Template:Users On Illogicopedia

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Cg098this user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Cassiethis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Fluffalizerthis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Sennythis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom.
2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomythis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Doctor DUuHthis user is a registered user. Flutterthis user is a registered user. Taxwormthis user is a registered user.
ICUHthis user is a registered user. Goaterthis user is a registered user. Bamsemums!this user is a phantom. Willy on Wheelsthis user is a registered user.
Tails6000Dthis user is a registered user. Abuse filterthis user is a werewolf.

The idea for this template was stolen from u:Template:Users On Uncyclopedia.

Though Illogicopedia has had many users over the years, only those who still edit the wiki are listed, and they are unfortunately a small fraction of the users we have had. If anyone should happen to come back and contribute constructively, feel free to add them here.

¡See to the also![edit source]