Forum:The one word story game

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Discussion[edit source]

Right everyone knows the drill, you post one or two words at a time and wait for someone else to post before posting again. we will see where this goes.--Seppy 20:51, 25 Arply 2007 (UTC)

"The prose"[edit source]

Well, one time, something ate cheese, but then it began, the cheese eating monster somehow inflating while simultaneously using its flugnoflarbex to perform a mumbling error check. I looked behind him and saw hundreds of gargling saucepans beating on old women. Twisting round I called for a taxi and it's driver gave me a gigantic nose. Looking horrified at him I cut it off and dove out of the car onto the pavement. When I stood up again, the pavement gargled like a squirrel and burped out a massive starfish-flavoured pineapple on fire (it was actually the absence of pineapples on fire). An old woman arrived just in time to ripen helloolleh. She slathered Ben-Gay all over herself and BOOM! BOOM!, the squirrels fired explosive chestnuts. "Fnurdle!" sporked the fork, spooning out.

At the same time, on the other side of town, Faord and Fbord mangled a priest, whose last words were, "SPOONING!!!", and then BENSON lost the power of capitalization, BENSON BETTER!

Kill me please!!!

Okay, but meanwhile, the squirrel mothership arrives over Scotland's most amazing madhouse over-emotional-person-place. However, Nobody Cares. "And because we all love Nobody," nothing will say, "CrackerJack!!!" He will also say that Barney licked President Bush's lollipop which he had taken from an islamic baby, whose father promptly whacked Charlie Chaplin while monster eradication took place.

Four miles inland, Charlie Rose rose from a yella-bellied cabinet and stabbed the gibbering mop with ominous toxic pickles! "Obnoxious!" screamed Pai, biting the left-handed postman with a postal grin all twisted like and/or -ish styled mocking, while Pai became transcendentally transparent (at least, to delusional hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobes), in harmony with Barry Scott and his harmony with about fifty yellow acres of a mysterious slimy yellow substance.

Breezeblock Gingerly became adamant. Confuddled, shaking with fear and barely able to be invisible, Breezeblock inserted trained cockroaches into the nearby cerebrum. Wonderboy spilled his brains all over the desk as he awakened in the crevass, only Early Morning Television could save him from Silent Penguin's Bogus Journey. The Govenator Venetian snares the magical Delorian Time Machine in its tentacley grasp and crushes the delorian, which disappears in a puff of smoke. Meanwhile, inside the Delorian a safe place dimensionally, everything started to get bigger and more plant-like. Quacker faced didn't eat plum pudding off of Aunt-Bessie's World Famous Scale Rot because there was a shortage in methods with the local cheese representative. He tried to lubricate his babies using toothpaste, but that misrabaly failed after his pet hamsters head fell off. The hamster was critical because Charizard had just taken off his clothes and farted a critical mass of tissue paper all over the.. ...naked fishy

And now a word from our sponsor: Hoolrackqqq. Hoolrackqqq had often removed the atomic clock, thinking the Russians wouldn't shake off the radiation. Unfortunately cheese isn't the capital of yodelling. It ate the pretentious pile of curdenfnimfle in full view of all the Mexicans. Making vulnerable movements towards children, Michael Jackson was in all honesty a little scared.

Meanwhile on a bear's chest of cozy hair, Teddington Smithe VII was chillin' with da hunnies. Suddenly, ducks imploded, covering THE WORLD's overbearing mother goose with hair. Ironically, this was ultimately goose hair. Semen leaked from the tap, slowly.

Posters[edit source]