User talk:Clujikostu
So anyway, this is a pseudo-official greeting from a user who may or may not be an admin/sysop/werewolf, so here come the obligatory links to pages to help you out and tell you "Don't be teh vandal kthx":
The rules, such as "ROFL KILL THE BABIESN'T PLZN'T (notn't)" are here. People breaking the rules will have a koala thrown at them, and may also possibly receive a Chinese burn. So, that's all for now... Please be nice, make great articles and help contribute to our community in any way possible: e.g. template making, voting for articles or users, et cetera.
By the sword of Frunobulax I bid you welcome. You may bring reptiles into the common areas. The bathroom sink is clogged, so don't use it. Other-dimensional beings, phantasms and supernatural creatures may attempt to interfere with your work here. Simply ignore them, for they are completely imaginary. And not like the square root of minus one. This train of thought has been brought to you by Adult Swim, proud sponsor of the illogical and unreasonable since some time in the 90s. (kaizum me)
16:31, 10 Farbleum 2017 (UTC)
Don't copy and paste stuff into Illogicopedia from another source and call it an article (AdultSwim)[edit source]
(kaizum me)
03:12, 11 Farbleum 2017 (UTC)
One can continually wonder as to why it is called "Nevermind the Bollocks"[edit source]
Why would I be accused of such a nefarious activity like this!? Surely it wasn't me who was stealing bags of a powder made out of mummified dolphins, now, right? Because I would rather drink from a jar of fermented alien fetuses rather than succumbing to such an egregious accusation! I fear nothing!
I cannot explain why there's an ominous green glow emanating from the ceiling here, or the fact that there might be the occasional shriek of a hyena on Wednesdays, and I certainly cannot explain the bloodstains at the golden altar we have in the back, but nonetheless, welcome to Illogicopedia. We do not offer any complementary food services here because we're always short on moose meat, but I heard that they serve hyena on Wednesdays.
It's like I was meant to be a developing embryo. Maybe I was just too hairy for the part. E-Vile!
Oh, and there's this blue monstrosity. Courtesy of some jerk in Kyrgyzstan.
Whether it's through compulsory community service for crimes we won't go into or just personal choice, you've just joined illogicopedia. First and foremost, may I take your coat *rifles through the pockets*. This greeting if not nailed to your forehead (or applied forcefully with No More Nails) is most likely from an admin/werewolf/Jonas the Happy Vandal/Sysop which makes it excellent, so RELAX. Now we're all relaxed, I'll quickly get through the bits you need to know (rules and where to go etc, and my bribe of course):
Never trust your waffles. Those are some stranger things, I tell you.
04:31, 11 Farbleum 2017 (UTC)
- Excellent job of welcoming Clujikostu to our little wiki. I've been meaning to discuss the perpetual moose meat shortage. Oh, and the hyena stores are all Belching Hyena, a very tough meat. Those wooden casks in the kitchen next to the puffer fish tank are filled with Belching Hyena that's been cured for 68 days, and is now marinating. Cheers.
(kaizum me)
02:53, 21 Farbleum 2017 (UTC))
- Excellent job of welcoming Clujikostu to our little wiki. I've been meaning to discuss the perpetual moose meat shortage. Oh, and the hyena stores are all Belching Hyena, a very tough meat. Those wooden casks in the kitchen next to the puffer fish tank are filled with Belching Hyena that's been cured for 68 days, and is now marinating. Cheers.