win? *shifty eyes* At least exams are over, but that doesn't solve my problems of everything else... ah, well. We're all doomed. Did I mention that? ~
- On a somewhat more serious note, I tried to go and check the box, only to find that it was checked already and that the problem was that my mail wasn't validated. Or somesuch. So I tried fixing that, but the email the button promised me never came. So now I don't know what to do. There's a faint chance I'll end up eating waffles. *shifty eyes* ~ Ellemerr • Daydreams & Nightmares • 20:14, 8 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- "Not that this is not a game", eh? You might win. My mess has been messier before. It's not *that* bad now, it's just the things lost in it that gets annoying... Because I hate looking for them. The lazy, you know.
- I really hate my exam. I wish I could've written about comics instead. Or fairytales. Those were fun to write about. I just... don't know. Aough. >.< And I mentioned that we were doomed, and then you mentioned that we were doomed, so I guess it's my time again to say, yeah, we're pretty much all doomed, but what can we do about it, ey? At least I'll be free to enjoy my doomed existence as soon as this month is over and done with. Won't that be nice... ~ Ellemerr • Daydreams & Nightmares • 21:52, 12 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- At least you remember. Laziness is stranger without remembering... how does one not do things without remembering what they are? And why couldn't you write about one of those? What was the general supposed of it to be? Or whatever I meant to say.
- But anyway. Yes. We're doomed. Yes. And then won't there be more doomed after? ~
17:57, 13 Aym 2011
- This thing is becoming long. O_o Blame me and my fondness for words, maybe, but... Can the dog eat it? I can't write about those because I didn't manage to tie them to the 'orrible books we had to read. (Okay, one of them wasn't all bad, really, but the other! 'Orrible, I say!) It was lettuce or nothing, I fear. Well, if lettuce is wikis, at least. Since that's what I'm writing about. Or failing at writing about. Gah. >.< And I'll be just as doomed after, but on a much higher level. If by higher we mean funnier or more pleasant. Because being doomed isn't so bad if you don't have to work for it... right? *shifty eyes*
- On a almost unrelated note, the hindus were geniouses. I wish I had an extra pair of arms. ~ Ellemerr • Daydreams & Nightmares • 21:01, 15 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- Bah, this is nothing compared to what we'd do back in the woods... or is it? Actually, I was on a much smaller monitor then... hard to tell. Anyhow, ghah. Not good book, that... actually, I think some wikis might be lettuce, but this one's probably spinach, and I know for a tarnaggling fact that Uncyclopedia is cabbage. I guess they're all somewhere in there, anyhow. Being doomed is just... bad, isn't it? Or is it? I've been doomed too long to tell.
- And for arms might be nice, but I can't even coordinate one half the time, so... uh. >.< ~
17:58, 16 Aym 2011
- But the 'Woods divided them up more and didn't push everything to the right. It was just one message and one reply at the time. Granted, it still linked with the above and below sections at times, and the segments were often even longer than what we're writing here, so... I guess it depends on what's to be ment with "longer".
- Now I wanna search for the cucumber of wikis! But I shouldn't. I should find out... I don't even know. Something that links wikis to Habermas, although he only wrote one lousy paragraph about the internet as a whole and... gah. I wish I had the slightest idea what I'm doing... Besides being doomed. And I guess if you're always doomed and you sometimes have fun, it's either not all bad or bad isn't as bad as people make it out to be? I'm sure I'll be doomed after I've handed in the exam, but I won't worry about it as much. And I'll play more games. That's not so bad.
- I had a really good reason for needing another set of arms the other day, but I've forgotten what. It might have been to quicken the process of shifting the screen between mine and my brother's computer... Maybe. Or for eating and browsing the internet at once. Something useful, you know. Also, if your depiction is anything to go by, it looks pretty cool. *nods sagely* ~ Ellemerr • Daydreams & Nightmares • 19:45, 16 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- Well, now they have them all divided up and pushed to the right and crammed into a small space. How's that for progress? Uh... you really do have your work cut out for you, don't know... so now would be a bad time to point out that mediawiki (the platform Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia, Illogicopedia, etc use) is only one of many forms of wiki?
- Problem with doomedness, it shifts from day to day. Bloody awful. I wish I had time for games... except I suppose I do, sort of. Bloody sort of.
- I wish I had blue skin. Proper blue skin. Purple blood... all that loveliness. ~
21:01, 16 Aym 2011
- Well, I know there are different-looking wikis... Is wikia a platform same as mediawiki? Because theirs look different. Do you know of any drastically different ones? Since I've no idea what I'm doing anyway, I might as well have a look-see... >.> ~ Ellemerr • Daydreams & Nightmares • 21:18, 16 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- Wikia is highly modified mediawiki too... although not too highly, since Uncyclopedia is hosted by them and just... uh... modified back to look like normal mediawiki on top of all of the wikia stuff on top of all the mediawiki stuff... Which is dumb. That kind of thing is dumb. Full list, though, uh... try Wikipedia:comparison of wiki software; that's got a nice table. And Hells, that's a lot. o_O ~
22:11, 16 Aym 2011
- What is it you ladies are yapping about? I read something about Wikia. Well, The Wikia Conspiracy is not something to be fooling around with. Jimbo just is gonna lose all his dough. I mean, I would host Uncle Pete on a server I have in my attic to stop Jimbo from eating moar caviar. Ellemeer, never create an account on Pete. I got shunned there for mah typical political nonsense, y'know. I mean, is there something inherently wronk with mah political nonsense? Sure the term thunder muffin has nothing to do with communism, but still.... And why am I barging in on this conversation like some nosy schoolteacher or social worker? And wikis are absurd creatures with nonfunctional hind legs, Ellemeer, so ya know.--Colonel Sanders 23:36, 16 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- That IS a lot. And dumb. Yes. See, lazy people are smart in these cases because we don't bother doing dumb things like that. I bet that if uncyc was run by lazy people like me, it would be much better. Also probably non-excistent. *shifty eyes* (And I don't really have anything against uncyclopedia, you know. I'm largly ignorant about it, too. It's got nice manholes, if my memory serves.)
- Mr. Sanders, we're talking about wikis. That should be pretty obvious, shouldn't it? ;P I have very little idea what you are talking about, though. No idea who Jimbo is. Seen something about an Uncle Pete here before, but don't recall what or who it/he might be. I've also no idea why you've barged in on this conversation like some nosy schoolteacher or social worker. Maybe you are a nosy schoolteacher or social worker? I can hardly claim to know. Nor can I really believe you if you say that you are or aren't, but don't worry about it. It's just paranoia, nothing personal. ~ Ellemerr • Daydreams & Nightmares • 17:54, 18 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- Lazy people find nice workarounds, too. Workaround-oriented programming is strangely fun, in fact... but I digress. And yeah, if lazy people were in charge... well, no, that wouldn't help, since the ones causing the most trouble are lazy; they don't do anything but bother other people, really. Honestly, the entire thing is all stupid and idiotic and irritating, so I'm just ignoring it, not in the hopes that it'll go away, but simply to spite it. Or so I insist. Actually, it's probably just laziness, just another sort than the other folks, or something.
- Actually, I'm thinking about this wrong - you said 'lazy people like me', not 'lazy people'. If they were like you... yes, that sort of laziness is good. Although large quantities could be rather dangerous. But fun. And scary. With large yaks. Except there is a large yak here... a hairy yak... or a Harry Yack, at least. And there are manholes here, too.
- And some folks around here call Uncyclopedia 'Uncle Pete'. Myes. I'll just back away, now. ~
07:29, 19 Aym 2011
- So long as there aren't any exams to be done, I guess I am a nice sort of lazy. At the moment, though, I'm slowly killing myself with it. Joy! *shifty eyes* I hope I can implement large, hairy yaks. Bound to make it better, nay? Yaks make everything better, especially if they are large and hairy... The most pressing question now, though, is: Why on earth would they call it Uncle Pete? It's not their uncle is it? Because that would be serious weird stuff, and I'm not referencing magic, which can also be seriously weird, but on another level completely and often much nicer. I mean, it's not even like when I stroll around as Auntie Merry (with you as my faithful Sister-Wister, of course), because even though I'm not really an aunt, at least I could've been, and may yet become, and stuff. But how are the family relationships of a wiki...? This is a new level of personification that I somehow doubt Æsop ever had to deal with.
- On a largly unrelated note, my hair really needs to establish closer relationships with a scissor. >.> ~ Ellemerr • Daydreams & Nightmares • 12:38, 19 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- What is it you ladies are yapping about? I read something about Wikia. Well, The Wikia Conspiracy is not something to be fooling around with. Jimbo just is gonna lose all his dough. I mean, I would host Uncle Pete on a server I have in my attic to stop Jimbo from eating moar caviar. Ellemeer, never create an account on Pete. I got shunned there for mah typical political nonsense, y'know. I mean, is there something inherently wronk with mah political nonsense? Sure the term thunder muffin has nothing to do with communism, but still.... And why am I barging in on this conversation like some nosy schoolteacher or social worker? And wikis are absurd creatures with nonfunctional hind legs, Ellemeer, so ya know.--Colonel Sanders 23:36, 16 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- They call it Uncle Pete because Pete is the uncle of Illogicopedia. And Jimbo... most wiki-users know who Jimbo is. I was referring to Wikipedia co-founder, Wikia owner, and wiki overlord Jimbo Wales. And I am not a teacher or social worker. I would suck at that kinda thing. I am a state congressman. And sorry I wasn't able to respond, I've been involved in a RationalWiki user rights fiasco. And scissors are overrated. Trus me.--Colonel Sanders 13:48, 19 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- What do you mean, you wasn't able to respond? You just responded! And Illogicopedia has an uncle? On its mother or father side? Whoever those might be... MediaWiki and... no, I won't even hazard a guess. I mean, creating a wiki is one thing, but birthing one? Must be uncomfortable. Even the Garden is just planted tended by the gardener, not birthed by hir. Which I'm sure she's rather grateful for. I know I would be. And when you mention him, I've heard of this Wales fellow before. But I'm not good at remembering names. He'll have to do something more spectacular than co-founding Wikipedia before I'll remember his name. Dressing up like a whale and dancing Mazurka would be a good start, but I still probably wouldn't remember his first name... Maybe if he just changed it to Valentine or something. That's a fine name. A really fine name. If I ever get a tower, I might change my name to Valentine...
- Scissors are awesome! You're obviously underestimating them. Don't forget: The more you sharpen them, the better they cut! ~ Ellemerr • Daydreams & Nightmares • 14:59, 19 Aym 2011 (UTC)
- Wikia is highly modified mediawiki too... although not too highly, since Uncyclopedia is hosted by them and just... uh... modified back to look like normal mediawiki on top of all of the wikia stuff on top of all the mediawiki stuff... Which is dumb. That kind of thing is dumb. Full list, though, uh... try Wikipedia:comparison of wiki software; that's got a nice table. And Hells, that's a lot. o_O ~
- They've bested hooks before. They are, indeed, not to be underestimated. ~
08:22, 20 Aym 2011
- Well, I know there are different-looking wikis... Is wikia a platform same as mediawiki? Because theirs look different. Do you know of any drastically different ones? Since I've no idea what I'm doing anyway, I might as well have a look-see... >.> ~ Ellemerr • Daydreams & Nightmares • 21:18, 16 Aym 2011 (UTC)
New section, no reason[edit source]
Standing at the end of the gun as the world you built falls apart, what do you do? The ghosts come to inhabit the rolling green want their own way; these are their hills as much as yours, now, for you built it as much for them as for yourself, or there would have been no point. But now they take it, away from your wandering gaze, into the realms of the jagged, the frightful, not nightmare or dreamscape, but a path, straight, undimensional, unwavering and entirely their own. And yet still you stand, Queen of a changed land, still here despite everything, because you are Queen, and this is your land, and no amount of ghosting will change that. No amount, but only your will; you could give it up entirely... but why give up what you worked so hard to build, what meant the world to you when you were down, and what you gave everything to create?
And yet here it is, no longer your own and nothing is as it seems.
That's the difference that makes a difference, though. Commanding and having it made so, that is so much more difficult than going out and doing it yourself, because in commanding, there is interpretation. Say you want something, and they will take it in whatever direction they think it should be taken, and in time, they begin to take it in other directions entirely. There was a time, of course, when you could still step in, say, no, no, that is not it, that is not what I meant at all, and with a simple nudge they would come around, but that time is past. With every thing that passes, you lose a little more. It takes a little more to keep the hills the green you so desired, and there is a little more dissent each time when someone tries to plant a yellow daisy and you say, no, no, please don't do that, until...
Until it's all lost entirely? But it's not just the control that's lost, or the contentment, or the power or the green or anything else. It also keeps getting bigger and bigger. Each time, there is another wall between you and the green, my Queen, and this... this is the real problem. The walls. The layers. Why are you behind these walls? What are you doing here? Who are you?
What happened to your land of green? What did the ghosts do to it?
I'm not sure what I'm referring to, here. Something from your past, perhaps. Something from someone else's past, maybe. Perhaps something from all our pasts? Or perhaps nothing at all. Maybe it's just a dream. Dreaming in the sun, you know, except there hasn't been sun here in weeks.
It's funny. I think I'm out of my mind. I could be wrong, of course; maybe I'm just out of someone else's mind. ~ 08:22, 20 Aym 2011