A kid named finger

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  A bork in progress.  

A kid named finger. "Really, Oscar Wilde?"

“Hey. Bingo. Pull my finger.”

~ Bandit Heeler on the elevator
No Wikipedia.png
Because of their so-called intelligence, the so-called experts at Wikipedia will never have a proper article about A kid named finger. We are sorry they are blatantly retarded.
This article was
too bizarre for Uncyclopedia,
  but Illogicopedia loves random stuff
 Uncyclopedia.png Wiki.png 

Mike is the kid name finger. "Really, Winthorpe?"

Finger loves complits. "Really, Wikipedia?"

Finger likes to see Y'alla Deen cook ring fingers. "Really, Uncle Pete?"

Pull my finger! "F**k off, Bandit!"

Whoever smelt it, dealt it? "Really, Bandit?"

Y'all my nuts are killin' me! "Really, Daula Deen?"

Now this is a toucan. I think I'm just gonna crush him right there. "Really, Y'alla Deen?"

I could smash y'all's heads off! "No way, Daula Deen!"

I know this is boring as a motherf**ker watchin' me do this~ "Really, Y'alla Deen?"

Please gimme some chips! "No one asked, SHIT ASS. Though chips seem good for you."

***farts*** "Smells like life, Bandit. Amazing. I thought it would never end."

fin ger

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