- No. Never. You blatantly ignore the second Illogicopedia Commandment (We are not persuasive) and produce something totally unfunny AND you want it to be featured? Please. Just because you're butthurt over the new YouTube layout and how supposedly VEVO is evil (when in all reality, it is the only agreement Youtube could reach with record companies to allow music videos on Youtube AND most record companies still let regular users use copyrighted music. Also, it's not YouTube's decision on whether or not they delete copyrighted content. They just don't want to get sued for their users' content.) So, I beg you. Cut that shit out. --T3 02:00, 24 Ditzimber 2011 (UTC)
- Crikey, seems that hit a nerve. But I agree with T3 with the not being feature material, not a bad article by any means but unfortunately i'm against.--Ben Blade 14:39, 24 Ditzimber 2011 (UTC)
- @T3 Good sir, I hope you have a real reason for voting against this. What commandments do you speak of? Also, you take YouTube's side? Sounds like you're part of the conspiracy! (Also, you shouldn't talk, you happen to have a vendetta against me AND you voted against petaQ'a'pedia when it was in the makings.) ~[ths] Keeper of the Bloodwine
22:15, 12/24/2011
- This is the first time I've heard of some vendetta that I have against you (because I assure you that I don't). Was I a bit harsh? Yes. I tend to... how do you say, lose my cool from time to time. What I should have said was, "Not feature worthy," and moved on. For my uncalled-for rant, I apologize. On the other hand, I'm a bit appalled that you'd accuse me of having a vendetta against you. Quite frankly, I voted against petaQ'a'pedia because I didn't think anyone would go on it. If you thought it was because I have a vendetta against you, you are mistaken. I have no intentions of causing an argument. I'm sorry for being rude. Mah bad. --T3 05:27, 25 Ditzimber 2011 (UTC)
- @T3 Yeah, about the vendetta... does this ring a bell? In either case, though, it's forgiven. ~[ths] Keeper of the Bloodwine
00:27, 12/26/2011
- Against. Eh?--
Respond 11:17, 24 Ditzimber 2011 (UTC)
- Against. I don't find this funny at all. Neither is it feature quality.
Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 17:17, 24 Ditzimber 2011 (UTC)
Everybody: Y U NO VOTE FOR (OR AGAINST) THIS? ~[ths] Keeper of the Bloodwine 20:47, 12/22/2011
- Christ leave the poor article alone, its not that bad. It was fairly decent, but then I dunno if I'd stick it on the main page either. What I'm trying to say is that everything I have been saying just now is pointless. Testostereich • (ballsack) 17:30, 31 Ditzimber 2011 (UTC)