Forum:A dedication
Today at just before 7:30am in Princes Road, Dartford, an 11 year old boy was hit by a bus on his way to school and died.
This boy's name was Matt Hobbs and was walking to school with his brother, Duncan Hobbs, better known here as Testostereich.
I myself find it and am currently finding it incredibly difficult to deal with mortality, so as of yet I can only imagine how this feels to him at the moment.
I sincerely hope that you are OK Duncan, and I can only offer my condolences. Many who knew him referred to him affectionately as "Mini-Duncan" and noted that, like his brother, they couldn't possibly imagine him without a smile on this face.
I hope everyone here can join me in wishing the Hobbs family well and paying respect.
- He was the happiest little guy I knew. Always smiling, just like his brother. All our thoughts are with you Dunc.
- Oh Shit, god, im ever so sorry duncan. This is horrible news, this stuff affects me so badly, augh crap. Im so sorry, i suppose theres nothing i could say that could console a loss like that. --Silent PenguinLeave Me Alone 16:01, 9 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
- My condolences; not really sure what else to say. --Fluffalizer 18:56, 9 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
.... All i can say is sorry and i can't say i know how it feels because the only family members i have ever lost were grandparents, a cat, a turtle, and goldfish. Those are not tragic. They are not even close to losing a brother.--|Fonchezzz| Quacking|
19:42, 9 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
This is terribly tragic news. I extend enormous condolences to Duncan and his family at this time. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 20:55, 9 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
I'm very sorry Duncan, my best mate's Mum died recently. Does this this mean he will leave Illogicopedia? Greatest Respects-Ben Blade 21:10, 9 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
- I think it can be said that he might not be active for a while, but I'm sure Duncan will eventually come back. Again, Duncan, I'm very sorry this happened, and best wishes to you and your family in this horrible time. --Ryan A. Taylor
03:48, 11 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
This is so awful. I'm truly sorry to hear of this horrible loss, Duncan. My condolences to you and your family; we're all with you. --THE 22:13, 9 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
That is... horrible. Duncan, I'm sorry. For your entire family -- you're all good people, though I've never met you. I know how it feels, though. Please be safe, and you have my consolations. --Sir Asema Politics Complaint Inbox or Outbox
Theres not much i can really say, exept that i hope your ok Duncan, and my condolences to you and your family. I have had an auntie die, and was born with both grandads dead, but this must be really horrifying. You have my upmost sympathy.----||Jojo RandomiseIm just plain Quackers!|
23:36, 9 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Oh my goodness... I'm so sorry, Duncan. I am glad you are okay, and I hope you and your family all the best. May Matt rest in peace. - Chicablog 23:34, 10 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Man, that is so sad, I feel so sorry for you. I hope this is the only time something like that happens to someone so close. --Ryan A. Taylor 00:42, 11 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
My dearest Testostereich, though I am a fringe user at best and likely but a shadow in your mind before this tragedy, my deepest condolences are nonetheless with you. While I cannot (and will not) pretend that I know what it feels like to lose someone so young and loved, I do know that the pain of loss can sometimes grow to be unbearable. Just know that you have the deepest sympathies of both me and the fantastic userbase here. Though clearly the Internet is not the best place to lose yourself in this time, know that we'll all be here for you, and when you're ready to come back, you'll be welcomed with open arms. God bless you and your family (unless you don't believe in God, in which case my condolences will do).-Ljlego 02:32, 11 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Duncan, I'm sorry for your terrible loss. Nothing I say would be adequate. Sometimes words simply fail. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry. --MathPoet 02:40, 11 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
- Words fail me. It was an accident, it was instant. Thankyou for the kind tributes, he was a total legend (one of the lucky select few to have brains, wit etc AND motivation to go far), and yes I will keep writing here. It was near unbeareable until my cousin came round (him having been Matt's tent leader at the camp we go to for a few years) and we regaled in the good times. I know everyone gets generic praise when they go, but Matt really did deserve it. Whether it was his legendary performance at a holiday camp in which his oblivious one liner kept the audience laughing constantly for a whole minute (he got a Rory Award for that), or just making a couple of 16 year-olds look very stupid at something, Matt was amazing. For some reason, I don't know why, I'm at peace with it all. -- 10:25, 11 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Well, I prayed for you guys also and uh, ditto what everybody else said here. (It's hard to figure out what to say - that's why I didn't post till now) --Nerd42eMailTalkUnMetaWPediah2g2 21:55, 11 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Its good to know youre ok now.----||Jojo RandomiseIm just plain Quackers!|
21:54, 13 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Jesus, Testes, I really don't know what to say other than I'm so sorry and it's great to see you dealing with it so well. God knows I'd be torn to shreds if something like that ever happened to me... stay strong, man. --~~~~ 22:03, 19 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
- I'd be the same. You've got to remember the good times, though. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 12:46, 20 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)