User talk:Hindleyite/Archive7

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This page is an archive.
Its content is not current, nor is it currants. Warning, may contain raisins, nuts, or even cheese.

Congratulations!![edit source]

Congrats! You've won the Awesome user box. This user box is only for awesome users. You can put it on your page if you'd like.

Awesome!!.PNG This user is AWESOME!!!

Awesome-a Bin Laden! I mean, er... (notices it's 11th Sep...) thanks. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:15, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Could you...[edit source]

Add apocapedia to Illogicopedia's sister projects? Thanks, meester. --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 01:10, 13 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Dude[edit source]

you're beating me to reverting everything, lol. great job. and we SERIOUSLY need to appoint an extra admin or two. MetalFlower.jpg 11:32, 13 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

And we need to get some checkuser stuff going on so we can rangeblock that vandal. MetalFlower.jpg 11:36, 13 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Hah, I just right click/new windowed all the 'ghost' links in his contribs. Did you see what he did to the main page? It was quite cool :D -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:37, 13 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
hehe. yeah, we can't say we don't get imaginative vandals... well imaginative to an extent, it was rather repetitive and did use /b/tard memes :P MetalFlower.jpg 11:39, 13 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
As for checkuser, we do have Uberfuzzy the janitor but he's already said there isn't much he can do about it. I know Uncyc has done rangeblocks in the past, it's certainly something worth looking into. Time to report it to Wikia, or deal with this ourselves? I wanna dish out some Grawp curry with sprinklings of BobThatHead flesh... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:48, 13 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Hey what the fock have you got against me? Is it cos' I'm black? -- SOME GUY whatever (UTC)
No, it's because you exist you chump! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! whenever, beeyatch (UTC)
Cant we settle this over toasted tea cakes?? -- SOME GUY whatever (UTC)
Make that hot chocolate and Penguins and you have a deal. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:00, 16 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

templates[edit source]

Check out the new and improved death template! Oh and che --HUGE BOB 17:49, 13 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Yes, the Death template looks better now! I am liking these images you are making... hope you don't mind I changed the one on {{User banned}} slightly. Think I will make a category for Huge Bob images. Do you mind? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:52, 15 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
If anything it looks better and no, don't mind --HUGE BOB 12:55, 15 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I'm putting all your original artwork in there, mostly the drawn stuff just to let you know. :) -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:10, 15 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Heya! THE NEW GAMESHOW![edit source]

I'll ask the questions here! THE GAMESHOW is out!!!!! Could you put it on the site notice?? Oh, and if you want, feel free to join!

The link is here Thanks. --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 13:08, 15 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Put in the sitenotice. [thumbs up] -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 15:29, 15 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Strangely, it doesn't seem to be showing up for me. I tried it with a different computer, doesn't seem to work either. Does it work for you, or is it just me? --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 12:43, 16 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Could you change the thing on the site notice from "it's a gameshow" to "it's started" so that all the contestants know? Ya. --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 07:16, 21 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Youtube videos[edit source]

How do I insert a you tube vid, hindleg? --HUGE BOB 14:54, 15 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Simple, my dear wotsit. <youtube>Vid code</youtube>. Example is here. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 15:28, 15 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
ta --HUGE BOB 15:37, 15 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Problem Editing[edit source]

The site will not let me edit my article The Return of the Pumpkin King because of some "spam filter". Can you fix it?

T3 00:18, 16 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

I had this problem too, wouldn't let me use multiple 'big' tags for the same reason. My guess is that Wikia have bumped up their spam prevention policy. There might be a way round it, what is the message it's giving you? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:01, 16 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Same here. I had it while editing my I'll ask the questions here!. had to changer it into one 'big' tag. Do they allow two or is one the max? --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 12:03, 16 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I'm not sure, but you can get round it using this tag, I'd guess:
<p style="font-size:150%;line-height:100%"> Text </p>



Where you can change the font size by altering the percentage (say, 150% for enlarged text). Also, you can mess around with the line height. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:07, 16 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

That's a bit large...

--Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 12:45, 16 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

clubnormal drive mute[edit source]

Do you think this could be EPIC soon? HUGE BOB 18:11, 16 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

I would EPIC it. But I'm not an admin....YET.... T3 01:15, 17 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Not EPIC yet, has to be of obscenely long proportions, like larger than 35kb.
And let me say that having the EPIC tag doesn't necessarily mean it's a good article. I have never written any 'Epics' because I generally don't have the patience and I fear the vast majority of the visitors to this site wouldn't be bothered to read it all either. The cows are acting suspicious and Bcbkye are my all time favourites on Illogic and they can be read in a minute - long doesn't always mean quality. Just a note to everyone who plans to write an epic just for the sake of it. Fnurdletoot and cahoot me boots! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:38, 17 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
@T3: Choosing an admin is proving difficult. We are reluctant to take on too many admins because we fear things'll become like Uncyc and it'll be a contest for deletion. The ideal candidate should be sensible and preferably non-deletionist. Double fnurdletoot me boots! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:40, 17 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
/passes by/ remember, Buddha says: "EPICs must be narrative!" MetalFlower.jpg 12:25, 17 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Wow, Bud said that? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:30, 17 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Do ya think I'll ask the questions here! could possibly become an epic. It's already extremely long and it's only 'bout half way done. Madness, I tell ya! --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 12:50, 17 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Possibly. Testicles and MMF are the EPICsperts - they shall tell thee if thine article hath Epiceth statuseth! Eth eth eth! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:51, 17 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Clubnormal drive is pretty mental though, innit? Oh and if I got to be admin I certainly wouldn't be deletionist. --HUGE BOB 15:08, 17 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Eth Eth Eth! No no no! De-lee-tionist! Yup, that's some mental stuff all right. --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 03:21, 18 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Hey, you gonna be on IRC? --HUGE BOB 13:31, 18 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Maybe, maybe not. I can go on today... have a time in mind? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:14, 19 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Whenever i'm on IRC, most of the time the only person there is Seppy. Yes, Seppy. --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 15:01, 19 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Feature?[edit source]

Hey, Hindley, why did you feature an article that was only just queued? It's supposed to be in date order, earliest first... 15:26, 18 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Oops, forgot to log in :p MetalFlower.jpg 15:27, 18 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I wuz going off date nominated, which I usually do anyhow. Going off date queued would take longer! One extra click per article to be precise... my fingers cannot take that much clicking. Clicking I tells ya! :-p -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:14, 19 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
What version of photoshop do you use hindley? --HUGE BOB 17:49, 19 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
7.0, cos I paid for it. I might get a newer version if I can be bothered, or even bovvered. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:31, 20 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I just got elements 5.0. Free in this capitalist world! --HUGE BOB 12:08, 20 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
We had Elements at school. That was freaking ages ago though, probably version 0.2 or something. It sucked for the most part though it was cool using the school computer. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:43, 21 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Need-to-know basis...[edit source]

It's me, the evil banana. What conditioner do you use for your feathers? I'm running out of dog spit. And anyway, how come I can't contribute to the DYK thing. A lot of things have changed around here... Are you online now? I bet you are! HELLO DER!!! Darkgenome 17:55, 19 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC), From down da halliway! (OMG, da clocks a hour beehind! O_o)

De front page is protected cos there was a vandal. Might be back to normal now, I think. Also, yes, I am online now but I was not at 17:55, 19 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC) cos I was watching stupid videos on YouTube, mostly. The time is an hour behind because I can't be bothered to get the clock down from the wall - it's very hard to put up again. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:41, 20 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Goodtoknow. Also something else which is good to know, I'm stealing ur codez from ur user pages. Just so I know what the hell to do. Darkgenome 11:55, 20 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
That's OK, I steal a lot of codes too. Howd'ya think I got my BA? Also, did Uncyclepedia really kick you out? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:57, 20 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Nah, eyes just saying that coz the actual way in which I left is boring. I'm gonna pimp my sig! Darkgenome 11:00, 21 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Cool. Need any help? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:40, 21 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

howzat zen?[edit source]

Forum has been pimped up a bit, i was gettin bored of it, lookin a bit better now :D --Seppy 18:03, 20 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Augh, it would appear unvisited no new comments links dont get any icon still :( --Seppy 18:05, 20 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Tis workin now. Any chance you could make it a different colour? Looks a bit too similar to the blue one. Also, pimpage! Maybe we could use banana icons instead... :) -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:35, 21 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
dunno, you can always have a go, i just made them a similar colour to the links to reduce in image noise, but if you want to, you can upload different ones, and change the image location to the new one, assuming mediawiki changes them.--Seppy 13:03, 21 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Gold Stars[edit source]

Do I get one now for my image? Just wondering... Readmesoon (The Desperate Book) 10:21, 10 Arche 2025

Yep. Also, a lot of the time admins forget to allocate em so don't be afraid to ask for stars when you've had a feature. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:33, 21 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Sandelism[edit source]

Orr....vandelism. A new vandal is kahoot. His name is Stopit. I say we stop-it. Geddit? BWAHAHAHA! Stopit? Stop it? serious. He just blanked out a whole page with tipex. --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 10:00, 21 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Hmm, might give him the benefit of the doubt FOR NOW... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:38, 21 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Center of the oceean[edit source]

Or rather, center of my userpage. I wanna align this thing at top o mah userpage to the centre of the screyun but it is being a pain in the jacks eee. im starting to believe that it is no possible. HEEEELLYUP! Wut do I do? DG |Chatty Chaps| 11:53, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Actually I've just found out how to do it. Heh. DG |Chatty Chaps| 11:55, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I had a go, might be fixed now -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:59, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Power yak[edit source]

So a yak with terminators head on it? Drawn or photoshop? --BOB | yak art 15:27, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

A drawing please, Mr Bob! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 15:27, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Cant I do some kind of other yak? Like one who has several guns? --BOB | yak art 15:30, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Yep,a yak with guns and shades would be cool. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 15:33, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)


Sorry about only one gun --BOB | yak art 15:54, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Yeah. That is going on my userpage. Thanks Bob! :-D -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:02, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
You could edit it in photoshop to make it look better --BOB | yak art 16:09, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I think I'm going to colourise it using Illustrator. That would make it even more awesome... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:10, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Its ironic isn't it? We yak to the point of no return and yet I make this picture. Weird. --BOB | yak art 16:12, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Yak yak yak! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:22, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Order 'O' The paperclip[edit source]

I gave myself the order of the paperclip class 2. Remove it if I'm not worthy. Think I am... T3

Nah, you are indeed worthy. Or is that wprthy? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:46, 24 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Yeah! Wprthy! -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 19:46, 5 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Wpppppppprthy! [Chewbacca impression again] -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 20:32, 5 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

EPIC[edit source]

Should this be an EPIC? i mean, it is pretty long... Readmesoon (The Desperate Book) 10:21, 10 Arche 2025

Maybe. Testiscles and MMF are the Epicsperts - see what they say about it. TBH, in my opinion, it's just a template... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:44, 24 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

IRK![edit source]

Get yo ass on it more :D, i forget what the hell you are like when you arn't there :P --Seppy 16:30, 23 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

What's that supposed tae mean then? :) -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:43, 24 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Meow --Seppy 11:52, 24 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
The barnyard animal noises game is fun! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:00, 24 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Stop dodging going on IRC, you know you love it really, you will make duncan sad if you dont. --Seppy 12:38, 24 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Ooh! Trouble in admin paradise! --BOB | yak art 15:28, 24 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Heh, well, i was saying to Duncan earlier how the channel is partly dead becuase the admins no longer go on it when its active, but I specifically wanted to discuss several things with The man himself :D --Seppy 20:39, 24 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Who's duncan? --BOB | yak art 05:42, 25 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
That's Testostereich. :P (me&him&HelloolleH go to the same school, although HelloolleH left not that long ago, a few months or something. Speaking of which, I need to force him to get being more active on here again!) ColourfulMetalFlower.jpgMMF!talk←/→admin(:D) 08:42, 25 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Ah, now I get it! So what about hindley? --BOB | yak art 15:10, 25 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I'm doing other stuff, like, real life things but I'll try and make an effort to get onto IRC duringt' week. Also, my real name is Shiznit von Scuzzlebutt. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 20:06, 27 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

?pedian of the month[edit source]

Who are you voting for? Because it will decide who wins. I think. I have 5 and somwhat has 6. Erm. Thanks, -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 20:19, 26 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

He's voting for Readmesoon. I don't blame him though. If you didn't write Flub Nugget I'd be voting for RMS, too. --T3
Of course, I do actually have another vote under the rules of voting. However I choose not to use it, for that would be downright unfair! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:56, 27 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

HTML is ANOYING[edit source]

Right, you know that ID card thing ave done on mi userpage? well ah want it aligning t'center at top of da paige and I dunno what fert do fert make it do what I want it fert do. wut do i dO? DG |Chatty Chaps| 18:37, 27 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Let's see, there's two ways of doing it:

Method one[edit source]

Oh cool, this is in the center!

Method two[edit source]

this is also in the centre and this bit is rollover text. Cool beans eh?

Course, you can change the image size and that by messing around with the coding, which you can just copy n paste. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:59, 27 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Yer! Thanks a bundle dood! By the way, howcome you have two user accounts? One Hindleyite and the other HindleyYak? Makes things comfuzion sometimes! DG |Chatty Chaps| 20:24, 27 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I was using Hindleyak to test out the New Monaco skin a while ago. You see, every time I changed the skin using my Hindleyite account, it changed the site-wide settings as well. Sucky eh? So, I made a doppelgänger account to mess around with that stuff. You know what, I think I'm going to redirect User:Hindleyak. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:30, 28 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Waaaaah![edit source]

Pleeze play something else uther than Don't Go Away on your geetar! :( Have you not learned Stairway To Heaven yet? :P DG |Chatty Chaps| 12:05, 28 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

No. Cos I need more time, cos I need more time... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:53, 29 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Im sure you've been playing it since yesterday. Over and over again. Wake up brain, he's playing that same song again! *clotheslines Hindleyite and then gives him the stinker* DG |Chatty Chaps| 13:37, 29 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Darkgenome knows Hindleyak IRL?--Seppy 17:07, 2 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Maybe yes, maybe no. Actually yes. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:45, 3 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

I'm kind of new I know some people like Readmesoon. Please leave me some messages on my talk page. ~ King Wib (bread) 22:41, 29 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Thanks. My pages needed it. ~ King Wib (bread) 13:24, 30 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Uh...[edit source]

Americans wont get Carl the community support officer. BOB | yak art 15:40, 1 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Meh, I don't get The Sun. No really, I get The Mirror. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:56, 2 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Seriously(?) though, the comics are brill and I loved Carl the Community Support Officer. Oh, and I hope you don't mind me using your yak pic (the one on my userpage) for a forthcoming YouTube channel icon? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:19, 4 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

IllogiForum project[edit source]

I'm thinking of making a forum for Illogicopedia named the IllogiForum. Whadday think? --Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW! 07:38, 2 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Hmm, not really much point when there's the Proboards Forum; it's currently locked, though, because we want all discussion to go on at the wiki forum. We had a big discussion just over a year ago about whether to stay at Proboards or move it to the wiki. It was decided that the wiki would be more practical, which is the correct decision, methinks. I keep wishing every so often we were still on the old forum though... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:55, 2 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
The old forum is a little more finished in terms of its code, but it was: 1. off site 2. used by only around 40% of the users and 3. posts didn't show up in recent changes, hence we collectively decided to go with the wiki based one.--Seppy 17:00, 2 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Hello it's me agains![edit source]

Bet yer getting annoyed at me leaving you messages every time I come on here. I'm trying to find a template which has an award format which i can 'borrow' the code from... i cant find any when i want em! :( do you know of any anywhere? DG |Chatty Chaps| 17:37, 4 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Depends what kindo template you want - there's simple ones like {{Nutrigrain}} which you can just copy the code from, but there's a load of different types, like {{IOTM}}, which is right aligned and puts all pages with the template in the Illogicopedian of the Month winners' category. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:42, 5 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Re:Yo[edit source]

I have fixed my sig. I took parts of T3po's sig and Ben's to format it. It now features 2 pics of Chewie! [it is not spelled Chewy, it is speled Chewie!, refering to your boast of being "not chewy". Lol, also I would like a drawing like the yak on your page of chewbacca, with his bowcaster. Could u contact huge bob or who ever can make the pic for me? Thanks, -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 19:43, 5 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

It's looking pretty mint now, Chewie. Maybe I could call you Chewster or Chewmeister? I can indeed contact Bob and ask him though he'd probably do it for you if you ask him anyway: from what I gather he's eager to draw stuff. Man, I've got to get one of those drawing tablets... -- Still not Chewy, or Chewie either 20:31, 5 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
I created a article Chewbacca. It took me like almost and hour maybe 45 minutes to write.-- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 21:05, 5 Octodest 2008 (UTC) ps i also drew a pic of chewie and its on my user page, until bob makes a better awesome one.
The Chewbacca article is cool: I like the info box and pic. Certainly is random, too, like something off of Family Guy. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:03, 6 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Fanks![edit source]


Basicly, cheers hindleyite.--{{SUBST:nosubst|User:TheBladester/sig}} 15:53, 6 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Hehehehehe.... that's OK! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:01, 6 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

How's this for your funny block logs?[edit source]

"15:57, Octodest 3, 2008 MrMetalFLower (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Testostereich (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least 9188 seconds ‎ (1 second for each edit you've made, dickface :P bet you don't use "show preview" or anything. :P) (unblock)"

Lawl ^^ ColourfulMetalFlower.jpgMMF!talk←/→admin(:D) 11:38, 7 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
It's going on there now! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:43, 7 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Oh noes! I've made two more times the amount of that for h'edits. H'Am doooomed. DOOOOMED!!! By the way, whats the hellums is going on with the featured article thing. When does it renew again for other articles to be featured?

Request[edit source]


Could you create an image of Chewbacca for me? It appears bob hasn't been active for a few weeks or so. If you made the logo for hitchhikers, mischief, and illogic, it should be fairly easy for you. If you can could you finish it by today, thanks. -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels19:54, 10 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

I could have a go, getting a bit late now. If I remember, I will have a go tomorrow using my newly purchased drawing tablet! Also, yeah... dunno where Bob is right now. Doing more important things no doubt. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 21:29, 10 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
sick, u got that thing bob has? awesome -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels
I have made a start on your image... currently says "The Artist Formerly Known as RFK" on his t-shirt... would you prefer a different phrase? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 21:47, 10 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Heh, it's great. Upload it so i can see what it looks like so far.-- 22:27, 10 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

Illogigorilla![edit source]

What do you think? I probably need to add to it, but how's it for the time being? User:TheBladester/sig 22:42, 10 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

IRK![edit source]

sake man.--Seppy 16:16, 11 Octodest 2008 (UTC)

There is a very good reason why I haven't been going on IRC lately. That is the fact that once I join I end up staying for hours and my pet gorilla gets touchy when I forget to feed him. He once ate the television set. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:40, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Yeah, and i need to take my pet rock for walks, nothin wrong with staying for hours :D --Seppy 12:31, 13 Octodest 2008 (UTC)