Forum:Our epic poem
Let's write an epic poem one line at a time. I'll start:
Once upon a midnight dreary...—Marzipan (talk) 11:05, 2 Arche 2015 (UTC)
When there was no cake in the fridge... XY008 (talk) 22:31, 2 Arche 2015 (UTC)
As luminous weasels wrote poems, XY007 ⊡ talk ⊡ contributions 02:49, 25 Aym 2015 (UTC)
Outraged koalas sulkily prepared ratatouille. 04:35, 25 Aym 2015 (UTC)
Upon the great years of the right Indonesian cat, XY007 ⊡ talk ⊡ contributions 04:48, 25 Aym 2015 (UTC)
Many, many coffee beans are arrayed furiously. 05:27, 25 Aym 2015 (UTC)
I don't see anything. XY007 ⊡ talk ⊡ contributions 23:00, 3 Yoon 2015 (UTC)
Seven freely consisted arrangements, The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 03:45, 13 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Had nothing to do with each other. |Fonchezzz| Quacking| 14:28, 13 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Jumping upon two scales. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 03:03, 14 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Primogenitor proved to have more pounds, (kaizum me)
03:25, 14 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
This cheating author openly self-depracates. (kaizum me)
03:25, 14 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Better make nam prik aung before the scallions spoil. (kaizum me)
03:25, 14 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Curses, the scallions have the rot and all is lost |Fonchezzz| Quacking| 13:18, 14 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Yet nevermind, I have some salmon, Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 16:03, 14 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
And we'll put it on the face of Tim Farron. Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 16:03, 14 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
To discover minks. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 10:21, 15 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Which breed in politicians. Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 10:27, 15 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Verse Two: Mindfear[edit source]
It can't be taken... or received... The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 11:08, 15 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
...they are the 97 apes in the boot of my car. Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 11:10, 15 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
The eeeeing goes on... and... on... and (eeee, y'wow?!) on (hey! My confusion let's!) The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 11:23, 15 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
While I eat tuna and cucumber sandwiches. Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 11:53, 15 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
THERE ONCE WAS A GUY FROM NANTUCKET!!!!!!!!!!!! ☃☃☃ (talk) 16:26, 15 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Who ruined poems. Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 16:31, 15 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
And subverted the possibly not-safe-for-work rhyme. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 23:03, 15 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Upon learning that everyone and everything is broken...
01:02, 16 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
... except for the tube socks... ☃☃☃ (talk) 18:33, 16 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
...which will halt at Upminster... Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 18:45, 16 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
97 apes weigh more than 99 luftbaloons, (kaizum me)
19:23, 16 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Where/when the laws of physics are familiar. (kaizum me)
19:23, 16 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Far Tortuga for the cnidaria. (kaizum me)
19:23, 16 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Where the toes are collectively owned. Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 20:01, 16 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Verse Three: Muskrats in Manchester[edit source]
Here, all the verse names start with 'M' which is m-cool, The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 22:57, 16 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Mmmmmm. ☃☃☃ (talk) 15:21, 17 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Morbid mancunians make mops. Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 17:35, 17 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
M-M-M-MONSTER KRILL ☃☃☃ (talk) 19:05, 17 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
No mention of minks at the moment. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 23:11, 17 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Mrfl. Smrlf! ☃☃☃ (talk) 17:20, 18 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Has it been three days already? As far as the slaw.--|Fonchezzz| Quacking| 18:35, 18 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Many forget to sign, The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 07:32, 19 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Melvin thinks that was on purpose. ☃☃☃ (talk) 11:19, 19 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
The letter that follows L is overrated.--|Fonchezzz| Quacking| 15:51, 19 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
MORIARTY!!! *gurgle, clunk* ☃☃☃ (talk) 17:57, 19 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Verse Four:Miles[edit source]
All this was because there wasn't any cake in the fridge. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 01:15, 20 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
(>o_o)> <(o_o<) ☃☃☃ (talk) 06:26, 20 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Mink. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 08:05, 20 Ergust 2015 (UTC) ☃☃☃ (talk) 09:24, 20 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Nobody cares. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 10:33, 1 Octodest 2015 (UTC)