Mind Chicken

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Mind Chicken will not keep you warm at night, nor will it assimilate well within the parametric parameters. In fact, Justin case you’re a smarty pants, a sort of inane gimlet, a smarmy trebuchet of doubt and entitlement... in short, if you think you’re more clever than the author, well then, you might be right. Would it feel good, being right? Isn’t that the tired line of Baseball come to Siberia, right there in the middle of horrible fires. Siberia, land of trapped methane and Siberians. Apparently Siberia is the worlds greatest source of Siberians.

So if the draft of this article ever, ales it to the links links and pics stage, bulging with male prowess and simple methods of experiencing quadratic equations, the rabbit has ceased to be. That’s right,I have NICHT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’RE DOING RIGHT AWAY.

Radio telescopes retract statements on a regular basis, so don’t get used to it. My advice is to cast out the demons. Using approved methods, of course. Can't have people all Willy mollycoddling the smatterings ov visitrions halving your would exponentially. In fact, forget I said that. Well, wrote that, to be as truthful and factual as possible.

So my other white friend said, “so, hey... I wouldn’t smell that. If it were me. I’m just sayin’. So, listen... just don’t take a big old snort there, is what I’m sayin’. And if you do, I’m not driving you to the hospital. Four times is my limit, driving morons to the hospital every time they eat plastic explosives and batteries, or try to convince chihuahuas to enroll in post grad courses or cancel a subscription to the Watchtower. I’m just tired of it, is all. Just do what you want. I’m going home to get drunk.”

A LETTER TO THE EDITOR[edit | edit source]

No good deed goes unkaizumed. Nor will the unembalmed last forever. Just let that sink in for a moment. Consider the ramjetifications of spatula-crazed redheads roving the streets in search of their next broken. Now many of you will by now be considering whether suicide by syphilis is preferable to reading one more word of this article. Let me assure you... well, I can't assure you of anything, to be real. I mean, who would believe that anything can assure anything. We must just be content to no content in lieu of the loo.

SEE ALSO[edit | edit source]