Forum:My Thoughts on Swine Flu

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Now almost every single thing from the media this past week has been about Swine Flu! DUH NUH NUH!!!!

Now I don't see what all the fuss is about.

Sure, more than 70 Mexicans have died from it. Most living in rural areas or poor areas. Huh? Maybe... Just maybe the news would think: Hey, maybe they died because of bad health care... The fact that only 1 person has died from it other than in Mexico (correct me if I'm wrong) makes me stop and wonder. Not to mention the 1 person who died from it in the U.S was two years old, probably had a suppressed immune system, and hey; what do you know, didn't actually live in the U.S but came here on a vacation from MEXICO. I'm not blaming Mexico by any means but when you actually look and see the numbers and the statistics, they don't add up with all of the pariah that the media is making it. Sure, its definitely worse than the regular flu, we know that, but over thirty thousand people die from the regular ol' flu EVERY YEAR. Now, do I think more will die in the U.S? Yes. If any newborn, 100 year old, or person with AIDS gets it, yes. They will die but that won't make me put up my storm shutters (I live in a hurricane-prone area) buy a hazmat suit and take regular baths in Germ-X.

Also, those idiots in Mexico city are all wearing masks, right? Anywhere you read, it says that you get it like the regular flu. So.... When was the last time you got the flu from breathing something in? IT'S NOT AIRBORNE. Now to illustrate how not superly contagious it is, here is a fact: That out of the eight kids from the New York secondary school that got the Swine Flu, none of their parents got it. I don't know about you but I tend to BREATHE when I'm around my parents... Now, I'm a little concerned about getting it because this kid has it in the county below me (where I happened to be for three hours on Thursday) has it. I'm not really concerned because he's been at home since Saturday and it only lives on surfaces for about two days and if you don't have symptoms after 48 hours: YOU DON'T HAVE IT! Now I don't really know but some people say its a bio-weapon. Now I don't know if they are, but if it is, they are the dumbest terrorists ever. Yes, instead of releasing a deadly virus that turns you to a sticky goo and can be caught by standing a mile away from someone would be a great idea for them. Now that I think about it, if some twenty-five year old genius was studying how a possible pandemic would affect the world, kudos for him. The results are eye-opening.

To cap off my rant/informational brochure I have to say a couple things:

  • There are six cases in U.K. so you got it too, douchebags!
  • Everyone shut up about nuking Mexico about it. That would make SO many more problems.
  • And lastly, don't be afraid, just bring Purell everywhere and don't be a slob and pick your nose and scratch your eyes all day.

To end it here's a joke:

You know how they said there'd be a black president when pigs fly? Guess what? A Swine Flew. Haha..


Lol, nice joke. :D Also over here in G'day mate land, they say Aussies are ALL in danger. Oh yeah? Including people MANY kilometres from any international airport, pig farm, mexicans etc.? Sure. Ryan talk 23:53, 1 Aym 2009 (UTC)

And anyway, even if I or you gets it, we're probably not gonna die... Like even if 1 million Americans got it, if you live in America, you'd therefore have a 1 in 300 chance of having it. And a million is a big number. Public health emergency my ass. --T3
Do you have swine flu?
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T3, dude, you need to get a blog or something ;) -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 21:32, 2 Aym 2009 (UTC)
I would if someone would read it. Also no one want to listen to a <insert my age here cause I don't want you to know> year old.
--T3 03:36, 3 Aym 2009 (UTC)
I have swine flu and I love it very much. --Asema 21:38, 3 Aym 2009 (UTC)
But it's a two-way street. It's gotta love you back. --T3 23:06, 3 Aym 2009 (UTC)
I have it. I'm going to spread via ?pedia. ~ 23:09, 3 Aym 2009 (UTC)
*Puts on Hazmat suit* --T3 00:36, 4 Aym 2009 (UTC)
Oh, there appears to be a cut around the knee area. ~ 00:45, 4 Aym 2009 (UTC)
I learned today that if someone in my school gets Swine Flu, it will shut down for 14 school days (YEEEAHH!) so I'm just hoping its not me. And the odds are actually pretty high because someone in the county below me has it and it's like a six year old so they'd have to spread it around. --T3 20:44, 4 Aym 2009 (UTC)
What grade are you in? ~ 23:06, 4 Aym 2009 (UTC)
Being completely honest, I really don't wanna say because I write a lot more mature than the age I am. --T3 20:41, 5 Aym 2009 (UTC)
Hahah, T3, that's a really horrible thing to say, you want someone in your school to get swine flu! If they do though, I expect to see you at VFF first thing in the morning.
PS, people don't care about how old the blogger is, as long as they can raise some good points. I look forward to! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 20:55, 5 Aym 2009 (UTC)
Believe it or not, I'm only fourteen. ~ 04:42, 6 Aym 2009 (UTC)
Good rant senor dude/dudette/inhuman thing. Swine flu? We ALL need it! By the way, what's the difference between swine flu and man flu? Do we grow snouts and tails? Do we suddenly detest eating bacon? I think not. Which means that swine flu is harmless. YOWZA? I'll have extra bacon plz. This small comment was well worth bumping up the recent changes list!DG |Chatty Chaps| 17:58, 6 Aym 2009 (UTC)
Honestly, I really don't want someone at my school to get it, but there's a suspected case at the high school in my area (so what, I'm in Middle School, big whoop) and both schools are on the same campus so they'd have to stop both. --T3
Lol. Resurrect the old forums. ~ 19:21, 12 Aym 2009 (UTC)
Carrots overflow the burning cookie accumulator! Well, that's the only thing I remember from the old forums, aside from the post whoring. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:40, 13 Aym 2009 (UTC)
So we aren't even talking about the swine flu anymore, eh? Everyone at my school has forgot about it completely. ~ 15:16, 13 Aym 2009 (UTC)
Frubb nose the cheese! and there you have it ladles and greenfinches, it seems nobody gives a rats arse. so kids, always remember to wipe your fish, aka, ?pedia is too normal now :P .--Seppy 14:17, 16 Aym 2009 (UTC)
Unlike your face. HAAYOOOH!!!! ....Anyone? --Testostereich(ballsack) 15:41, 16 Aym 2009 (UTC)
Har har. It appears Testes is a comdeian. PS, why does everyone call you Testicles? Based on your actual username, I belive "Testosterone" would be more acceptable. ~ 03:34, 17 Aym 2009 (UTC)
If I knew that I'd be somewhere else. I don't really know, Testicles is much more affectionate and personable I find, the kind of thing you call your kids as you ruffle their hair, and shove into the mouth of tramps instead of money. --Testostereich(ballsack) 09:14, 17 Aym 2009 (UTC)
That's a good way to put it. *cough* /me looks around to see if anybody notices i was lying ~ 23:41, 17 Aym 2009 (UTC)
Lying, eh? Well, if you can think of any other good ways to put your testicles on a tramp, you tell me, mister. --Fishalishalish 03:59, 18 Aym 2009 (UTC)
Er, in their ear? ~ 04:04, 18 Aym 2009 (UTC)
I think T3PO is right, America should not be so worried about the swine flu. I don't even think any Americans have it, do we? --Skate1168 (Talk) 14:21, 2 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
His thoughts are too sane! burn him!--Seppy 17:01, 2 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
. :@ Skate: Uh... A LOT of Americans have it... --T3 22:59, 3 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
Oh, I didn't know that! Oh no! :( --Skate1168 (Talk) 23:08, 3 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
Man, that sad. :( --Skate1168 (Talk) 16:09, 7 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
. :@ Skate: Not really. Only a small fraction of the people who got it died. Only old peoples, babies, and one lady who just gave birth. I don't believe it's killed any thirteen year olds have died and yes I looked on your Uncyclopedia page that's how I know how old you are. --T3 16:27, 10 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
Ok, thats good. Since you know how old I am, how old are you? :? --Skate1168 (Talk) 15:18, 11 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
Just to let you know, I am not sick, let alone have swine flu! :D --Skate1168 (Talk) 15:23, 11 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
If you look up in the forum, it gives you an estimate. The reason I don't like to give my exact age is because I like to write like I'm older than I am and I'm afraid if people know how old I am, they won't take me seriously. --T3 16:16, 11 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
I'm fouteen. I like salad with my pudding. —rms talk 16:24, 11 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
Cool! :D --Skate1168 (Talk) 18:25, 11 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
Who's up for a game of Scooby Doo Monopoly? —rms talk 18:27, 11 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
Ohhh that Readmesoon! Always hidden-spamming. --T3 18:30, 11 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
How about We go for walk in the park? I want Toothpicks. —rms talk 18:33, 11 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
I like resurrecting old forums. —rms talk 05:18, 15 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
I bet you do, RMS, I bet you do... --T3 19:46, 19 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
Smarmy is a weird word... I don't even know what it means... --Scruffyfan 04:50, 19 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
And by the way, you don't need to put "conversing" in your summary box. —rms talk 04:52, 19 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
Well, I knew that. I just wanted to.-Scruffyfan Ramblings 04:56, 19 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
Oh ok. Put something like "Well, look! A shark!" or some shit. —rms talk 04:56, 19 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)