User talk:Cg098/Archive 2

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Hello![edit source]

Hello, Cg098! I'm is Newcomer of Illogicopedia, Please You Modify Abuse Filter 10

don't even try, "Kepler". you're already acting sus.

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 11:59, 19 Aym 2021 (UTC)

Abuse filter 10 is a vital part of this wiki's defense system. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 13:29, 19 Aym 2021 (UTC)
It just somehow so happens that the user asking to remove abuse filter 10 was one that managed to escape abuse filter 10 and is the user specifically targeted by abuse filter 10. How uncoincidental. Cassie (talk) 00:14, 22 Aym 2021 (UTC)

How Many Pages?[edit source]

How Many Pages in Illogicopedia? Cg098, Please Answer

11,526 total. It's on the Account Creation page.

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 11:18, 20 Aym 2021 (UTC)

How Many Pages in Uncyclopedia and Illogicopedia?

36,574 on Uncyc.

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 12:26, 20 Aym 2021 (UTC)

Total Pages[edit source]

It's Has Totally 48,100 Pages in Uncyclopedia and Illogicopedia

Wikipedia[edit source]

How Much Edits on Wikipedia From Launched to May 14, 2021? Cg098 and Senny, Please Answer

That may be a difficult question, because May 14 was in the past, so you'd have to find historical data. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 13:47, 20 Aym 2021 (UTC)


Because CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 11:33, 21 Aym 2021 (UTC)
Pretty sure I could get the number of edits for 00:00 - 23:59 on May 14 at home. ALternatively, you could take the total number of edits, and subract everything past 23:59, May 14th. It'd take quite a while though.

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 12:04, 21 Aym 2021 (UTC)

I was saying that because I thought ordinary people could only find the current edit number total (on Special:Statistics). How do you get edit totals for a date range?
Also, I thought Wikipedia didn't record edits properly for the first couple of years, so that would make the true number unknowable. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 14:50, 21 Aym 2021 (UTC)
I was about to say there's the deletion logs, but that's not edits. And for the date range, I had something in mind that doesn't work for finding just edits, so there's that.

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 14:59, 21 Aym 2021 (UTC)

I know Eeeeeeeedlke might be a little off, but I want to make Pizzagirl feel welcome on ?pedia. I think the articles could be improved, and if I could see the images I'd add to the article myself. (Can't though, because iBoss) senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 21:44, 23 Farbleum 2021 (UTC)

I agree, and that's why I didn't delete Eeeeeeeedlke right away. The video looks like a house elf dancing, the boy is just a cartoon boy, the Karen is just a woman on the phone, and the donation solicitation is just hands grabbing cans and bottles out of a donation box. The last two look like they were reduced to four colors (red, yellow, black, and white). CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 22:37, 23 Farbleum 2021 (UTC)
I saw the spectrogram page just now, I see what you mean.

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 01:09, 24 Farbleum 2021 (UTC)

I was trying to explain the images that were on Eeeeeeeedlke. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 03:29, 24 Farbleum 2021 (UTC)

homework folder templates[edit source]

can you delete the homework folder templates? they're not used anywhere. senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 17:19, 11 Arche 2021 (UTC)

yeah I think I can do that CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:45, 11 Arche 2021 (UTC)
thnak you! :)

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 17:46, 11 Arche 2021 (UTC)

*gets thnaked* I can't believe you've done this. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:48, 11 Arche 2021 (UTC)

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 17:49, 11 Arche 2021 (UTC)

question from a new user[edit source]

Why can't I make articles? Every time I try to make one it says it has deemed my actions (writing/creation the articles) as harmful, giving the reason as "Indonesian slot machines?" So, in summary, why can't I make articles and what the fuck is a indonesian slot machine? -(A) *user who# couldn't decide o^n a username (or signature) (talk) 04:02, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)

prob your edit count and position as a new user bsod user (bsod talk) 11:28, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)
What he said. Was your article in the Indonesian language? About a month ago I made an abuse filter to block pages from being made in that language because we were getting a lot of spam in Indonesian about slot machines, so if it's blocking articles that aren't in Indonesian, I'll need to fix it. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 13:36, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)
Uh, yeah, it wasn't in Indonesian. Very odd though to get spam in Indonesian about slot machines. -(A) *user who# couldn't decide o^n a username (or signature) (talk) 14:06, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)
Ok I'll work on it then. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 15:54, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)
I think it's fixed. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 16:53, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)

A new user, who asks another question[edit source]

why isn't there a image requesting thingy? Wiki and Uncyc have one, it doesn't make sesn!!! they all should have w0n!! j00 guy5 are teh l02ers!! lulz -(A) *user who# couldn't decide o^n a username (or signature) (talk) 23:40, 19 Arche 2021 (UTC)

I've never thought about that before. 4nd 6y th3 w4y, 1 c4n r34d 13375p34k. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 00:37, 20 Arche 2021 (UTC)

A novice user, who has an inquiry.[edit source]

plz add extended-confirmed. The Uncyc-fork has it, and Wiki has it too. And since this site is at the forefront of the humor wiki community it should have w0n t00! (A) *user who# couldn't decide o^n a username (or signature) (talk) 01:03, 23 Arche 2021 (UTC)

I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 01:04, 23 Arche 2021 (UTC)
Ok fine. I guess I probably should leave you be then. I'll stop requesting.. for now. -(A) *user who# couldn't decide o^n a username (or signature) (talk) 01:07, 23 Arche 2021 (UTC)
Sounds good. I just think I don't actually have the rights to make an extended confirmed right. Just to let you know, if you're going to start making requests again, only make requests that are actually needed. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 01:12, 23 Arche 2021 (UTC)

On various serial vandals[edit source]

Hi Cg098,

I'm an administrator from Uncyclopedia swinging in. User:Church Bomb, User:HE 0107-5240β€Ž, and others is a known serial vandal who has been decimating both the English Uncyclopedia (where I am admin) and the French Uncyclopedia (same applies). This includes 15 known socks on en-uncyc: see uncyclopedia:User:Svex 88134kg. I know that the fact that my account is new may attract suspicion, but do you mind granting me admin status (temporarily) so I can import an abuse filter specifically for said vandal? (If you need verification that I am an Uncyc admin, just let me know.)

Thanks! Cassie (talk) 16:45, 20 Arply 2021 (UTC)

Just a real quick question - Does HE 0107 make articles about rando stars on Uncyc as well? And I know there was some other user who made threats, similar to Church Bomb.

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 16:56, 20 Arply 2021 (UTC)

Yup. All of them have been procedurally huffed. Also, threats against Joe Biden for some weird reason, and many articles containing the words "Strasbourg" and "_____ Girl". See: Svex 88134kg on en-uncyc. Cassie (talk) 16:59, 20 Arply 2021 (UTC)
Jeez mate, 13 sockpuppets? (and come to think of it, that's a pretty obvious pattern - name, number string, and there was one name with two lowercase letters at the end) I'll be keeping watch for those more often. ...and five socks tagged here already. sheeesh (and apologies for the edit conflict)

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 17:05, 20 Arply 2021 (UTC)

It's fine! Super annoying vandal, but super obvious one too. The filter I engineered for this vandal (which detects edit patterns) is like 30 lines long for a reason. I'll import the filter if given permission to. Cassie (talk) 17:12, 20 Arply 2021 (UTC)
I appreciate the offer, but I don't actually have the rights to make you a temporary admin. Maybe you could email me the filter. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:32, 20 Arply 2021 (UTC)
Hey Cassie, Athyria made you a temp admin. just so ya know :)

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 17:45, 20 Arply 2021 (UTC)

Importing now. The filter will be called "EN-LSD 11": EN for en-uncyclopedia, LSD 11 since the spambot is logged as u:UN:LSD entry 11. (LSD means Large Shit Dumpyard, for the turds that apparently can't fit merely in jail.) Cassie (talk) 17:48, 20 Arply 2021 (UTC)
Looks good. Do you know if this guy was vandalizing any other wikis besides this one and Uncyc? CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:57, 20 Arply 2021 (UTC)
I can only confirm vandalism throughout the Uncyclomedian network: spam instances have been detected on En-Uncyc, Fr-Uncyc, De-Uncyc, Es-Uncyc and Illogicopedia. Doesn't seem to occur elsewhere though. It's tough to coordinate x-wiki vandalism prevention and suppression without some sort of global system, but oh well. Cassie (talk) 18:11, 20 Arply 2021 (UTC)
Perhaps we should cultivate more informal relationships between wikis to facilitate the exchange of strategic information. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 16:13, 21 Arply 2021 (UTC)
Agreed. I've been discussing with Athyria about this; optimally CentralAuth can become a thing, and we can get some form of UnCommons/UnMeta going. Implementing stewards was another idea. It's extremely difficult to create liaisons between different Uncyclomedia wikis just because of how little user overlap there is; hopefully this can be remedied soon. Cassie (talk) 16:21, 21 Arply 2021 (UTC)
By UnCommons, do you mean merging Illogicopedia's image database with UnCommons? CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 20:03, 21 Arply 2021 (UTC)
It'll most likely be a dual system: anyone can upload to UnCommons for use throughout the Uncyclomedia network, and if a file is uploaded solely on Illogicopedia it'll solely be usable here. I'll have to discuss more of the details with Athyria though, since it's still some time away from even potentially happening. Cassie (talk) 20:11, 21 Arply 2021 (UTC)
That's pretty much how it works already. I believe no changes should be made. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 20:19, 21 Arply 2021 (UTC)

On another serious vandal[edit source]


I got it, thanks CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 16:36, 23 Arply 2021 (UTC)
A couple of things, those templates need protection, I need rollback lol, and a filter needs to block when undoing repeatedly for new users. That dude knew what to do and how to do it the quickest. (i'd love to see what you and cassie will brew beyond my thoughts) bsod user (bsod talk) 16:42, 23 Arply 2021 (UTC)
what if there was a filter/mechanism like the one on rationalwiki, where you can only make edits every thirty seconds, so there's less vandalism?

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 16:45, 23 Arply 2021 (UTC)

with the average amount of users online that aren't admins this would properly allow for reverting as it happens. i really hope that can be done. bsod user (bsod talk) 16:46, 23 Arply 2021 (UTC)
Ok, you gots rollbacks. I'll start working some kind of filter. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 16:48, 23 Arply 2021 (UTC)
Oh, another thing. I'd recommend to not communicate with vandals like this. They mess with your head. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:32, 23 Arply 2021 (UTC)
I would recommend the "block and ignore" approach for serial vandals. There are two types of vandals: first-timers and serial ones. Warn the former, go hard on the latter. Anyways, do you mind documenting filters 12 and 13 on User:Abuse filter? I think that adding some transparency to the abuse filter process by giving an overall description of what the filter does (lest it is specifically meant to target one user) would be a good idea. Cassie (talk) 10:25, 24 Arply 2021 (UTC)
Ok, I'll put 12 on, but it's against a specific user. 13 doesn't block. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 15:17, 24 Arply 2021 (UTC)
BTW I noticed that LSD doesn't let you appeal if your username matches it. Was that your intention? CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 15:21, 24 Arply 2021 (UTC)
It is my intention! LSD, at least on en-uncyc, is meant for people who have already socked many times (generally 5+ times but usually 20+) and will probably never get their blocks revoked. I see it as a last-resort measure for the worst of the worst vandals. Cassie (talk) 15:26, 24 Arply 2021 (UTC)

Vandals back at it again[edit source]

Do you mind talk page blocking user "Norway FX 14000β€Ž (block)" for continued vandalism on own talk page despite having been automatically blocked by the specific filter I set up (EN-LSD 11)? Thanks. Cassie (talk) 14:42, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)

He can adjust the block settings, if that's what you mean.

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 14:43, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)

Yup, Senny is right. I would abbreviate this to "tpb u Norway FX 14000β€Ž vandal", but I'm not sure if that would be sufficient for me to explain my reasoning. Cassie (talk) 14:45, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)
(just thought of something) ... Admins can rename users, right Cassie?

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 15:19, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)

re User:Senny: Nope, it requires bureaucrats. Alternatively, you could drag Athyria into this. Cassie (talk) 15:25, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)
Aw, fiddlesticks. I thought maybe FX could be renamed, kinda like what happens at rationalwiki. )not necessary though, just to tick them off :))) )

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 15:29, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)

Okie dokie. I don't think anyone is going to question my block settings changes, so I don't think explaining your reasoning is an issue. I think RW changes usernames of vandals if they're racist or otherwise insulting, so maybe we could change this guy's name to "Sweden" (jk, I don't actually have anything against Sweden) but that seems like too much effort. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 15:44, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)

Thanks for changing FX's block settings :). (unrelated: i do remember, though, "Super Duper Mega Vandal" got renamed to "Super Bieber Boy Toy")

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 15:52, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)

On rw? CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 15:54, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 15:57, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)

Ok. I wasnt aware of that, so I just assumed from what I saw in rw's recent changes that the purpose was to taunt racists and keep the user creation log (or something similar) from being filled with Nazi or Klan slogans. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 16:03, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)
That's true as well.

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 16:07, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)

It's currently done on RW both when there's a point, and when some admins go further in making little jabs at (serial) vandals. But some find the result too messy. On RW:TECH, they currently describe software upgrade plans, which will obsolete most anti-troll user renaming, because then names created for trolling purposes can simply be hidden from logs when banning. (RW currently lags behind a bit in software versions, but this is eventually going to change.) --Fluffalizer 18:34, 29 Arply 2021 (UTC)

More vandal intelligence[edit source]

So... Piss53 is another Uncyclopedia-derived vandal/troll, but is not the same vandal as the one being covered by EN-LSD 11. Feel free to impose harsher punishments in the future on said user if you would like. (No socks... yet.) As for the EN-LSD 11 socks, thanks for keeping them at bay! If you want me to provide you with updates to the filter (which is probably in its 30th revision by now), please let me know.

FYI, you can find on on Uncyclopedia at u:User:Cassie. Cassie (talk) 10:04, 1 Aym 2021 (UTC)

I just made piss indef-banned, since it has done vandalism more than once. An update to LSD sounds good, since Svex appears to have evaded it yesterday. Email may be the best way to transfer it right now. Maybe we should consider giving you permanent adminz... P.S. there was another serial vandal here who was spamming large volumes of Maoism, pro-Soviet sentiment, and/or calls for violence, and I made a primitive abuse filter against that, so we could also discuss over email if you're interested in it. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 13:22, 1 Aym 2021 (UTC)
Yeah... I'll email you the entirety of the contents of the updated EN-LSD 11 filter in a moment. Svex socks tend to evolve and purposefully evade said filters, which is why I have had to pour in so much time just to counter one vandal across five wikis. We could def discuss filters via email. I'm just wondering, does Illogicopedia have a vote for sysops system of some sorts or no? Cassie (talk) 17:18, 1 Aym 2021 (UTC)
What usually happens is someone nominates a sysop in a forum and we discuss it, and kind of informally vote. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 16:00, 2 Aym 2021 (UTC)

redact my home ip please[edit source]

f'd up and didnt press stay logged in. ip edited speedrun bsod user (bsod talk) 17:12, 2 Aym 2021 (UTC)

done CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:24, 2 Aym 2021 (UTC)

i need a refresher...[edit source]

i saw you messaged me on discogs discord about the time limit thing. i know that discossion was on here, but do you know exactly where that discussion is? i've looked everywhere and i can't find it for the life of me. senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 17:20, 5 Aym 2021 (UTC)

This page, on the "On another serious vandal" section. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:30, 5 Aym 2021 (UTC)
gosh, right in front of my face. thank you!

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 17:33, 5 Aym 2021 (UTC)

(this is a few hrs late bc cooking class, but here) what if we took one of the suggestions from this foum (like a captcha or something, idk) and used it along w/ the time limit? (just a proposal, not saying we have to)

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 19:21, 5 Aym 2021 (UTC)

A couple of week ago Athyria told me she set up new captchas for something, although I'm not sure what's supposed to trigger them. If you have any more concerns I'd suggest you talk to her. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 20:23, 5 Aym 2021 (UTC)

lsd filter[edit source]

I talked to Cassie about updating the LSD filter here, you'll want to see it. senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 12:20, 6 Aym 2021 (UTC)

thanks CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 12:56, 6 Aym 2021 (UTC)

recent changes[edit source]

um, yeah... senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 12:09, 11 Aym 2021 (UTC)

guess the filter needs to be updated. like, stop edits that add "go to hell" or "must die", forbid page creation if the title includes "girl".

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 12:10, 11 Aym 2021 (UTC)

Indeed CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 12:17, 11 Aym 2021 (UTC)
I've kind of included a few additional Svex filters on Uncyclopedia, but I can't port them to Illogicopedia just yet. Maybe it's time to ping Athyria. And as for tagging Svex socks, you can now use {{Svex}} (albeit substituted) to make things easier for yourselves. A similar template already exists on Uncyclopedia. Eurgh. Cassie (talk) 12:48, 11 Aym 2021 (UTC)
Do the uncyc filers need some changearounds for ?pedia? And thank you for making the Svex template!

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 12:51, 11 Aym 2021 (UTC)

The abusive behavior is basically the same; lots of star-and-astronomy-related articles, pedophilia-implying articles (per all the "girl" articles and some of the "you must die" things), and overall "do as much damage as you can in ten minutes" type vandalism. As such, recycling filters is not problematic at all, so long as any Svex filters are kept private. Cassie (talk) 12:53, 11 Aym 2021 (UTC)
about to send Cassie PM on Discord CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 12:59, 11 Aym 2021 (UTC)
Wait, how does the "you must die" correlate to pedophilia? I mean, I can see the "girl" articles, but...

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 13:07, 11 Aym 2021 (UTC)

I meant specifically some of the "you must die" edits on the talk page were referring directly to girls below the age of 18, and some even below the age of 15, which is... well... very very very scary, to say the least. Cassie (talk) 13:11, 11 Aym 2021 (UTC)
Oh, right. That dude needs to calm down IMO.

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 13:19, 11 Aym 2021 (UTC)

I doubt it would happen soon... I think almost 50 socks have been blocked by now. I just had to impose a /16 block on residential IPs (something I would never do) in order to bring an end to the Svex socks on Uncyclopedia. Cassie (talk) 12:41, 12 Aym 2021 (UTC)

J and svex are most likey the same person or working togeter 14:30, 17 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)

You didn't notice...[edit source]

Kepler-1229b is a sockpuppet of Svex 88134kg. The abuse filter failed to caught the aforementioned user. I have updated the abuse filter in order to be, y'know, better at catching socks. The user was attempting to ask you to remove the filter in order to be able to freely vandalise... Cassie (talk) 23:57, 21 Aym 2021 (UTC)

Pinging User:Senny too. Cassie (talk) 23:58, 21 Aym 2021 (UTC)
To be fair, I did notice just from the name. I kind of wanted to wait for them to actually vandalize. I'm pretty surprised they didn't. Kepler said something about the filter and I was like, um you're actin' a little sus. Like... yeah, no-can-do bud.

senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 01:59, 22 Aym 2021 (UTC)

I would strongly recommend you to play the preventative game and crack down harshly at the slightest sign of suspicion. Svex socks have a fairly distinguishable behavioral signature, so it shouldn't be too tough to do so. Cassie (talk) 02:04, 22 Aym 2021 (UTC)
Same here CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 02:35, 22 Aym 2021 (UTC)
Also, since I don't have CU access here but do on Uncyclopedia... I'll be cross-checking any Svex socks with exposed IPs and will also be cracking down on those. Svex seems to use a IP range plus a few other isolated IPs, mostly located in southeastern CHina. Cassie (talk) 17:57, 22 Aym 2021 (UTC)

DONt Spoom Tha[edit source]


Quick notification[edit source]

Hello there! This is just a quick notification to say that the IP you recently blocked is a Svex sock (confirmed via Uncyclopedia).

Wishing you the best, Cassie (talk) 17:37, 3 Jumbly 2021 (UTC)

Yes, that's what I suspected... CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 23:06, 3 Jumbly 2021 (UTC)

that vandal whatshisname[edit source]

I wanted to let you know that he made an alt account today, and actually made a couple articles but I already deleted them all. I blocked his alt and his IP too. You should probably tell Nigel over on Wackypedia. senny πŸ‚Ύ β›“talkβ›“ Φ΄β‹†β­’Λšο½‘β‹† 17:01, 14 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)

He made an account on Miraheze too. I blocked him. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:17, 14 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)

Whats his name[edit source]


I believe you already know his name, Jjjjjjjjjjjjgxv8srβ€Ž. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 16:44, 15 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)

hi[edit source]

hello how are you 13:16, 16 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)

Fine, thanks. Did you know you should sign your talk page posts with four tildes (~) at the end? If you're not sure you're doing it right, press Preview before you press Save to see what it looks like (except the time will be the time you saved, not the time you previewed). CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 05:58, 16 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)

svex[edit source]

who is svex is he related to J?

We don't speak of Svex around here. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 16:23, 16 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)

svex and j[edit source]

svex and j are working togeter

Proof? And if this is true, what difference does it make? We already know J is a vandal. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:46, 17 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)

look it just looks like svex is a sock cus they both vandalize and make mutiple alts

J[edit source]

He has a pal on Uncyclopedia the name is

Wikipedia be sucking

So what if he's friends with someone who uses Uncyclopedia? CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:46, 17 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)

socks[edit source]

j is hyjacking ips to get them banned please help

How do you even hyjack an IP? That just doesn't make sense. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:46, 17 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)
look what im trying to say is hes just using other ppls ip to get them banned
How do you use a North Carolina IP if you're in the People's Republic of China? CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 16:03, 18 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)


of these ips are even in Asia 17:02, 18 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)
Exactly. (Svex's was.) CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:54, 18 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)

Oh ok I just thought they were thanks for telling me

,[edit source]

comparing j and svex


makes sockpuppets

is annoying

is a vandal

                   makes sockpuppets

is annoying

is a vandal

By that logic, you're Svex too.
Checkmate, sussy boi. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 16:03, 18 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)

Good news and bad news[edit source]

Which one do you wanna hear first good or bad news?
If it's more unreliable information, neither. CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 16:04, 18 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)

How[edit source]

How is he svex he just compared him to j

  1. Uses sockpuppets.
  2. Annoys the shit out of everyone here.
  3. Vandalizes talk pages with false intel.
CG098 (talk β˜Όβ€Ž contribs) 17:54, 18 Ditzimber 2021 (UTC)