Forum:No more.
I am sick and tired of this. Admins are NOT paid, period, to do this, and they shouldn't have to be -- because they're volunteers. Tell me, do you revert vandalism as of late? Admins and people who do notwithstanding (I know I've ruined my point), I'd appreciate if more work was done NOT TO CLOG THE TUBES.
So there.
I know most admins are going to probably end up saying "WEAR REULS LITE JAJAJA!?!?!1/1?", and I know that a lot of people dislike my style of administration, but this is *really* neccessary, else we'll never be able to get back to the focus of the community.
- No new Big Brrother clones.
I am tired of this, and it is quite frankly getting to my nerves, having to delete and recreate. I've been nice, lenient, and willing to allow growth. BUT THERE IS NO GROWTH. From here on in, anyone recreating deleted pages or creating a big brrother clone will be given a black dot of death. Got me?
- No contesting admins. Period, and all that.
Seriously, some of the way the users are acting sickens me; I like users having rights, but as I said (and yes, this policy will remind you of Uncyclopedia), ADMINS HAVE LIVES. For example, I have a day job that I do. It is a very stressful job. I do not like doing it. However, I do it anyways. I do not like having two jobs. I currently have two jobs. One of them is illogicopedia.
As the policies have said (but then, the policies are being ignored left and right), the words of a werewolf are final. You're welcome to contest them, or talk to them -- we're not heartless, mean, and cruel -- but directly acting against them, getting into a war with them... it's not productive, and it's MAKING THE COMMUNITY INEDIBLE.
In closing, Illogicopedia is a great thing, and it has great potential (some of which it's used!); but the impression I'm getting from some of you (I won't name names) is that nobody cares. We are a community-based social network of sorts, meeting a senseless Wikipedia. Let's stick to that goal, and stick to the books.
I have a dream, and please don't shatter it.
--Sir Asema Politics Complaint Inbox or Outbox 17:59, 28 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
I wish you all good luck. --Sir Asema Politics Complaint Inbox or Outbox 18:04, 28 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
I wholeheartedly agree with this, all this arguing is driving me insane, admittedly, us admins have become a little slack of content and the like, we used to tolerate nothing but ban leniently. But seriously, theres no excuse for flaming, cloning and generally doing whatever you can to be awkward.--Silent PenguinLeave Me Alone 18:12, 28 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
- Dudes, I thought the Big Brrother thing was supposed to be a bit of fun. I haven't seen any 'proper' clones take off yet, only the parody version by Helloolleh. I would have liked to have seen the I'm an Illogicopedian... put on hold 'til afterwards, though. Raw corn. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 19:26, 28 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
- I'm sorry for flamewaring, im a person who speaks their mind and that can get me into trouble. I was just frustrated at the bunch of sockpuppets cloning my page and turning into a "Rival". I agree that Illogicopedia is getting a bit crippled with vandalism.
Sorry lads.
Ben Blade 19:40, 28 Jeremy 2008 (UTC) You Can't Talk Benedict u vandalised my page bcuz of jealousy The Tobester
Sockpuppet? And mine was NEVER going to rival yours, it was a parody. PARODY. --H.E.L.L o_O L.L.E.H 19:43, 28 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
- I'm behind this. Personally I've alwys liked Asema's method of admining -- 22:01, 28 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Am i a bad person?--|Fonchezzz| Quacking|
22:38, 28 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
- Sorry guys -- 08:37, 29 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Okay, it's getting a little bit Uncyclopedia in here. We're just too full of people whining and bitching about silly little things. Here's my 3.97138 pence (or two cents):
- Alot of someone's forum posts have been quite inflammatory. He's constantly threatening to do this and that and the other just to get his own way. People like him (sorry for using yew as an example) need to realise that they're not going to get what they want through something like that. If yew really want to leave the site, go ahead, but stop making all this drama. If yew were on uncyc then people would either totally ignore yew, delete ywr forum or in a worst case situation totally have a go at yew. What yew need to realise is that Illogicopedia has standards aka RULES. If yew don't like it that these rules need to be upheld, then go somewhere else. That goes for anyone else too. NOONE, not even god himself is that special. Well, maybe god.
- Flamewars. Alot of people take things too seriously here. (do we LOOK like a serious wiki to yew?) What yew people need to do is work out that there's gonna be a lot of randomness and parodies because we are that kind of wiki. If people like (e.g.) HelloolleH make a parody of your work (e.g. Big Brrother) then yew should take it as a compliment. This person has drawn inspiration from ywr work. There's nothing in the rules saying "yew can't make parodies"; and the parodies that were made I can 100% tell were not competing. Sorry, but it seems that alot of people have a bit too high an opinion of themselves here. Actually, I'm not sorry. Get over ywrselves! Ywr on a NONSENSE wiki!
- The content on the site: It seems like it's wayyy too subject to this whole idea that the individual is more important than the group they're in i.e. the wiki. What we need is a bit of standards, really. What I feel like as I talk on this wiki is that I'm an admin humbled by the users, a leader (sort of) humbled by his civilians. Our rules seem to be too biased towards the users i.e. the whole idea of being incrementalist. There's incrementalism and then there's what we've got: probably just less than 2/3rds of our articles are like "josfafhaPFHPoqhrq0yr98123o45r19pd OMFG. The cheese makes me feel like I'm a cheese!" basically meaning nothing. While it's fun (kind of) n'all, I can easily see every other wiki looking on us and frowning as like the mother of your friend's child does if ywr a bad influence on ywr friend. There're only a few users truly dedicated to making really good, (often proper prose) articles. Illogic by definition is the antithesis of logic, and is not going "iojsaiofao! divided by WALRUS" i.e. being utterly randumb. I'm not sure what we should do. I'm really tempted to endorse a "noah's ark" style thing and flush out loads of crap, but that would probably be going too far. But as of yet we're not going far enough, we're too much like slaves to the "populace" (as such).
- Listen to what Asema says, he makes a very valid point!
-- 09:05, 29 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
- Oh yeah, ALL of my posts are threatening to do something.
--iI Kjm.Rt Ii 10:19, 29 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
- As you can clearly see if you go on past frenzies Ryan has frowned upon this well though out plea.
Okay, enough's enough. For many recent reasons which yew can see on the block log, I have banned Ryan for one week. I was considering 3 days but more and more kept on surfacing so I went just one stage up. -- 10:44, 29 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Ok im tired. You bring up a point MMF, why dont i go on a spree improving articles? i mean.... we need it. deleting is not the way to go... but lengthening and improving is fun.... unless you do it too much. In that case, help me out--|Fonchezzz| Quacking|
11:40, 29 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
- Here's what I have to say.
- Thanks, MrMetalFLower. I appreciate the backup and such.
- Fonchezzz, an article improvement drive would be excellent.
- Ryan, I'm sorry that you were banned, but honestly, shatting on an important forum topic is a no-no.
--Sir Asema Politics Complaint Inbox or Outbox 12:57, 29 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
My turn -
- Firstly I'd like to pubicly apologise for my part in the flamewar the other day. It was stupid and I got carried away.
- Secondly, I agree with everything MMF, Fonchy, Seppy and Asema have said. I remember the early days when articles were few in number but the overriding quality of them was good. We need to have this quality drive, and we need it now. I don't see why we shouldn't trash a bit more but encourage users to do rewrites or improvements - thats how good articles occasionally cum about, and it improves the quality of the wiki (e.g. the featured article peesmell was a trash rewrite.
- Thirdly no more spam. Please for the love of zenu, no more spam. It clogs up the site and really gets on my tits. I have a tendancy to warn users who spam up the site.
- Finally, please use the numerous community projects we set up.
13:12, 29 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)As I wrote before about the recent drama: "Thankfully, it only occurs in isolated bursts as of yet and doesn't spill around too much before fading into obscurity. Perhaps when The Big Ominous Improvement Initiative (merging mediocre articles, meta-editing and overhauling articles in general so as to make more of them more interesting to look at and possibly even read) is finally put into practice people (be they bored troublemakers or those provoked into drama) will go back to focusing on the most important stuff (IMHO) - the content." But now, it seems to have spiraled way too far. About time the improvement drive got underway, I say. To all, this forum page has lots of previous thought about it all.
And/or, TL;DR summary and my thoughts (not to be taken as gospel; feel free to debate them):
- Merge! – If two similar mediocre pages could form a better whole, then do it! With some proper added nonsense glue and mashing about with the story, new epics could thus be made. No admin intervention needed. Seriously, go nuts. If you mess up, things can always be restored.
- Fork! – Two good ideas warrant two good pages.
- No deletion purge! – We are not Uncyclopedia, and just about every kind of nonsense that doesn't break the policy rules should have its place. Duplicate content can be removed, poor repetitives summarized and put together, but unless deletion-worthy by our old standards, always preserve the essence of the nonsense somewhere. The issue is one of quantity, not enough pages being good enough; improve enough, and that is solved - no deletion spree required!
- Do your best/worst/most nonsensical! – Let the essence of whatever nonsense you decide to work with flourish into a true IllogiBanana!
--Fluffalizer 17:36, 29 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)