Forum:I am now the enemy
Hello all.
I am writing this forum in direct response to the Americans who turned their backs on marginalized groups of people (people of color, Muslims, immigrants, the LGBTQ community, etc.) by electing Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States of America. What was initially perceived as an elaborate joke has now become a reality, and now America has to undergo a long 4 years of God-knows-what under Trump. This is an unspeakable atrocity, and this just proves to the world that America is desperate enough to place its economy (which, by the way, was recovering amazingly under Obama) over all the other issues we face as a country.
As some or most of you already know, I am a Latino teen living in Los Angeles. As some or most of already know as well, Trump has been vocal about his inherent hatred of Latinos, labeling them as rapists and the ones who've been stealing America's jobs at an unprecedented rate. He has even gone so far as to advocate racial profiling, which is a major red flag for people of color. I cannot allow this to happen, which is why I have been empowered to act.
In response to this political depravity that will continue to unfurl, I will invest my time in helping incentivize a movement within my school (which will eventually branch out into my community, and from there anything else is possible) whose goal is to either become the Latino equivalent of Black Lives Matter (except this time we will not to repeat their mistakes and instead make our objectives far more clearer than their's) or to be an organization who scrutinizes and vehemently challenges every move Trump plans to make against Latinos and the other organizations we stand in solidarity with.
Unfortunately, this comes at a price for me; my girlfriend ended it with me. She feared that the worst would happen and that it is far too great of a risk to take, especially in times like these. She tried to tell me to not do it, since she was worried to death about what may become of me. I tried to tell her that the movement I wish to be involved with does not condone violence and directly challenging authorities in a reckless manner, but instead tries to solve these matters through peaceful protest and social diplomacy. Regardless, she refused to ignore the possibility that I may potentially put myself in some form of danger, and despite my clear and concise reasoning, she still couldn't bear it. So, in the end, I had to choose between her or something far greater than me, and unfortunately, that greater thing is the right thing.
Sacrifices will have to be made, and there is a lot more I will have to undergo to ensure the survival and potential success of the movement. Trump must not bring us to our knees, because I would rather fight until I give in rather than submit to a tyrant like him. I wish you all the best of luck in your lifelong endeavors, and if you happen to be affected by Trump's idiocy in any way possible, do something. No action is too small or insignificant enough to make a difference
Never lose hope, especially in this very moment.
2+2=5 (Enemigo Público No. 1)
MinkGoing to be serious here: it's better than nothing. And with Hillary, there was always the risk of her dragging us off to war with the Middle East. I personally would have thought Jill Stein the best candidate.Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 07:29, 10 Novelniver 2016 (UTC)
Also XY: I quote from my 2016 election coverage article: Green Day performed 'American Idiot' at the music awards of Europe. It all fits, honestly.
- I personally wish you the best of luck. I might dabble in the whole protest thing as well - ending gerrymandering, protecting the EPA and Obamacare, and most of all, freedom and equality of all people. Just a reminder that people all across the country and all across the world think this man is a
fuckin dorkthreat to our democracy and you are never, ever alone. PiddlerOfTrousers- - -I've ruined Illogicopedia 795 times! 14:30, 10 Novelniver 2016 (UTC)
- I personally wish you the best of luck. I might dabble in the whole protest thing as well - ending gerrymandering, protecting the EPA and Obamacare, and most of all, freedom and equality of all people. Just a reminder that people all across the country and all across the world think this man is a
- I wonder what Trumpcare will be like.
Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 00:51, 11 Novelniver 2016 (UTC)
- If Trump were to re-brand Obamacare under his name, not only would he attempt to capitalize immensely on it, but it would also be his way of enacting his hatred on minorities who couldn't afford any type of healthcare prior to Obamacare. In fact, if it weren't for Obamacare, my whole family and I wouldn't have had healthcare at all, alongside the vast majority of people in my neighborhood and people I know. However, Trump is planning on getting rid of it completely. That means that only the economically fortunate individuals of America will have proper access to healthcare. This is an unspeakably egregious atrocity.
03:47, 12 Novelniver 2016 (UTC)
- If Trump were to re-brand Obamacare under his name, not only would he attempt to capitalize immensely on it, but it would also be his way of enacting his hatred on minorities who couldn't afford any type of healthcare prior to Obamacare. In fact, if it weren't for Obamacare, my whole family and I wouldn't have had healthcare at all, alongside the vast majority of people in my neighborhood and people I know. However, Trump is planning on getting rid of it completely. That means that only the economically fortunate individuals of America will have proper access to healthcare. This is an unspeakably egregious atrocity.
- I wonder what Trumpcare will be like.
You are not "the enemy"[edit source]
You are no more "the enemy" than Sam Gamgee was. To be "the enemy", absolute, you would necessarily be the enemy of everyone.
You may be the enemy of a small class of creeps, bullies, white supremacists, and Illuminati wannabes, and that class may have considerable power at this time, but you are certainly not the enemy of the rest of us, and you're certainly not my enemy.
When you're working for the needs of the many in opposition to the desires of the few, you cannot possibly be the enemy of all. It doesn't work that way. Snarglefoop (talk) 03:12, 12 Novelniver 2016 (UTC)
- Sorry. I did not take most of what you said into consideration when I initially created this forum. I was still experiencing an inherent sense of rage after the election, so my judgement was obviously misguided in giving this forum its title. I guess I was probably trying to say something along the lines of "I am now an enemy of Trump." Perhaps that is a bit misguided as well, but what matters most is my proclamation of opposition.
- CHIRLA (Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles)
03:25, 12 Novelniver 2016 (UTC)
- Or ... "I am now considered an enemy of the State, by the State" I pick nits. You sure need not apologize. The point you were making is depressingly well taken. I was just reading about some of the stuff that went down in the first day or two after the election, as the Bigot Brigade takes DT's election as legitimization of their opinions and license to do whatever they please. Good God what a mess. Snarglefoop (talk) 04:34, 12 Novelniver 2016 (UTC)
It's tremendous![edit source]
Just thought I'd open with one of the Donald's favorite words. I am at once flabbergasted by a political system that would allow such a candidate to run for president and unsurprized at the mass insanity that voted him into office. It looks bad for all kinds of people. On the plus side, many of the closet bigots and misogynists are making noises, making them easier to identify. On the negative side, well... just about everything else.
I am hoping that Congress can keep the brakes on the more dangerous and harmful policies that the Trump cabinet and cronies think up. It disturbs me that so much hate remains even after the mans victory.
I am of no political bent whatsoever; terms like liberal, conservative, green, libertarian do not apply. I try to live my life with reason, logic and compassion. Neither am I religious, although I have always felt myself to be spiritual (whatever that might mean).
Angry white folks feel like they're being disenfranchised by liberal interests, their windows of opportunity are getting smaller, that others are getting unfair advantages, that something is being taken from them and given to someone else. The evidence is the erosion of the old ways of doing things and of small towns all over the country. It's rural vs urban, Caucasian vs others, Christian versus others, western civilization vs others.
The quality of education has declined to the point that simple reasoning proves too difficult. Scapegoating is more convenient.
Let's hope people will see the stupidity and craziness for what it is, and perhaps try to help set things right in their way. (kaizum me)
07:38, 17 Novelniver 2016 (UTC)