Forum:My signature

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So, I'm thinking of changing my signature. But I don't know what to change, except for one thing everybody keeps telling me to get rid of that I will NEVER get rid of, EVER!!! MWAHAHAHAHAA! (A hundred Illogidollars to whoever guesses what it is first!)
Also, why isn't anybody entering the Klingon logo contest? ~[thehappyspaceman] Dan the HedgehogThe Happy infodiscussioncontributionsenter the contest NOW!!!WTF?! Klingon IllogicopediaCaptain AnonymousTHE GRAFFITI WALL (beta version)IllogiNews: Snakes on a PlaneAn Article That Redirects To ItselfUnMDThe most important tutorial ever. 18:13, 25 Yoon 2011 (UTC)

With your signature, please get rid of the flashy image. It's really annoying. I'm sorry, but it's true. Also, why do you type in a different font? It breaks up the page for no apparent reason. Rather than having a fluid conversation, your comments stick out way too much (not saying your comments shouldn't stick out...). And with the logo contest, no one's entering because of two reasons (both of which apply to me). 1. Because they can't make pictures worth shiite. (my MS Paint skills have been known to offend) or 2. They are not Star Trek fans [and have never even gotten through a full episode]... the part in brackets only applies to me, probably. So there are your answers. Bam. --T3 18:22, 25 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
Well, you guessed it. Here are your 100 Illogidollars! (But I'm still not removing the flashy [ths] image, NEVER!!! Though the external links in my signature are kind of annoying, because I get that "To prevent spam type the answer to this math problem" thingy.)
And I type in Times New Roman because I feel like it. Plus, it's my favorite font. (I like it better than Sans.
Alas, I have nothing to say about the Klingon contest. Seems Star Trek is out of style and "Grand Theft Auto" or whatever is IN style. But you'll read more about that in my next page, "101 Ways to Prove that Devolution is True." ~[thehappyspaceman] Dan the HedgehogThe Happy infodiscussioncontributionsenter the contest NOW!!!WTF?! Klingon IllogicopediaCaptain AnonymousTHE GRAFFITI WALL (beta version)IllogiNews: Snakes on a PlaneAn Article That Redirects To ItselfUnMDThe most important tutorial ever. 18:39, 25 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
Dan, with all due respect, why did you make a forum topic about changing your signature when you refuse to change the only real problem with your signature. Also, don't insinuate that I don't watch Star Trek because I mindlessly kill people on Grand Theft Auto or something. I don't watch Star Trek because I'm not terribly interested in it (though I do love Star Wars... but that's neither here nor there). So yeah. Summary: Image = Bad, Me = Not stupid for not watching Star Trek. --T3 20:10, 25 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
K.O--Ben Blade 21:17, 25 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
I understand your criticism, T3, but what I was really looking for was people telling me if it should be shorter (e.g. get rid of links for YouTube, dA and other articles). Because as I said, external links in my signature are kind of annoying, because I get that "To prevent spam type the answer to this math problem" thingy. But things are beginning to go too far-- Silent Penguin just changed my sig to try to get rid of the image WITHOUT ME KNOWING ABOUT IT, so y'know, maybe I could replace the image with one that wouldn't give as much of a headache. Are either of the following links good? link1 link2 ~[thehappyspaceman] Dan the HedgehogThe Happy infodiscussioncontributionsenter the contest NOW!!!WTF?! Klingon IllogicopediaCaptain AnonymousTHE GRAFFITI WALL (beta version)IllogiNews: Snakes on a PlaneAn Article That Redirects To ItselfUnMDThe most important tutorial ever. 22:18, 25 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
Silent Penguin changed your signature because it messes up pages it is on for some people. This isn't a matter of preference; it's a matter of you're screwing up people's pages. --T3 22:20, 25 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
Oh shit, Dan's screwing with seppy. Oh man, he doesn't know what's coming...--Ben Blade 22:25, 25 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
Well, it's not like he's the ultimate admin or something... right? Oh crap. Anyways, I'm uploading a less flashier version of the image anyway. ~[thehappyspaceman] Dan the HedgehogThe Happy infodiscussioncontributionsenter the contest NOW!!!WTF?! Klingon IllogicopediaCaptain AnonymousTHE GRAFFITI WALL (beta version)IllogiNews: Snakes on a PlaneAn Article That Redirects To ItselfUnMDThe most important tutorial ever. 22:42, 25 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
Phew! I made a new sig! And just in time, too. I was afraid for a second there that Seppy was gonna ban me. ~[thehappyspaceman] Dan the HedgehogThe Happy infodiscussioncontributionsWTFacronyms?! tlhPoodleC.A.T.G.W.CheesesSnakesRedirectUnMDHT:G.Y.F.T.G.T.F.A.F.Y. 22:50, 25 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
That's good. --T3 23:18, 25 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
But seriously, though, why don't any of you guys like Star Trek? The thing is, Star Trek's really just about the bods. Who could possibly resist this? Or this? Or, best of all, this? ~[thehappyspaceman] Dan the HedgehogThe Happy infodiscussioncontributionsWTFacronyms?! tlhPoodleC.A.T.G.W.CheesesSnakesRedirectUnMDHT:G.Y.F.T.G.T.F.A.F.Y. 06:08, 26 Yoon 2011 (UTC)

MY signature[edit source]

It's so neat! —rms talk 06:04, 26 Yoon 2011 (UTC)

meh ~[thehappyspaceman] Dan the HedgehogThe Happy infodiscussioncontributionsWTFacronyms?! tlhPoodleC.A.T.G.W.CheesesSnakesRedirectUnMDHT:G.Y.F.T.G.T.F.A.F.Y. 06:08, 26 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
So minimal.... so elegant..... so........ Readmesoon!rms talk 06:14, 26 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
I'd say I liked it, but we still have that feud, so... y'know. Also, what about the section above? ~[thehappyspaceman] Dan the HedgehogThe Happy infodiscussioncontributionsWTFacronyms?! tlhPoodleC.A.T.G.W.CheesesSnakesRedirectUnMDHT:G.Y.F.T.G.T.F.A.F.Y. 06:17, 26 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
tl;dr —rms talk 06:27, 26 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
Under my by-law no. 501(c)(3) you cannot be egocentric when I am around. Who cares, MY SIG'S BETTER THAN YOURS! LOLOLOLOLHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLHAHAHAHA!!!!!! In fact though, Mr. Rimjobmesoon, you could incur a £9,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 fine. Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 06:59, 26 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
My signature seems to look different, depending on what browser you're using. Is the red bit in my sig a Square or an Oval for you guys?--Ben Blade 09:29, 26 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
Square- Google Chrome. Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 10:46, 26 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
moz border radius? That only works with firefox, mon. That's not even the standard css property. Use radius. And that. And the webkit one. And... well, actually, IE is beyond me. ~ Pointy.png 12:16, 26 Yoon 2011
There is a border-radius property which the latest versions of a few browsers now support, along with some proprietary ones for -webkit, -moz and possibly -o.--Seppy 13:20, 27 Yoon 2011 (UTC)

My signature[edit source]

Is shorter. ~ Pointy.png 13:56, 26 Yoon 2011

That's for sure. ~[thehappyspaceman] Dan the HedgehogThe Happy infodiscussioncontributionsWTFacronyms?! tlhPoodleC.A.T.G.W.CheesesSnakesRedirectUnMDHT:G.Y.F.T.G.T.F.A.F.Y. 20:29, 27 Yoon 2011 (UTC)

My signature, on the other hand, is the awesomest.[edit source]

Believe it. - NotReallyMyUsername t c u 22:06, 10 Ditzimber 2011 (UTC)

Noodles!--Noodles2.jpg ~ Noodles! 23:08, 10 Ditzimber 2011 (UTC)
Why does everyone have to brag about their sig? And by the way, it looks boring if you ask me. Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 09:14, 11 Ditzimber 2011 (UTC)
Some people have nice ones. Like Gruntled. His is nice. And I'd say Kirby is on the right track with that one, too. ~ Pointy.png 16:24, 11 Ditzimber 2011