User talk:Hindleyite/Archive8

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Its content is not current, nor is it currants. Warning, may contain raisins, nuts, or even cheese.


Thanks, Hindleyite. In honour of such a Wookiee-tastic favor, I have displayed it on my userpage, and i even remade my ?pedia card to update my picture! Thanks, -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 12:16, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Hah, cool! Glad you like it, I used the drawing palette thing, which is pretty cool. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:21, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
How much did the thing cost?-- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 12:25, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
£20 = about $40. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:27, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Wow thats cheap. Is there a website for it or do you know the brand? I might want me one of these palettes. I have erm, about $90 in my wallet so......oh yeah. I am savibg up for an xbox360 or a playstation 2 or something....all i got is an old gamecube with a lost mem card and a wii. the wii is fun but....rather stupid. Also, have you ever read Eragon 0r Eldest? I read them both and i am on the new 3rd book, Brisingr.-- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 12:39, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Well, I actually saw it at my local Tesco (mini hypermarket thing) and it was the last one so I thought, oh, I'm having that. It was pretty cheap to be honest and I had a few quid left over from my Uni loan - I was thinking of getting one anyway. I'm also thinking of getting a 360, they just dropped in price. I've got a PS2 and I sometimes play GTA:SA and Gran Turismo 4 on it... and yeah, the Wii does make you look like a fool. Fun though! I'm more into "retro" games, you can pick them up very cheap nowadays. (Perfect time to plug my blog! I just started it >>>>>> ) DarkGenome likes Final Fantasy though.
As for Eragon, I don't read much these days. Actually I lie, I read more than I ever have, only I don't pay for books that often any more. I just find stuff on the net. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:47, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
If you havent noiticed already i sent u an email requesting if i could edit the illogiblog. In return you can edit my blog, Chewbacca Facts -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 13:01, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Invitation sent. Your blog looks quite cool, kind of like Chuck Norris facts, yeah? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:14, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Invitation Sent! Once you accept, you can make up a chewie fact and post it. An yes, it is a spinoff of chuck norris facts that i made uip. -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 13:33, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Thank you! I have posted a fact, which you no doubt have already seen and commented on. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:42, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Also, thanks for following my games blog! Still figuring out how to follow the chewie one... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:54, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
I added a follower section on the right side of the blog. -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 14:01, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
How do you add a thing for people to follow the blog. You have one on your yak blog. -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 14:04, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

From what I can gather, you've gotta add a widget for it. Go to 'Layout' then select 'Add a gadget' (it'll be on the page element bit). Then choose 'Followers' (second one down) and you can place it on yer blog sidebar or wherever. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 14:23, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Well i did that and it only showed who follows it (0). So i took it off . On your retro yak blog it says followers and it gives the iption to folow. What did u put there? Because thats what i probaly need.-- 14:47, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Ok, I got it. On the right side abou three spaces it has the followers thing and it says be the first to follow and follow. Click on first to follow!-- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 18:34, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Two things....

  1. Give mwow513 a star for The Magic Book.
  2. I think another archive is in order. Page is more than 35 kilobytes.


Done and done my friend. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:55, 17 Octodest 2008 (UTC)


At the very least, don't you accept that the site could od with some major improvements?

What is your opinion on the site? --Testostereich(ballsack) 11:25, 17 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

I think the site is the best it's ever been and is getting better. It's good that you want to improve stuff but all these suggestions are way too drastic. What's the main problem we're fighting against here? I don't really see one. We've had plenty of new users and quality articles over the last month. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:32, 17 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Oh right, having read MMF's post I see what you mean here. To the forums! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:55, 17 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Dont make me say it man :P

--Seppy 12:53, 18 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Too late, I'm off to the football. See ya! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:00, 18 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Damn you! then ill just have to hint at it when you get back --Seppy 14:06, 18 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Hey. How can i make an account on the editthis ?pedia? It doesn't have a thing. please respond soon. --Ragglefraggleking 15:28, 18 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
The editthis wiki is closed because the teacher says so. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:45, 19 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Seriously though, we closed it when Illogic moved to Wikia. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:50, 20 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

I'm going into...

ARTICLE OVERHAUL!!! Yup. To stop on working on the gameshow, making a mess on the forums, babbling on everything, and attempting to make an article, i'm going to hit 'Random page', if it's not featured or rewarded anything, i make it better. Why, you ask? So i can buy marbles! --Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW! 12:36, 19 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Hahhahaha, I see you noticed the forum posts. Any ideas for a reward system? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:48, 19 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Marbles....heh. That was a lie. You could use gold stars, i remember someone posted 6 improvements = 1 gold star, or you could make up a second reward system..that has something to do with that overhaul thing, like tokens? --Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW! 00:23, 20 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Maybe you get a points allocation for each article you do up. At the end they are traded in for gold stars and/or real prizes, like a Jasper Carrott VHS or something! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:49, 20 Octodest 2008 (UTC)


WHY DID U MAKE TEH SMILEY FACES SMALLER U NOZZLE! RAWR111111111!!!!!1111!!! -Skaraja says: rawr. i eet u.

The voices in my head told me to. Also, it looked all squished up. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:07, 24 Octodest 2008 (UTC)


"Mildly profane and moderate toilet humour. Crazy situations and epic nonsense taken to the nth degree. "

I don't know whether to take that up the arse as a compliment or not. --Testostereich(ballsack) 21:21, 23 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Also check out the VFF Police - I added some more to it, I don't care if it's an illogi-vanity fest, I love it. Collabing with you is one my many loves of the site. :D --Testostereich(ballsack) 21:36, 23 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Take it as you wish, I didn't mean to cause any offence but it looks like my post in that forum topic has sparked some discussion...
VFF Police - I love this article now despite the fact I'm sure I stole the assignments/movies joke from The Simpsons or something... can't remember. Anyhow, I love the thinking too loud scenario and the "VFF Police Academy 123551962.343" part. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:16, 24 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Style Imitation tag:I wasn't aggrieved by your comments, just merely wondering if what you said was a good thing or not :P Keep up the good work foo' --Testostereich(ballsack) 15:52, 24 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Well, I suppose it is a compliment, in a way. Depends if you like epic nonsense to the nth degree... :) -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:22, 25 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Star? and Template

Hey Hindley. Can I have a star for teh feat. of Are you Freaking Kidding Me?

Also, it seems you forgot the feature template.... yikes. --T3

Cheers for letting me know. It seems MetalFLower got there before me, though, so direct all champagne and chocolates to him. Squadelaaaaah! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:24, 25 Octodest 2008 (UTC)


If you read this, then trick...and treat!


Is this a trick or treat?? You decide! --Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW! 13:34, 31 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Using my powers

I can see that your shoes are the teal...maybe green. Black? Red? Orange? Pink? Yellow? Socks? Aha you are barefoot.

P.S. Thanks for the welcome!

--Cameraphone 23:45, 1 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

How'd you guess? They are in fact blue. Mindreader! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:30, 2 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)


I posted the following text a few days ago, but something went wrong and i deleted part of the page. Putting it back now, hoping it'll go well this time.

Wassup? Anything happening? I've heard things are a changin'? keep me informed. i'ld like to join the discussion on Uncyc, but as i've been permabanned by Olipro, thanks to a wikia-janitor.... maybe things will come to a change. It's a shame i am silenced there. Anyway, the dutch Oncyclopedia has become independendent and we are very happy about the change and of course grateful to our rots, but not inasmuch as to sell our souls. Cheers. Keep in touch mate. D. G. Neree 00:10, 6 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Hi DG! Nice to see you round here again. We too want to remain true to our roots but at the same time are not prepared to take the bureaucracy involved with the Wikia peoples, hence our appearance on CarlB's servers! We're incredibly grateful to him for saving us from the beast that is Wi... anyway...
Unfortunate about being permabanned on Uncyc, hope you can resolve that, but every success with the Oncyclopedia independence! -- Hindleyite 12:43, 7 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
maybe you should adapt the link on this page. I don't want to do it, because i have problems logging in. Yes, it's a bad thing to have bureaucratic overlords that are into other matters than the writers/editors and have different goals. Carl is one 100% OK guy. well... good luck with the new illo and i'll see if i can get some things going on irra, although the oncy takes most of my time. D. G. Neree 14:26, 7 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
I think this transition thing is going to be ongoing with bits updated here and there. It might be a slow process, too, so I reckon it might be a good idea to get things fully set up here first before alerting everyone publicly. I would help out more on Irratio but my knowledge of languages other than English is lacking. Pathetic, really, but I guess us English are just lazy, on the whole. -- Hindleyite 14:49, 7 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)


I checked my edit count and it says i have 7. i thought the eidts were being transfered? -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 21:37, 7 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Hmm, don't know if there's any way around that but all your contributions have definitely been transferred. Yes, my edit count has also been reset but then, I don't think Illogicopedia was ever about incrementalism ("haha, I have more edits than you therefore I'm better" etc.). We'll see what happens with that, I might have to ask Carl about it. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 21:41, 7 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

"Detected bug in an extension! Hook addSubmitButton failed to return a value; should return true to continue hook processing or false to abort.


  1. 0 /var/home/sophia/domains/illogicopedia/en/includes/EditPage.php(1947): wfRunHooks('EditToolBar', Array)
  2. 1 /var/home/sophia/domains/illogicopedia/en/includes/EditPage.php(1219): EditPage::getEditToolbar()
  3. 2 /var/home/sophia/domains/illogicopedia/en/includes/EditPage.php(484): EditPage->showEditForm()
  4. 3 /var/home/sophia/domains/illogicopedia/en/includes/EditPage.php(349): EditPage->edit()
  5. 4 /var/home/sophia/domains/illogicopedia/en/includes/Wiki.php(492): EditPage->submit()
  6. 5 /var/home

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  1. 6 /var/home/sophia/domains/illogicopedia/en/index.php(93): MediaWiki->initialize(Object(Title), Object(Article), Object(OutputPage), Object(User), Object(WebRequest))
  2. 7 {main}"

this was what shoiwed up several times when i tried to eadit. alos, a messag e about some fatal error keeps shoing up when i click on a link to ? or .com -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 21:47, 7 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Teething problems, I think. Yup, I got them too - if they don't go away it's something else we might have to look into... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 21:50, 7 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Ok, I just noticed that i can have phantom rights now as IOTM. So could you grant me them? Thanks, with love hate, -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 21:58, 7 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

"Fatal error: Call to undefined method PPTemplateFrame_DOM::splitBraceNode() in /var/home/sophia/domains/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.php on line 158" is the message i also keep getting. -- 22:02, 7 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Yep, give it time - Carl says he's still allocating servers. As for Phantomship, we need to create a usergroup for that yet but when we do one of us admins will add you to it. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 22:04, 7 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

thanks== Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 22:13, 7 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Big Brrother 2009

Hey hindle, you wanna take part in BB next year? --Ben Blade 10:45, 9 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

To be honest, I wasn't that successful in the last one, I was usually busy doing admin type stuff. I'll consider it but you might want to ask someone else first. Cheerios! Cheeri-rice and wheat. etc. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:17, 9 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

VFF not working?

WHen you try to nominate articles, it says im renominating them, and they haven't even been nominated.

What happened? --Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW! 12:28, 9 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

I dunno. Lemme check... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:30, 9 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Yep, that is weird. I think it's down to the fact the input box extension is slightly different here, might be and older version or something. Because of this, a lot of the input boxes, such as the ones as the forum, are messed up. Well, this might be a bit too much for me to deal with, looks like a technical issue. Fluffalizer originally set up VFF and to be honest, I'm not exactly sure how it works.. Seppy might know about it. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:36, 9 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Update: we've got the input boxes working but the VFF one is still a bit weird. Watch this space... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:30, 9 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

to add to teh list...

[ Huge error message, cut for formatting reasons ]

thats what i get wen i go to the .com one. --Raggle Fraggle King (My TalkContribs} 17:01, 9 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

I've never got that particular one but give it time, man. Illogicopedia's only had one or two hiccups today so things are most definitely improving. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:04, 9 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Thanks man ;)

Thanks for like.. re-welcoming me :) It's great to see the Illogicans escaped Wikia's dark Monegasque dungeons, almost better than eating apple pie... almost... Might be a good opportunity to awaken Irratio from the death (the move, not the apple pie). --Dutchman.PNG RONGONIUS-talk 18:19, 10 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

No probs! Indeed, I would take apple pie over Wikia anyday, as it would have 99.5% less New Monaco.
Also, I wish I could help out more at Irratio... the fundamental flaw of English people maintaining a Dutch wiki is... well, pretty evident :) I'm gonna get to work on the interwiki links soon though. Right after I have completed this game of Seven-day Solitaire... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 21:09, 10 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Vandal alert

Whoop de poodle! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:33, 11 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
I put alot of your stuff back, and some wat and my stuff, and elassint i tried, and testorereich. --Raggle Fraggle King (My TalkContribs} 17:02, 11 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
What is the problem?I am trying to help. Was it Carlb or Rapid Fire who was the vandal? I just came to the site and looked at the r c and he(carl) was deleting pages. I posted a short blog thing on the i b requesting help for the vandal attack. --Raggle Fraggle King (My TalkContribs} 17:06, 11 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Don't worry, we covered it in no time at all. We'll deal with the lost pages later, and please don't give this guy the satisfaction of even acknowledging his existence. It just fuels him further. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:08, 11 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Who was it though, Rapid Fire?--Raggle Fraggle King (My TalkContribs} 17:09, 11 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Well, it definitely wasn't carl, he's the guy who owns our new servers :) -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:09, 11 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Also, how did he vandalise the main page when it was protected? Did he hack it?--Raggle Fraggle King (My TalkContribs} 17:10, 11 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
He likes to think he did... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:15, 11 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Volia! Now things look much better with your sigg not a red link.--Raggle Fraggle King (My TalkContribs} 17:15, 11 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

oh my god. Look at the blog! click on my post and look at the comments. dangit. i shouldn't have posted. it gave him satisfaction. im srry--Raggle Fraggle King (My TalkContribs} 17:27, 11 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

be back in less than half an hour--Raggle Fraggle King (My TalkContribs} 17:31, 11 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)


I see a Phantom user group has been created. Please add me to it. Thanks, Raggle Fraggle King (My TalkContribs} 00:00, 13 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Will do, McGrew! Also, you made that comment on the stroke of midnight.... did you become a werewolf?! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:56, 13 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
No, I would have liked to, but hey! That's cool!--Raggle Fraggle King (My TalkContribs} 00:53, 14 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Cooler than an Eskimo's fridge? :) These smilies are pretty mint. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:00, 14 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)


Why are they all deleted? --Ryan u|t|c 01:25, 15 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Um, they're only slightly dead. HowTo:Find more HowTo's should have its own namespace at a bookseller near you. --Carlb 03:00, 15 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Yep, Carl said it. It's a bit of a long story: I created the HowTo namespace but noticed all the HowTos have been wiped. So, I reimported the pages from the old wiki but they resulted in redundant duplicates. I think Carl might have had some input in helping out but I think things are sorted now. Lemme know if there's any errant dupes knocking about. Also, keep on truckin'. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:54, 15 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Shivering chipmonks, Hindleyite!

Encyclopedia dramatica has gotta be one of the most spammed websites ever! I dont know whether to laugh out loud at the lack of humor theyve made a mess off over their Illodge article or do something unspeakable in relation to the taboo advertisement that parade the whole god damn thing. Im glad we now have no ads at the side of the page. makes me fill up with uttermost glee. Oh wait, thats just wind. Darkgenome 18:09, 20 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Dude, I told you not to go there, it plants seeds of corruption in your mind. I actually like ED's Illogicopedia article, most of it is true (except the stealing slogan part) and it made me giggle. Besides, our article on them is a bit of a mickey take, too. If anything, their article on us is better than ours on them is. Or at least, it was the last time I looked.
But, never go back there! You're lucky you got out of the sea of spam and shiz alive! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 22:38, 20 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Lol at the above, and by the way..

Did you get my email --TReich (My Bad) 22:02, 23 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Indeed I did, apologies for not replying/doing anything as of yes because I've mainly been fighting the Wikia war. Speaking of which, they are conspicuous in their absence on the old Illogicopedia right now. I changed the skin to Monaco, did you notice? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:12, 24 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
I did actually, I'm not sure why, but good work, you know what you're doing it would seem. --TReich (My Bad) 14:17, 24 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
I believe, being part of the old community (for the purpose of formality), and the new one, for the act of being part of it, that i should instigate a "what is best for this community discussion" what you guys think?--Seppy 14:36, 24 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Shank my leg and call me harry, yes seppy, yes. :D --TReich (My Bad) 15:07, 24 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Do it. Plus, I'm coming on IRC for a bit, but I'm gonna watch the footy later so whatever. I wanna discuss something like this. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 15:46, 24 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Can you please move User talk:Elassant to User talk:Elassint ? --Elassint 13:48, 26 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

I just did. --Fluffalizer 14:40, 26 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Lozl, thanks.

Thanks for welcoming me. Lozl. I kind of got pissed at Uncyc's crazy policies, and my pages kept getting huffed. Lozl. This is way funnier. Lozl. And you don't suck. By the way. Lozl. --GDawg816 17:04, 26 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

And, uh, is my entire school's IP, not just one of us. Lozl, it was Juzy who was blankin pages. Oh well, it's not permanent. -- GDawg816 Talk I pwn all noobs 17:02, 27 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

OK, let me know if you need it unblocking for one reason or another and I'll do it for you. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:44, 27 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Cool cool -- GDawg816 Talk I pwn all noobs 17:45, 27 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Do you just go around adding categories to things?? Ex. Uncertainty and Lozl -- GDawg816 Talk I pwn all noobs 18:04, 1 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)

That's one of things I do. I'm usually reading the article through as I add stuff. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:01, 1 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
Aren't my articles awesome?? I just made one called Oh noes!! I LEFT THE OVEN ON!!!. Go check it out!! -- GDawg816 Talk I pwn all noobs 19:47, 1 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
It's pretty good, but I kind of like the image of the food in the fridge being cooked by the burning house, and tramps donning heat resistant clothes and breaking in to eat it or something. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 21:47, 1 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
Hahaha oh yeah. Someone actually likes one of my artciles!!!! Hopefully it'll get featured. -- GDawg816 Talk I pwn all noobs 18:16, 3 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)

apocopedia article

  • This is one I wrote. Its getting along pretty well... clickeh!. --Huge bob 10:16, 27 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Heh, Tiger Flu. 'Tis a good article only spoiled by the stupid advertisements... I see Apoco hasn't been getting much attention lately, though I recently put a link for it on the front page. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:53, 27 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
No worries, its gonna get better --Huge bob 12:26, 27 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Check this out --Huge bob 15:58, 28 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Chillingly real!

Indeed so, we ought to kill all the tigers before they kill us. I knew they were up to no good! Sitting there in those zoos, plotting against the human race... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:52, 30 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Turnips will return after this break. --Huge bob 12:18, 30 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Yeah, I missed the general Naziness of Turnips recently. Glad to see you back! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 21:43, 1 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)

On the old wiki, melville amsterdam, and toenails.

I'm not sure I want the Melville Amsterdam stories floating around on the old wiki. Do you reckon you could delete them for me? I actually don't really want ANY of my epics floating around on the old fork, although deleting them all might catch attention from certain large corporations. If you don't feel comfortable deleting them at this time, let me know and perhaps I'll do something with them. Also, how many toenails? --THE 22:13, 29 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Well, I deleted the Amsterdam stories from the old wiki. I've got a sneaking feeling somebody will come along and restore them though, or maybe not seeing as KyleH has seemingly got bored with us. On this subject, I also want my contributions deleted but they won't let me do it without restoring everything, which is stupid really.
Also, twelve toenails - put them in the pouch provided. Excellent, soon I will have the world's largest collection of toenails! My great thanks. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:35, 30 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)


SHeesh man, your like, the most active person, and you never go on :( --Seppy 15:15, 1 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)

I think you know my reasons by now, Sepp, but since you asked so nicely... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 15:20, 1 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC) explains all--Seppy 19:36, 1 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
Cheers, that was cool. I like how they all sound like Cartman on drugs in that video. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 21:42, 1 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
Hehe, yeah, i hope that clarified the who thing, basicly, its a CSI parody, might be worth going as far as to actually put the intro bit in. /me wants to see exfed coloured :D holds yak at knife-point.--Seppy 12:46, 2 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
YAY for illustrator :D --Seppy 17:51, 2 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
Any progress on Chinatown/etc?
/me moans. IRK! :P--Seppy 15:21, 11 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)

Main Page

That bit that expands, we should try and find some more swanky code for it, make it slide out or something :D --Seppy 18:42, 6 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)

Indeed, and I know just the person. Maybe he could help us out in creating a better front page too? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:48, 6 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
Dunno if Fluffy is that good is he? also, irk, thingages to discuss :P pwweeezzee --Seppy 18:48, 6 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
OK, but no colouring in this evening :P -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:52, 6 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
If I took the time to learn Javascript, I could do it. (and given that I don't have much time nowadays anymore, I'm not going to spend all that time anytime soon) But the prospect of using JavaScript - which would be required to make any gradual sliding or other gradual animation effect unless we resort to even more evil things like flash or the like (which in turn would prompt me and like-minded people to boycott the wiki :P) - purely for making the design all flashy doesn't quite motivate me much either (not that I have anything against it if someone is willing to spend the time doing it). And if you find such code somewhere and put it in, make sure that the page looks well when Javascript isn't enabled, or users who don't enable Javascript will be worse off than at present. --Fluffalizer 19:31, 6 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
I quite like the version of the 'yesterday's feature' we have now, but the front page in general just seems a bit cluttered to me, dunno why. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:49, 6 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
On a final note, I couldn't help but think of the problem as I worked on something else, and though I don't know JavaScript as such, I came up with approximately what the code for such an animation should do (it's a relatively simple problem):
  • Set the class of the currently expanding/contracting span and div elements so as to remove this effect when JavaScript is enabled.
  • Use a timer of some sort to ensure consistent speeds on different computers.
  • According to this timer, repeatedly change the display of these elements so as to gradually expand/contract them until fully shown or fully hidden, respectively.
--Fluffalizer 20:18, 6 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
Hey, from what i hear JS and C are pritty much the same, but im not going to bother with it cus i dont know how to get stuff on the screen like in stuff like that. Web systems really arn't my gig apps that communicate via a library to the web is as close as I get :P. Putting stuff on the screen is my biggest block in programming, shame i enjoy it so much, i'm sure we could adapt some open accordion code to have it show only during hovering, the css should appear normally if we leave it in, as js doesnt affect the page if it isnt there. My two coding pence.--Seppy 22:39, 6 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)

I'm back (various "oh noes!")!

Hey I've been gone for a while (in case you haven't noticed) so I realized you never gave me and SomeWHAT!? a star for Letters to the Editor... meanie. T3

Done. Also, velcome back! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:52, 10 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)