Illogicopedia talk:The Penis Coalition
What has the world come to when a man cannot share a penis with his fellow friends!--Ben Blade 23:42, 4 Arply 2010 (UTC)
You can do that. Just not on Illogicopedia. The obvious solution for you people is to get your own freaking web site or just join Encyclopedia Dramatica. I'm sure they'd love to have you post whatever retardedness you want there - I mean, that's pretty much what their site is for. But I don't want to see unsolicited pictures of genitalia or drawings of genitalia. I think that's just plain nasty and offensive and it disgusts me. I don't want to log on to Illogicopedia and be disgusted or have to deal with unsolicited sexual imagery / pornography. (same difference) If I want that, I can go to 4chan or wherever.
This is supposed to be generally a democratically run community so if you want to change things to allow sexual imagery and post that all over the place you can do it but if you do then I am leaving because I would not enjoy participating in this community anymore. That's not a threat - it's a promise. Illogicopedia is supposed to be clever and amusing, not offensive and disgusting.
In summary, Don't Be a Dick. --Nerd42 17:53, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- You can take my penis, but you'll never take my FREEEEEEEDOOOOOM!--Ben Blade 18:07, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- There is a difference between freedom and anarchy. Freedom comes with responsibilities and always has boundaries. Anarchy doesn't. --Nerd42 18:18, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- @Ben: lol
- @Nerd: I'm not gonna take a strong stance on either side. I think that the penis drawings are fine where it is humorous. For example, the Cockbeast article with the caption "Don't hate on him cus he's different" was funny in a sense and therefore it should stay. But when Jon put a picture of a penis on vandalism with the caption "go Hindles" it was wrong because it existed simply because it was a penis. See what I mean? That when the sole purpose of posting the picture is because it is a penis and it is offensive then it is wrong. When the purpose is to add humor to an article and the imagery is not actually a real penis I believe it should be accepted but on a short leash. I think that with everything else, you cannot drawn a line and separate it between black and white. Many of the penis images are in a gray area that needs to be decided on a case by case basis. When it is a case by case basis then you don't have to throw down the hammer and everyone walks away happy. Compromise is the only real solution because, Nerd, you can't honestly believe you are going to win. I hate to say it but it's you against the entire community on this one. I think you deserve a fair chance to state your point but in the end,
it doesn't even matterI think that Testes and his gang will win and there will be slight restrictions on penis images. I hope I didn't get anyone pissed at me but that is mah opinion. Thanks. --T3 18:25, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)- I personally don't find Cockbeast that amusing, really. Just to say I'm actually with Nerd on this one, but for different reasons - I think it's childish and not the image we want to project for Illogicopedia, which is why I'm on banwatch (chyaaaaah) which is a lot like Baywatch but with far less Hoff. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 18:40, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- BTW, what Hindleyite just said is among my reasons, and is, I think, a good enough reason in and of itself. Now look, if we're going to have an article called "Penis" then it would make sense to have such artworks there. I can just choose not to go there. But if we're going to have this crap on the front page and in people's forum signatures and on the blog and on templates and in tons of totally unrelated places, then I'm not going to stay around and deal with that. That's what I meant by "post that all over the place." It is the unsolicited nature that makes this intolerable to me. --Nerd42 19:15, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- I find the fact you find it offensive merely because society tells you it's offensive offensive. But, to be fair, that isn't going to cross the mind of any potential new users perusing the site (unless their awesome, which, y'know they might be). I never really expected this to get anywhere policy wise, it was really more of a protest and to promote understanding and tolerance of depictions of the male genitalia. Should there be a case for a penis on this wiki, which admittedly there aren't likely to be many, then I'll defend it to the hilt. *throws Hoff brand cucumbers at Hindleyite*
- The penis is a vital part of both a man's life and a Woman's life. Therefore, If you're not going to come forward and spew your fucking delight at this wet dream, then you can piss off. I humbly propose a referendum (of cock).--Ben Blade 20:30, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- Oh God, Ben found the Profanisaurus! This is truly a sad day for Illogicopedia. In a general sense, I'm glad that something as simple as a penis can bring us together in a way no other body part can. Except maybe boobs. Yeah, can we have a Boobie Coalition, you know, in the interests of sexual equality? -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 20:54, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
19:40, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- The penis is a vital part of both a man's life and a Woman's life. Therefore, If you're not going to come forward and spew your fucking delight at this wet dream, then you can piss off. I humbly propose a referendum (of cock).--Ben Blade 20:30, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- I find the fact you find it offensive merely because society tells you it's offensive offensive. But, to be fair, that isn't going to cross the mind of any potential new users perusing the site (unless their awesome, which, y'know they might be). I never really expected this to get anywhere policy wise, it was really more of a protest and to promote understanding and tolerance of depictions of the male genitalia. Should there be a case for a penis on this wiki, which admittedly there aren't likely to be many, then I'll defend it to the hilt. *throws Hoff brand cucumbers at Hindleyite*
- BTW, what Hindleyite just said is among my reasons, and is, I think, a good enough reason in and of itself. Now look, if we're going to have an article called "Penis" then it would make sense to have such artworks there. I can just choose not to go there. But if we're going to have this crap on the front page and in people's forum signatures and on the blog and on templates and in tons of totally unrelated places, then I'm not going to stay around and deal with that. That's what I meant by "post that all over the place." It is the unsolicited nature that makes this intolerable to me. --Nerd42 19:15, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- I personally don't find Cockbeast that amusing, really. Just to say I'm actually with Nerd on this one, but for different reasons - I think it's childish and not the image we want to project for Illogicopedia, which is why I'm on banwatch (chyaaaaah) which is a lot like Baywatch but with far less Hoff. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 18:40, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- There is a difference between freedom and anarchy. Freedom comes with responsibilities and always has boundaries. Anarchy doesn't. --Nerd42 18:18, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
@nerd: allowing stupid cartoon penises that you personally find offensive but many other community members find amusing isn't the same as unleashing "anarchy." I think the case-by-case basis thing is a good idea. I personally don't care either way. The occasional cartoon penis isn't gonna turn illogicopedia in to a haven of uncontrolled pornography. Actual photos of naked people are right out. But a cartoon is pure silliness. Sure, it's juvenile humor, but is it worth having an argument about? Also, two dramatic things happening in two days? New record! --THE 21:07, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- Imagine you have no sense of smell and don't have to be concerned about health risk. Does this mean you are going to be OK with somebody dumping their excrement all over the carpet in your apartment every day? No, that's going to piss you off because you just don't want to see it. And right now I'm kind of pissed off in about that kind of way. This is TOTAL CRAP with absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever in addition to being offensive and it's only done for the sake of being offensive and for no other reason. This is obvious and anything you say to the contrary is BS.
- Now, obviously, I agree that any conceivable policy has to be on a case-by-case basis. For instance, I haven't gone and deleted JonTehSexyMofo's totally useless crap entry to the "Cake is a Lie" thread because it's not blatantly pasted all over the site. I don't like it, but I can just skip past it. It's not in my face whenever I log in. I don't go around policing the site, looking for stuff to delete and making a big fuss whenever I find anything. But this "In Your Face" BS is not something I will tolerate. Either it's going to stop or I'm just gonna have to leave the site. And since you are probably all assholes, I'm probably going to be having to leave I expect. --Nerd42 21:40, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- Do not leave. You will miss the hordes of penis!--Ben Blade 22:20, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- 'And since you are probably all assholes'...charming, from someone who will preach all day about decency and not offending people. A harmless doodle of a penis may be found offensive, but calling people assholes is a direct attempt to offend. You hypocritical so-and-so. If you're going to go around making offensive blanket statements about the community in general then maybe we don't want you here. --
23:22, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- 'And since you are probably all assholes'...charming, from someone who will preach all day about decency and not offending people. A harmless doodle of a penis may be found offensive, but calling people assholes is a direct attempt to offend. You hypocritical so-and-so. If you're going to go around making offensive blanket statements about the community in general then maybe we don't want you here. --
- Do not leave. You will miss the hordes of penis!--Ben Blade 22:20, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)
I said "probably" based on the what's been going on here, and Benedict Blade behaved as I just predicted. (i.e. exactly like a jackass) Posting this junk in the first place is the digital equivalent of giving people the finger - and not just at a distance but right in their face so I don't think I've even stooped to your level yet. And we're not talking about a few isolated incidents one or two times but something that just keeps going on regularly, on the front page no less.
I try to look at both my time and things I have on my mind the way an investor looks at a portfolio. For every investment they own, smart investors ask, "If I didn't already own it, would I buy it today?" If not, it's time to sell. Frankly, this phallic-obsession crap makes spending time here a liability (worth less than zero) rather than an asset for the same reasons I quit Uncyclopedia. If I wasn't already an established member of this community, would I join? It depends on what this community is. If it's about writing clever and amusing nonsense articles that loosely parody real world culture in a non-threatening, non-offensive way, I'm all for that. I'd totally join and support that. But if it's mainly a platform for mostly toilet humor and penis jokes that cater to the lowest common denominator for people with such a total lack of real creativity that they can't find anything funny or amusing to say except to offend other people's ideas of modesty and the dignity of the human body as having been created in the image of God then frankly I've got no business participating in it at all. --Nerd42 00:57, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- I think that these are fairly creative. A flat out picture of a dick is often failr bland and could be considered offensive, but when perfectly normal things are made to look like penises (penii?) it turns out to be wonderfully amusing and entirely non-offensive (seriously, it's just a chimp with a shaved tail or a terrorist upside down) work of art.
- Also: if you find penises offensive, I suggest watching porn a lot, then soon enough it doesn't become odd to see them on every other web page and you simply get used to it rather than being in shock seeing a penis in, of all places (shocking) the internet. —rms talk 01:33, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- First, it's not that I'm afraid of polluting my unspoiled virgin mind with strange and foreign objects I've never seen before. I'm a gentleman, not an idiot. Second, if I wanted to go watch porn, that's my business and none of yours. Have I said any of you shouldn't be allowed to go other places on the Net and find porn? No. That's none of my business. As for myself, I try to avoid it, as my religion says the human body is the temple of the Lord, made for sharing only with the one right person - something private and special, not a run-of-the-mill same old, same old public display that loses all meaning and has been degraded to the level of sneezing or taking a dump.
- Third, even if I didn't believe in this religion, there would still be the Dave Chappelle Rule - the fact that I do not enjoy this and I don't want to live in a world where I have to constantly look at other men's business. (or drawings of the same) People wear clothes and pass indecent exposure laws for a good reason - to cover that up cause it's not something other people want to see. Or if they do, it shouldn't be at the expense of people who don't want to. That's part of what being civilized means.
- There are so many other places you can go to do this kind of thing - why does it have to be here? Why not start a new site, or sister site, or new "dick language" site or whatever? Make a new place where your penis-related stupidity can have it's own home and not bother me and any other people who just want to write good nonsense and humor articles and don't want to be confronted with unsolicited depictions of genitalia. --Nerd42 01:48, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- I understand that you don't want to look at porn, but this isn't porn. It's a cartoon, the sort of thing that would pop up in a third grade textbook. I notice that whenever a joke offends you, you act like nobody could possibly find it funny. Some folks on illogicopedia find those penis cartoons funny. But on another note, this site is still absolutely full of creative writing, it just has a few cartoon penises. It's not like we've abruptly become a porn site where every article has a boner joke. We're still the exact same illogicopedia we always were. People have different senses of humor. We should allow liberty within reason. I think banning cartoon depictions of genitals would be unreasonable. Banning photographic porn makes sense because that's something we all agree should be out of bounds. But seeing as half the site is either mildly amused by the penis drawings or simply doesn't care about them, I don't think we should be banning them. I understand that some people might not like looking at them, but there are people who don't like reading the word "penis" either. It would be unreasonable to ban the word penis just like it's unreasonable to ban silly little drawings. If you equate a drawing with a penis to the real thing, then isn't a description of a penis worthy of a ban for the same reasons? But that would mean deleting featured articles. So your argument's basis is problematic. Please don't leave the site over this. It's like moving out of a town you've lived in for years because you see graffiti you don't like. --THE 02:01, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
THE, you bring up a good point. Maybe some people do find the penis thing funny and my anoyance at it has made me go a little overboard with the rhetoric and the name-calling. Maybe we could compromise and just set some reasonable limits. But I don't think your reasonableness is shared by HelloolleH, Testosteriech, Benedict Blade and others who support this "coalition" thing. I think they're just doing it to offend and annoy decent or modest people in general and me in particular.
You're right that this has been the equivalent of the occasional obscene graffiti on the bathroom wall up until recently. And if that's all it's going to be, then I can just ignore it. But that's not what we're seeing now. What we're seeing now is a push to make this mainstream, have it on the front page every few days and on the blog and on every forum thread. And I don't want to participate in the site if this is what the site is going to be. --Nerd42 02:18, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
BTW, it doesn't take any real creativity to hide a penis in almost any picture containing anything long or pointy, as Sigmund Freud could attest. I'm not complaining about the occasional borderline artwork that some third grader might post on PENISPENISPENIS or whatever. I mean, if you go to that page, you're just asking for it. If you want to talk about a case-by-case basis, then out of the four images you posted, I'd really only have a problem with the first one, and then only if it's posted on areas of the site that aren't "asking for it." If Readmesoon wants to make his user page look like a poorly raised third grader's notebook, I guess that should be up to him. I'm not facist. But I do believe that posting a cartoon penis is the online equivilent of giving whoever sees it the finger. And not just from across the street but right in their face. Illogicopedia shouldn't be about giving people the finger. --Nerd42 02:32, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- ... Maybe you should change your beliefs? I don't see how having a cartoon poorly-drawn penis is like flipping someone off. Either way, in today's society, flipping someone off is about as offensive as calling them a "meany poop". In other words, no one really gives a damn, or at least my experience has told me this. —rms talk 02:54, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
Maybe you should change yours. Or maybe democracy means that the majority is always right. I don't think so.
Flipping someone off has been universally considered an obscene gesture made for the express purpose of offending for thousands of years. (Just Google it) If it's no longer offensive in today's society, that can only be because today's people are stupid and barbaric compared to all these other previous societies who knew better. And this cartoon penis thing is clearly the equivalent of giving someone the finger - I don't know how you can arrive at the idea that it's not. --Nerd42 03:18, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- Sorry I was a bit late to reply, I was too busy actually doing stuff to help the wiki out rather than squabble over some drama about cocks. —rms talk 04:04, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- @Nerd, " I think they're just doing it to offend and annoy decent or modest people in general and me in particular." Wow Nerd, your perception into my internal motivations is astonishingly inaccurate, if I'd had done it to annoy "decent or modest people" (a label which I'd affix to myself as well most of the time) then I'd have started a coalition to pay for illogicopedia members to travel to world cities and shit on defenceless old people volunteering at orphanages, and "me in particular" - please, do you think you're really that special? No I did it because I reckon I had a legitimate point that was worth making, so in summary, you are an eejit. Listen to THE, he makes senses.
- Nerd, The penis is an object that you should not be ashamed of. Maybe the hordes of penis isn't your thing, but it's something that not a protest, but a cure. Seeing as half of this websites userbase is teenagers or borderline adults (and the once 'juvenile' context image certainly fuels this) You are bound to see a cock 'n' balls. Not a real one, no. But a symbol of anarchy and uprising.
- Kapeesh?--Ben Blade 08:16, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- Hmm, sounds like bollocks to me. ;) -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 11:31, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
07:52, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- @Nerd, " I think they're just doing it to offend and annoy decent or modest people in general and me in particular." Wow Nerd, your perception into my internal motivations is astonishingly inaccurate, if I'd had done it to annoy "decent or modest people" (a label which I'd affix to myself as well most of the time) then I'd have started a coalition to pay for illogicopedia members to travel to world cities and shit on defenceless old people volunteering at orphanages, and "me in particular" - please, do you think you're really that special? No I did it because I reckon I had a legitimate point that was worth making, so in summary, you are an eejit. Listen to THE, he makes senses.
Benedict Blade, your use of the word "should" implies a standard of moral rights and wrongs. Where are you getting your standard of "should" and "shouldn't" from? (In other words, "Who says?") Whatever your standard is, you should know that I'm not ashamed of having any body part. The human body was created in the image of God. People aren't supposed to wear clothes out of shame for themselves but out of consideration for others who'd rather keep other people's private parts private. --Nerd42 14:56, 7 Arply 2010 (UTC)
But what shall we do about vaginas and their annoyingly tedious monologues? If we allow that pair of lips to keep expressing themselves, but force penii to keep their heads down, is that sexual discrimination against a minority? --Carlb 17:42, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- If you go to a page called "vagina" or "penis", you'd expect to see a representation of a vagina or penis. Duh. I'm not complaining about that. --Nerd42 15:00, 7 Arply 2010 (UTC)
Yes Carlb, 'tis. Anyways, having studied this page and it's intricacies in great detail for two minutes, I would like to make a few points.
- Pointless name calling aside, Nerd does have a valid point. Of course he does, let's be honest here, penises have two, maybe three functions in this world and none of them would be discussed around the dinner table.
- No Nerd, nobody is out to offend here,
and why anybody would target you in particular I don't know. You see these doodles and take it as a personal affront, whereas others take no offense in them at all and see them simply as a doodle like any other, although with perhaps less tasteful subject matter. you can't say that just because you are offended most by them that they are therefore a personal attack on you, it's purely subjective.
I think a rule change of some kind is needed. Perhaps allow the use of such images as long as the page they are on is clearly marked with a subject matter warning template so that those that might be offended can give it a wide berth, and never in areas that must be viewed to reach other pages, or commonly visited areas such as the main page or forums etc. I probably had more to say in my head but I just woke up and am a little fuzzy right now, so I might return later with more waffle... --
18:33, 6 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- That would be fine. Looking back at some of the stuff I said here the other day, I think I was getting ticked off at perhaps more than stuff on this web site and was maybe letting my anger at those other things spill over into what I was saying here. Think I might need to apologize for some of it --Nerd42 14:46, 7 Arply 2010 (UTC)