User talk:PiddlerOfTrousers
High their mahn.
So anyway, this is a pseudo-official greeting from a user who may or may not be an admin/sysop/werewolf, so here come the obligatory links to pages to help you out and tell you "Don't be teh vandal kthx":
The rules, such as "ROFL KILL THE BABIESN'T PLZN'T (notn't)" are here. People breaking the rules will have a koala thrown at them, and may also possibly receive a Chinese burn. So, that's all for now... Please be nice, make great articles and help contribute to our community in any way possible: e.g. template making, voting for articles or users, et cetera.
XY007 ⊡ talk ⊡ contributions 23:27, 7 Yoon 2015 (UTC)
- What the... You're only 3 hours old and have already created 46 articles? XY007 ⊡ talk ⊡ contributions 23:33, 7 Yoon 2015 (UTC)
- You don't sign articles, only talk pages. XY007 ⊡ talk ⊡ contributions 01:12, 8 Yoon 2015 (UTC)
IOTM[edit source]
You can vote for yourself, but not nominate yourself. Anyway remember that we have our own month names here. XY007 ⊡ talk ⊡ contributions 00:37, 9 Yoon 2015 (UTC)
Article Length[edit source]
Short articles can be OK, but you seem to have uploaded quite a few, with no "real" articles in balance. Please check out the community portal for ideas and suggestions as to how you might improve your standing as a citizen of Illogia. Please don't take this as a slap on the wrist. I encourage you to contribute and enjoy your stay. Cheers. (kaizum me)
18:21, 10 Yoon 2015 (UTC)
- You may have noticed I'm {{stub}}ing the shit out of your articles. Have you considered moving some of these to IllogiDictionary? You can get away with short entries there all day.
(kaizum me)
02:34, 11 Yoon 2015 (UTC)
OK thanks a bunchy bunch! PiddlerOfTrousers approves this article (talk) 13:59, 22 Yoon 2015 (UTC)
Hello.[edit source]
I'm okay.
How are you?
Thanks for asking.
I hope you're okay too-
Californian Blue! 2+2=5
(Tay | Say)
01:15, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
I'm... good? ☃☃☃ (talk) 12:09, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Good! Too bad you can't join the D.A.R.K Protocol. WHAT!? I AM NOT A NAYSAYER!
- woof*
(Tay | Say)
21:15, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Ooh, looks like some real sneaky amphibians going around there. ☃☃☃ (talk) 21:37, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
- JOIN TEH ISM PARTY!!! XY007 ⊡ talk ⊡ contributions 23:08, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Illogicopedia:Vote for Turnips[edit source]
I recommend you vote for whatever turnip you like the most. Thanks! XY007 ⊡ talk ⊡ contributions 01:01, 8 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
- Yeah, I did that. ☃☃☃ (talk) 01:02, 8 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
- I also recommend you add images to the 'what happens in my head' article. XY007 ⊡ talk ⊡ contributions 05:21, 8 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
IllogiBusiness[edit source]
Check this out! The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 00:24, 11 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Which country are you from?[edit source]
Just wonderin'. Jess vahnndrreeng. Can you also explain your ethnicity? No, I am not asking for your name. Or how many frogs were in the oinapple you bought today. Snarf.
06:42, 27 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
- I'm from that one place... what do you call it... Oh yeah! America. ☃☃☃ (talk) 07:02, 27 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
- Mink. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 07:04, 27 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Do you?[edit source]
Do you piddle on others trousers? Because that's way funnier than piddling your own. (kaizum me)
03:59, 28 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
- I would piddle on other's trousers, but I have to ask them first, and they all say no. :( ☃☃☃ (talk) 06:28, 28 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
- Yeah, because it's antisocial to do so. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 09:19, 28 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
idk[edit source]
Look, I'm so flogging bored because no one has been active right noe. Do you think you can go on IRC right now? Its the green chat room link on the main page. Tell XY007 about it too.
01:00, 6 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
I'm on now! ☃☃☃ (talk) 17:12, 6 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Gots dem blues?[edit source]
I see may be getting frustrated with writing here. Bear in mind, you are young both as a person and as a user. Have you written much of anything else? Also, this wiki is on the edges. It's difficult to distinguish between what we loosely think of as quality from crap. Crap can be quality by way of being crap in a funny or weird way.
Another thing I think of when I do stuff here. I usually try to have a thread, or many threads, running through an article. Or, I will start with something, segue suddenly, and then come back to the original thing. I think a loose continuity pulls things together.
You certainly have some silly ideas about waffles and stuff which are good seeds for something mighty. Or something. Sometimes, I will construct a loose narrative in my mind, and since my TV is always on, draw random things either on the tv or train of thought started by such. I imagine looking out a window, listening to music or a book on tape and probably other stuff might help lubricate the flayrod.
Don't panic! And don't forget your towel (see, I just stole that from the book, "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy") Cheers! (kaizum me)
00:45, 14 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
I have also been known to pilfer parts of wikipedia articles, then make appropriate changes. Once or twice, I used conversations with AI systems like ChatBot online, with questionable results. (kaizum me)
04:42, 14 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
- Building upon what Monsignor Peaches said at being young... how old are you? XY007 and I are both 14, and Island Monkey is 15, so you aren't the only young'un 'ere.
03:04, 19 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Congelation[edit source]
If it freezes, it does nothing. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 22:17, 19 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
- Are you talking about this? ☃☃☃ (talk) 02:06, 20 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
- Maybe. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 04:17, 20 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Hey![edit source]
You're starting a trend amongst the teenagers of Illogicopedia! You deserve a star for that (though i can't give you one cause im not an admin)!
02:49, 20 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
OI! YA HEAR THAT YA ADMINS! GIMME ONE A' THOSE STARS! ☃☃☃ (talk) 02:55, 20 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Hey, ho, just testing out my signature[edit source]
<big>[[User:PiddlerOfTrousers|<font color="red">☃</font>]] [[User talk:PiddlerOfTrousers|<font color="green">☃</font>]] [[Special:Contributions/PiddlerOfTrousers|<Font color="blue">☃</font>]] </big> (talk) 12:35, 20 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC) <--- Did it work?
No it didn't.
No I got it. PiddlerOfTrousers- - -I've ruined Illogicopedia 795 times! <---- this is good right?
Signature[edit source]
I fixed it. For some reason, it was making all the remaining text (i.e. after it) bigger, because you forgot to close the <big> tags. So that's fixed now. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 21:22, 22 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC) Thanks. Oh, and also, how do you write a timestamp?PiddlerOfTrousers- - -I've ruined Illogicopedia 795 times!
- Five tildes. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 22:13, 22 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Announcement[edit source]
I've heard word from my garden gnomes and they are going to kidnap me! I could get off the couch for the first time in seven years, but, eh, whatever. Goodbye for three weeks! Don't finish the 10000th article without me please! PiddlerOfTrousers- - -I've ruined Illogicopedia 795 times! 14:24, 16 Ditzimber 2015 (UTC)
Retard Alert[edit source]
This mayne is r-tard bois. Do not be of the worries, Putin would just maked a funnies. 1337yB1rd 101 Xx_V14d1m1r_Pu71n_xX 00:19, 12 Farbleum 2016 (UTC) 00:18, 12 Farbleum 2016 (UTC)
Urban Splurge[edit source]
You seem like the kind of guy who would absolutely love to legitimately do things with HTML instead of copying and pasting it all over the place. This is because I'm like that too, so I decided that I don't want to hear those little normies and yuppies in my head anymore and actually learn HTML. Have you ever been interested? If so, I found this totally free no BS website called Codecademy that can teach you everything you need to know about HTML. It also can teach you CSS, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, and all the other good stuff. I'm barely on the first HTML lesson, but it is soooo through (rigorous, even) yet they teach it to you like they know you're an actual human being.
Also, sjink.
06:32, 5 Arche 2016 (UTC)
- Wait, I have to to actual effort? Bleh... that's no fun for cnidarians... 'cuz we don't have, uh, those, whaddayacallits, yeah, uh, brains.
PiddlerOfTrousers- - -I've ruined Illogicopedia 795 times! 22:34, 6 Arche 2016 (UTC)
- But we humans could do it.
Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 23:12, 6 Arche 2016 (UTC)
- But we humans could do it.
- Here's a haiku!
- Farting near my friends
- Makes me lose all of my friends
- Now I am alone
PiddlerOfTrousers- - -I've ruined Illogicopedia 795 times! 01:39, 10 Arche 2016 (UTC)
Really dude? Really?[edit source]
You don't just go and delete the userpages of pretentious users and admins because "HURR DURR ETS AYBRUL FOOLZ." It's annoying instead of clever and/or funny, and it could've gotten you banned if an admin was out and about. Luckily, I rolled back the edits of the userpages you blanked (except yours, 'cause that's your problem) so this doesn't happen. But if you pull off something like this again, you're on your own.
So please: don't blank pages, regardless of it being April Fool's or not. You could piss a bunch of people (and admins) off, and we both know that you wouldn't want that now, right?
02:15, 2 Arply 2016 (UTC)
I apologolize apergeses apologize. The last thing I would want to do is to get banned from Illogicopedia. I guess I just misunderstood the meaning of April Fools. PiddlerOfTrousers- - -I've ruined Illogicopedia 795 times! 13:42, 3 Arply 2016 (UTC)
Chieftan Mews[edit source]
It's in the clues...
Sing a song on the jukebox that goes -
01:38, 6 Aym 2016 (UTC)
How 'bout this one? PiddlerOfTrousers- - -I've ruined Illogicopedia 795 times! 12:28, 7 Aym 2016 (UTC)
- I would post a link to Undisclosed Desires by Muse (get it?), but I want to keep my sanity.
Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 03:54, 8 Aym 2016 (UTC)
- I would post a link to Undisclosed Desires by Muse (get it?), but I want to keep my sanity.
Invitation[edit source]
hey,[edit source]
Just noticed you substitute your sig, instead do:
So it gets transcluded. 06:31, 30 Aym 2017 (UTC)