- There is no need for this not to be featured. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 12:17, 12 Aym 2008 (UTC)
- There is no need for me to say that I was thinking about VFF-ing this earlier, and noting that the VFF has become stale; no one seems to be writing stuuff with the aim that it might just be good enough to be featured, kinda lazy I guesss. Oh and yeah, this is the WIN. --Testostereich • (ballsack) 12:20, 12 Aym 2008 (UTC)
- For SuperCharge. --I forgot 14:21, 12 Aym 2008 (UTC)
- FOR? Voted for self!--
OLEELRA 20:31, 15 Aym 2008 (UTC)
- classic.--
|Fonchezzz| Quacking| 20:47, 15 Aym 2008 (UTC)
- There's Izno. Indeed. -- Kippers • Talk • Crap • Special & Randumb! 14:54, Aym. 16, 2008
- There is no need for me to elaborate any further. Some WHAT!? (talk) (contribs) (edit count) 19:04, 19 Aym 2008 (UTC)