Illogicopedia:Illogicopedians as banana

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Have you ever thought that Banana is Illogicopedia's trademark or something? Well, here are Illogicopedians represented as Bananas!

Representation[edit | edit source]

IP user[edit | edit source]

IP users are usually newbies. Therefore, those users are plain yellow bananas.

IP users.

Registered user[edit | edit source]

They are special, Illogical, and they can think new. Therefore, they are green bananas.

They are all unique. They all have different shades of green bananas.

Registered users.

People with a star[edit | edit source]

They improved an article to featured article status. What does it mean? It means that it is AWESOME!!! So they are pink bananas.

People with stars.

Illogicopedian of the Month Winners[edit | edit source]

They worked hard and they are Illogi-famous. They are even Rollbacks. They are fancy purple bananas.

Illogicopedian of the Month Winners. Also Phantoms.

Administrators[edit | edit source]

Werewolves. Red bananas.


System admins[edit | edit source]

They manage systems. Some are not even Phantoms! Orange bananas.

System Administrators.

Bureaucrats[edit | edit source]

Vampires, Rare Cyan bananas.


Bots[edit | edit source]

Zombies, Gray bananas. Since they don't have souls.


Checkusers[edit | edit source]

I found out there is one more type of banana. Blue one.


Founders[edit | edit source]

They created Illogicopedia? Okay! White bananas.


Vandals[edit | edit source]

Those guys are bad, black bananas.
