Tom and Jerry

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Tom (2000 B.C.-2006 A.D.)

Jerry (1999 B.C.-2006 A.D.; 2006 A.D.-present)

Tom and Jerry has encouraged many children that violence is okay.

Tom and Jerry were known as the greatest entertainment duo of all time. They were the first ever since the fall of Moses and Aaron.

First life, Egypt (Old Kingdom) and Greece[edit | edit source]

Their start was in Egypt after The Great Plague. Tom was Pharaoh while Jerry was eating fruit. Tom nearly broke his tail and starting chasing Jerry around the Palace. Since Egyptians were cat-worshippers, they loved Tom and they wanted Jerry to be part of the duo.

1000 years later, when Greece came and poured grease all over Egypt, they took Tom and Jerry over to Greece so that they could become love-slaves to Venus. But Tom broker her arms and Tom went to Hades for 7 years. After Alexander conquered Greece for himself, he brought back Tom out of Hades and Tom and Jerry were reunited.

2nd life, Roman empire[edit | edit source]

Tom and Jerry had a great fame until the Fall of The Roman Empire. The new leader burned Tom because he was a Witch. So for revenge, Jerry ate contaminated mushrooms and brought The Black Plague on Europe.

3rd Life, Renaissance[edit | edit source]

In 1300's Dante walked into Hell and brought Tom back from the dead. Tom coughed up a big Hairball and The Black Plague ended. But it wasn't until 1517 when Martin Luther made Tom a conqueror of the Thirty Years War.

In 1620, Tom and Jerry took their show to America. Along with them were The poet, the farmer, the magician, the scientist, the physician, and the so-called other Gods.

In 1629, Tom was fined for chasing mice on Sundays. And the Pilgrims called him a witch. They Crucified Tom for his crime and went back to hell.

4th Life, American Revolution[edit | edit source]

In 1776, George Washington declared war against Britain and Tom came back as a Redcoat by air. Paul Revere killed Tom with his horse. And Tom returned to Hell again.

5th Life, American Civil War[edit | edit source]

In 1865, Jerry lived in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania with Abraham Lincoln. Tom attempted to kill Lincoln at Henry Ford's Theater when Lincoln was watching the play Cars. It was there when John Wilkes Booth killed Tom, thinking that he was the President.

6th life, a new Century[edit | edit source]

In 1901 at the Shriners Convention in Buffalo, where a Polish Guy wounded McKinnley. But it was when Tom and Jerry did a Minstrel Show that Kanye West shot Tom and William McKinnley. McKinnley was recovered, but Tom didn't.

7ht Life, WWII.[edit | edit source]

1934 Jerry and Tom worked in Germany when Hitler ruled and as excuse, they used Donald Duck's Nazi-movie. Tom Commanded the invasion of France, and after it he was the guardian of Auschwitz, where over 700,000 Jews died. in 1945, they was in the bunker where Hitler died. Jerry surrendered, and was POW in 4 years. Tom was shot by Stalin's soldiers, who thought tom was a anti-anti-Nazi.

8th Life, JFK[edit | edit source]

In 1963, the day before The Beatles came to America, John F. Kennedy was in Dallas. This time, it was Tom who was the killer. He shot JFK and Martin Luther King at the same time. The next day, he was in Soviet Union giving the [[Egg Salad]recipe to Boris and Natasha. That was when Hitler shot Tom for being a Communist.

Final Life, London Calls[edit | edit source]

In 2006, Tom and Jerry got busted in London for smoking opium in front of the children. Mammy saw all this and called the police to arrest them for encouraging children to smoke especially on Television.

On December 14, 2006, Tom and Jerry died from an overdose in an opium den. Their legacy of their cartoons are now banned from the airwaves because of their racist remarks, usage of smoking, drinking, using drugs, painting graffiti and sex.

Tom was resurrected by a voodoo sorcerer along with Saddam Hussein and was last seen shaking his furry butt at a male strip club.

Jerry's corpse got stolen by the Borg, who brought him back to life with intent to assimilate him. He escaped, however, and stole one of their starships and went to Venus and bought the planet for all the money.

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

Tom is in work for Saddam Hussein in New York City so they can take over the paradise with chemical weapon. Jerry is living on Venus, because he heard Venus is "Hot" (many hot chicks) but in fact it is "hot" (very very warm). he had no money anymore, and had not even afford to move to Ganymedes.

In 2007, Iran has threatened Tom and Jerry because it made Jews look good. But Mel Brooks said that Iran never looked better in Hollywood.

In 2008, jerry paid a visit to Planet mouse, and he got the money by giving his DNA to a cloning-factory, so now it is millions of jerry's working as slaves in Europe. After Saddam Hussein's Death, Tom has been a gaming-master in Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2.

Tom and Jerry reunioned in February 2009 when it was a fight about the latest Nintendo game. They were very happy. Tom got another 9 lives and now it is going on again. Will it ever end? hopefully no.