Whoops! Maybe you were looking for 4Chan?
4chan (aka Meme Generator - because you think that making Advice dog variations are funny, way to go for spreading more cancer, everyone HATES it. Pretty bad comparison eh?) is the Africa of the Internets; at first it seems exciting and exotic, but more likely than not you will leave bewildered, stunned, scared and with AIDS. It's also where all the vandals come from, at least they did in 2016.
If you don’t understand this pic, then you are not a /b/tard.
/b/tard is the name given to a typical 4chan user, and /b/tards go through four main stages upon visiting 4chan: First horror, then denial, then acceptance, and finally fapping. There is technically a fifth stage that comes once you have become a well-rounded agingfag, which is trolling/shitposting for teh lulz.
- The Newfag Stage: "OMG OMG he posted CP, get him!!!"
- The Agingfag Stage: "I can fap to this. Nice thread OP."
- The Oldfag Stage: "Needs moar pooper."
Once the /b/tard reaches the final stage there is no saving them - they are destined to live alone before their imprisonment or suicide at age 28.2.
Nobody quite knows what "CP" is, as it is an expert at covering its tracks, leaving only 404 errors in its wake. It is believed that only the Pope and several of his most trusted priests know what it is. Despite this several theories exists as to what CP might be: Captain Picard, Coldplay, Chinese person, Caravan Palace, Catholic priest, Cheese Pizza, Cunt punt, Cone piece, Cell Phone, Centipoise, Corporal Punishment, Crystal Palace, Candle Power, Copy pasta, Computer Processor, Cerebral palsy, Cat Penis, Conditional proof, Captured Pikachu, Cock Phight, Cold Phonecall, Cumbria Police...
...or child pornography...... JUST KIDDING! HOW SILLY IS THAT LOLZERZ!!! Ridiculous!
4chan is home to the internets group 'anonymous', a bunch of sad /b/tards who hate the church of Scientology and ISIS. They are most famous for standing in front of the pool in habbo hotel and closing it 'due to AIDS'. Later studies found they in fact infected the pool with aids in the first place, to which 7chan, 4chan and Encyclopædia Dramatica users figured out they should stop being so ghey.
Anonymous often threaten to blow High Schools and NFL stadiums on 4chan forums. When they get found out the community replies to a chorus of Lawwl we wz only jkin srysly OMG LK AT TEH LOLCATS!1!!!!1!!1!!!!
4chan is a perfectly respectable website full of normal, well-adjusted members of modern society.
Behold the Internet hate machine.
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:15 No.530169955781 Moar?
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:16 No.530169955475 Bump for moar
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:16 No.530169958525 Moar
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:17 No.530169962377 Moar
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:17 No.530169964528 Moar
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:18 No.530169966731 Tits or GTFO
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:18 No.530169969337 Moar
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:19 No.530170156329 >>53016998461 faggot
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:20 No.530170156845 anontalk.com
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:15 No.530169955781 POST ending in >9000 decides what i do next
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:16 No.530169955475 me
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:16 No.530169958525 ur mum LOLOLOLOLOL
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:17 No.530169962377 ya mom
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:17 No.530169964528 YOUR MUMM
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:18 No.530169966731 ur mom
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:18 No.530169969337 y0ur mom pl0x
_- MUDK1PZ -_1/15/38(Sat)26:19 No.111111111 i herd u liek mudkipz
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:19 No.530170156329 >>11111111 GTFO NAMEFAG
Anonymous1/15/38(Sat)26:20 No.530170156845 its over 9000!!!!!1111
See Also: The Typical 4Chan User