Artistic merit

Artistic merit is a concept that no one really understands, like quantum relativity. The reason for this is that no one knows the answer to What is art?. We can answer What is and isn't art? but we don't know what art itself is.
Luckily, measuring artistic merit is much easier. You plot the quality on the x axis and the importance on the y axis and then rectangle them. The kinds of questions this kind of reasoning can answer are like "Rooms have corners, but do corners have aesthetic value?"
The only thing harder than herding cats is herding a dog.
This article has the property of its title.
That was some graphic design with artistic merit, now here's some prose with artistic merit[edit | edit source]
Beefalo discovered binilunium and biunseptium without egg hatred for Entry Number 17 by Eoin Colfer and edited by Epple Bop because Eric Andre is not the same person as Erik Satie who is an exponent of doing math with exponents because he failed English because he couldn't handle the Extreme Verbosity FREAK OUT!!! during FTAS/97 so he worked at a Face Bank selling face faces until a Fact-finding Tour showed up and said that his Fairy Godmother actually doesn't bake falafel which he thought was not "Fantastic?Foor?Yoo?" because he wanted life to be a Fantasy Adventure fasdfaflksjfkajfljssfjsfd with fat faced babies listening to Feargal Sharkey singing nonsense words like "fibbity fop foop" and eating floor bread to get the flux from teh frenzie plant sold by a frickin' frogge and not a fundemental artisan named Furdinand Toenose.